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    dare example sentences





    1. I was just telling you about Kulai, but the home we live in is what I always wanted but didn't dare aspire to, even as an Angel

    2. With that Instinct on her side she was safe to dare get as close to him as he allowed

    3. She didn't dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

    4. She was about to shout 'how dare you' but then remembered she was a half mile deep into his property

    5. How dare that man…

    6. With no job, I dare not get into financial difficulties with paying rent … I can’t afford to leave the house in Bridgwater empty either …

    7. Machines were what I dreamed about, the sort that Dan Dare might fly, machines that

    8. How dare they, whoever they were, do this to me in my own home, with my family beside me

    9. If we dare to live by faith

    10. ’ I replied, biting back the rude retort which is on the tip of my tongue … how dare he make it sound as though I yo-yo all over the place! ‘At least that is my intention

    11. Glenelle couldn't respond because she thought she might as well dare tip this shot back and found it was like biting down on two hundred twenty volts AC

    12. How dare you insult the Prince

    13. I glared at the catcher, as if to say, "I dare you to call for another curve

    14. I had to dare to believe God, Whom I did not see, more than the

    15. I dare not stop me

    16. Naturally, I wouldn't dare say anything about it

    17. As a tech, using the diagnostic channels, he could get the real data to a screen in his mind's eye and see that they were really only at seventy five percent but there was none who would dare mention that to the Haadij

    18. I often need to run after them and make them hold my hands either they like or or not! Moreover, during the break I can barely endure all that concentrated negativity against me: It is impossible for me to exchange even a word with anyone in there; if I dare approach a group of pupils, they turn their faces the other way, they stop talking and they all split in a second

    19. I dare not speak its name, not even in my thoughts

    20. ‘That hasn’t really sunk in yet, Angie … it’s almost as if I don’t dare believe it

    21. and he dare not brush

    22. I dare not look… dare not… but look I have to

    23. ’ I replied, leaning out as far as I dare to see along the coast

    24. "Your father, I dare say, got the chance to eat when he was hungry”, Archibald interrupted, somewhat rudely

    25. She has an air of authority about her … I wouldn’t dare cross her

    26. I do remember her voice was soft and sympathetic and that when she brought me down to earth, I felt at ease, definitely, and dare I say it, there was a faint spark of self-confidence I'd not noticed before

    27. For every penny that he spent he got nothing back at all until, at last, there was nothing left but two fifty-pound notes, and after the incident with the old lady he dare not return to the cash machines under the oak tree

    28. Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good job, was full of the confidence of youth and he knew deep in his bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join him for a drink

    29. I’d love to go and have a look at what they are selling but dare not leave the ggs … frustrating!

    30. “How dare she allow outsiders here!” he raged

    31. Before Kai could move, Rayne took his dare and vaulted over the gate landing lightly on her feet

    32. ‘As I said, Sally, nothing like his father … Alastair, don’t you dare! Sorry about that, Sally, what time do you want Katie back on Saturday?’

    33. "Are you willing to dare running from it while that is done?" Darryl asked

    34. “He wouldn’t dare make a move while they are here in the Hold

    35. “I demand to know why these Outsiders are here! Why wasn’t I consulted about this; how dare the Queen’s court entertain Outsiders!”

    36. Queen Naria is going to inform him herself of your presence in my Hold; he wouldn’t dare object

    37. Maybe it was because he didn’t dare monkey with his scene generator when there was no one to save him if he should mash something up

    38. ‘Sally, if you so much as dare to order the cheapest items on the menu …’ He lets the sentence hang

    39. "Your father, I dare say, got the chance to eat when he was

    40. “He wouldn’t dare!” shouted First Kai

    41. We spend the afternoon in the garden, cutting the grass as short as we dare and tidying up the borders

    42. the old lady he dare not return to the cash machines under the oak

    43. Altera rushed forward, “How dare you put your hands on Lord Tarak’s mate,” she shouted as she came towards Alexei

    44. Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say

    45. beliefs as paramount and wouldn’t dare consider flexing them a bit

    46. alone in a world where she dare not speak to anyone about the

    47. He didn’t dare accuse her directly yet, but he worried even more, now that he had suffered that scathing outburst

    48. “That’s true enough,” he allowed, “And I dare say that you’ve

    49. “I dare say you could all do with a bit more meat on your bones,”

