Use "cryptical" in a sentence
cryptical example sentences
1. 'It's like that is it?' he went on cryptically
2. Whoever built this thing would be indeed quite an eccentric if any door would be cryptically lying in an obscure, random position
3. A scientific hypothesis has to be at least potentially refutable with reference to data,” said Charles somewhat cryptically
4. Jesus Christ cryptically (I’ll not attempt to delve into the theories for the peculiarities of this statement here) said…
5. 'All substance is one to him who holds the key of the cosmos,' he said cryptically
6. 'It was not a shadow, at least,' answered Conan cryptically
7. A great black mass of mystery, it reared cryptically against the moonlit sky
8. “Can’t remember," she said cryptically
9. It was very effective the way the horns all started to blow at the same time, some of the temples being miles apart but obviously in contact with each other somehow, later, when I asked Wedon how it was done he said very cryptically that the priests use the sun’s breath to talk to each other, so I was still none the wiser
10. " He said cryptically
11. integral to that flow," Lena cryptically announced
12. “Because you know the way, sir,” he answered cryptically
13. Cristian remembered when Sage spoke cryptically about Rafael getting more than he asked for the night they left New York
14. “I’ve realized these past few days how little I know myself,” he said cryptically
15. "Exactly!" responded Herman cryptically as he pushed away through the crowd in search of Mayor Hastings
16. ” Elon answered cryptically
17. Casimir Simienowicz’s Artis Magnae Artilleriae, from 1650, uses whatever is Latin for “firemaster,” while other period works refer, somewhat cryptically, to “Wild Men” or “Green Men
18. I know I can overcome this,” she said cryptically