    50. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, "How dare you kill me!" On hearing the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason" The fox raised his voice a bit higher and declared arrogantly: "To tell you the truth, it's I who was accredited by God of the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?" Seeing that the tiger became suspicions, the fox added: "Let's have a test

    1. a venom that would have turned hearts instantly to stone had she dared to say it out

    2. If you have dared to put your hope in God and pray to Him, you

    3. dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for

    4. He continued to curse the dog that dared to stalk his halls

    5. What the world ahead dared call the 'sovereign individual' in many a serious treatise

    6. Indeed, no one dared second my sister and there was a lot of hubbub in the class, until Alice left the circle and walked away in indignation

    7. I dared to look towards the doorway, where I saw boots and green fatigues but they were different

    8. Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he'd already revealed, this was small

    9. What would I have done in this or that situation? How would I react if I found myself facing similar choices? Would I have been as bold as Menachem and entered into a passionate affair with an English woman, a civil servant, just as he had done? Would I have dared to chase a French politician through the streets of Paris to ask that one final question, a question that resulted in Aban spending three days in a French gaol?

    10. She quickly ascertained that Glenelle was on this side also, there would be someone young enough to converse with if she ever dared reveal herself

    11. He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs

    12. He continued to curse the dog that dared to stalk his halls this early in the day, but thought better of raising his voice in anger when he saw the shaggy shape of the bear that marked Citizen Danton out from the usual visitors

    13. She walked as far as she dared out into the brush and called them

    14. When Peter spoke of His resurrection, no one dared challenge it

    15. ” he dared as he came up to her

    16. “I look forward to it, my love,” he dared her

    17. Alan dared to come over and sit with her

    18. What chased it probably would have been a nice meal if they could catch it in the dark, if they dared go out there

    19. the one who dared touch

    20. I dared not blink

    21. My dear aunt, so wretched and forlorn, so defeated in her grief, I dared not make a sound

    22. Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good job, was full of the confidence of youth and he knew deep in his bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join him for a drink

    23. He glowered at the meek little man who had dared to interrupt him, before breaking into a fatherly smile and saying, "There speaks the voice of innocence…"

    24. None of them had ever dared approach the Lord’s guards; their reputations for destruction were well known

    25. That they dared to keep secret their advanced intellect, that they planned and executed an escape plan, was unacceptable

    26. I have never dared to even contemplate how much I want his child; I have never allowed myself to even think about the possibility

    27. Even this, however, would be more than enough but they dared not hoist even a rag of sail upon it

    28. However, even with the benefits of chemical sedation she dared not turn on the television or the radio unless Lucy was in the room in case she heard about crimes that might remind her about the body under the patio

    29. She dared not wear them again

    30. to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good

    31. He glowered at the meek little man who had dared to

    32. However, even with the benefits of chemical sedation she dared

    33. She knew that one of the council members watched her more closely than necessary, but she dared not turn her attention from Damash

    34. He dared not move in case the branch dumped him back in to the depths

    35. She knew that one of the council members watched her more closely than necessary, but she dared not turn her attention from him

    36. She stayed in the shower as long as she dared, undaunted by the cold water

    37. callous face, he dared not look back for fear he was

    38. As infrequently as he dared, he checked to see if there was any answer

    39. But he’d not dared, convinced that Ozzie would hear the van and dreading what would be said when they were confronted

    40. It was, in it’s way, a grander setting than she dared have, even as an Angel

    41. He had to fight some urban traffic along the back side of the city, but he kept to the middle and kept the petcock as wide as he dared, slicing between barges and canal ferries, running under tow ropes and making sharp turns in front of terrified stares

    42. I shouldn't have even dared to look at you that way

    43. None of them had ever dared ask for clarification or assistance, presuming that such admissions would reveal a lack of competence and a summary sacking

    44. waste mingled with rotting food (and he dared not think

    45. ” Tom dared not enquire as to his real name

    46. every dream he dared to conjure, in the background was Agent Johnson always

    47. the most powerful weapon know to creation, and he dared to take it!

    48. It says that after that not many dared join the apostles, but many more believers came to the faith

    49. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an witch, who had great power and was feared by all the world

    50. The lovers of God who have dared to

    1. “I’m the only soul who dares visit you here?”

    2. The person who lends money gets nearly as much interest from the former as he dares to take from the latter, and his money is much safer in the hands of the one set of people than in those of the other

    3. “And may that be a lesson to anyone who dares to disobey my orders in future!” He needed to stamp his authority on this issue once and for all

    4. In ever country where the unfortunate law of slavery is established, the magistrate, when he protects the slave, intermeddles in some measure in the management of the private property of the master ; and, in a free country, where the master is, perhaps, either a member of the colony assembly, or an elector of such a member, he dares not do this but with the greatest caution and circumspection

    5. He dares not do anything which would disgrace or discredit him in it; and he is obliged to a very strict observation of that species of morals, whether liberal or austere, which the general consent of this society prescribes to persons of his rank and fortune

    6. Yes, he dares calling the pressing of a hidden button a

    7. The banters and dares were forming, the laughter’s were echoing in the rafters, and the dappers were enjoying the flappers

    8. What time does she dares: fittest

    9. After crushing these uprisings, Ashurnasirpal II dares not antagonize Babylon and turns against Bit Adini, snatching the territory east of the Euphrates

    10. Rohl also dares to identify the place where Noah's Ark landed after the flood

    11. This scenario has the subsequent result that if the preacher so much as dares to preach biblical truths, where these truths differs from what the employers (congregation members) wants to hear, he gets fired or loses paying congregation members!

    12. 5 Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said to Esther the queen, who is he, and where is he, who dares presume in his heart to do

    13. Oh and please don’t forget, every single on of the 30,000 denominations are correct and the other 29,999 are most probably going to hell because they have a different conviction, even if it is a small difference, but each of these reads and studies the same bible! How is this possible? How could all this come from ONE SPIRIT of ONE GOD? The only possible answer I can derive is that the bible is reduced to a mere piece of clay or putty which I can shape how, when and where I want, to suit myself, to create a “god” that serves me and nobody dares judge me! The problem of course when one does this is that you are busy with your own religion, which you cannot support, nor substantiate from scriptures

    14. No one dares utter a word against the Khan or his mother

    15. We shall kill anyone who dares defy us and our beasts

    16. Isodor suddenly felt like hate was being born inside of him for Kratos and Isis was on his side saying that anyone who dares plot against another titan should receive harsh punishment

    17. “Who dares to ruin the slumber of their Queen?”

    18. The trap of black identity politics is squeezed tight by maligning any black who dares to reject identity requirements, and succeed on his own, as a betrayer of his people

    19. 22 And the king said, Who and where is he who dares to do this wicked thing in my land without my command? Surely you will tell me;

    20. “How dare you meddle with this bhagavathar? No one dares stop a singing session and a sacred one like teaching music session

    21. 22 And the king said Who and where is he who dares to do this wicked thing in my land without my command? Surely you will tell me;

    22. dares to stand up against him as he has the best and most widespread connections

    23. “Who dares disturb the rest of those who have been up most of the night?” a muffled voice from inside the tent grumbled irritably

    24. “What is this?” The captain thundered, “A lowly Hebrew slave dares to address me directly?”

    25. I'm not sure what good that will do, but one hardly dares to

    26. „I can tell you now what Youssaf cannot, dares not, will not bring himself to admit to any of us

    27. When, once, Simon dares to glance down at the distant valleys beneath, Johan feels the wave of the scribe’s fear in his throat

    28. “Who dares disturb the rest of those who have been up most of the night?” a muffled voice

    29. Because of what she has seen, she dares not challenge Hartstongue directly, but there are ways she knows to weaken him

    30. He is just about to turn aside, and puzzling if he dares go near the castle to see if his parents are imprisoned there, when he hears a scuffling sound

    31. was that Old love that dares not speak it's name thing

    32. “Who dares to pollute my realm with cursed light?”

    33. A warrior born from need and shaped by danger I fearlessly march forth into the unknown challenging anything that dares stand in my way

    34. ‖ This term was coined to describe a state when a group is moving along so efficiently that no one dares

    35. "Who dares enter into the forest of the holy center of Baja?"

    36. ‘Tis merciless with anyone who dares give it a second thought

    37. It thinks it owns It, having It; dares not to let It out of sight; would never dream it has been tricked: to watch and keep It safely lost until one’s fate, aligned with Mine, will stir to find It doth exist

    38. “What’s wrong?” you ask, annoyed at this untimely intrusion as a new dawn dares to sneak over the horizon, making you yet another day older

    39. But she dares not ask for it

    40. And the son dares

    41. Power is only given to the man who dares to stoop and pick it up

    42. Anyway," he shifted in his saddle and lowered his voice, "between you and me, I have an idea that the princess dares not remain behind

    43. 5 When Simon and his friends who sat at meat with him heard these words, they were the more astonished, and they began to whisper among themselves, "Who is this man that he even dares to forgive sins?" And when Jesus heard them thus murmuring, he turned to dismiss the woman, saying, "Woman, go in peace; your faith has saved you

    44. 'But he has disappeared, as so many have, whose fate one dares not conjecture, and I fear he has been apprehended by the spies of Constantius

    45. Today, I desire to ask you: What will the chief priests and religious leaders of this people do with the man who dares to warn them of the day of their spiritual doom? Will you also seek to put to death the teacher who dares to proclaim the word of the Lord, and who fears not to point out wherein you refuse to walk in the way of light which leads to the entrance to the kingdom of heaven?

    46. " Jesus turned aside a moment from his conversation with Andrew to answer this woman by saying, "No, rather is the one blessed who hears the word of God and dares to obey it

    47. If our need does not impress you, it would appeal to your Master, who I have been told loves all men and dares even to heal the gentiles when they believe

    48. 'The king dares not trample a worm in the road? Little fool, do you not realize that your royal pride is no more than a straw blown on the wind? I, who have known the kisses of the queens of Hell! You have seen how I deal with a rebel!'

    49. He is the friend even of sinners; he dares to love his enemies

    50. He seems to foreknow things; he even now dares to speak about his death, some mystic reference to his future glorification

    1. There was Luron's Cloud, scheduled south this Nightday and the Bram Daring bound north on the eastern shore with Nightday breakfast

    2. it had been unbelievably wonderful after so many years of not daring to believe we could possibly have a future together

    3. I'd been jumpy at first, not daring to believe it could actually happen

    4. ’ Stephen said with an air of finality, almost daring her to defy him

    5. Where did this daring come

    6. and daring September’s spiny little teeth to bite if they could

    7. I stare at the bag I am busying myself with, not daring to look her in the eye

    8. with daring and authority

    9. I took ever-smaller steps, not daring to believe, and yet, as he rose and stood there, as he breathed the same air, I knew that he was flesh and blood

    10. I flounder for some minutes trying to come up with a sensible reason while she stands there, arms akimbo almost daring me to give her a reply

    11. ’ I said, a little amazed at my own daring

    12. ' He seemed to think it was daring to be so disrespectful

    13. “A move of some daring,” Steven said, “I trust our own investigations were more deliberate?”

    14. ” He felt daring, but knew he was being correct with the pronoun this time

    15. ’ Ozzie said, looking round the room, his eyes daring anyone to contradict him

    16. He made a daring movement to strike both girls at once, the staff was screaming in his hand

    17. He already understood that was daring for a Yingolian

    18. As a result, she’s spent the last twenty odd years not daring getting involved with anyone more than she has to

    19. “I’m not that daring, but who’s to say how daring and desperate you have to be in this world?”

    20. He thought about how daring Tdeshi had been in her life and thought he needed to show at least a fraction of that in this situation

    21. Spelman at the well organized assemblage before him, “But I don't recognize this item as a usual award for either athletic or daring deeds

    22. Being naked had been a little daring in the canals of Dos but not in the yaag dens of Wescarp

    23. Finding my first seed did not grow, which I easily imagined was by the drought, I sought for a moister piece of ground to make another trial in, and I dug up a piece of ground near my new bower, and sowed the rest of my seed in February, a little before the vernal equinox; and this having the rainy months of March and April to water it, sprung up very pleasantly, and yielded a very good crop; but having part of the seed left only, and not daring to sow all that I had, I had but a small quantity at last, my whole crop not amounting to above half a peck of each kind

    24. "You know nothing of my love," she said, slow to rise and not daring to connect with his mind

    25. ‘He’s dead, isn’t he?’ she said – hardly daring to ask

    26. He glared at them, daring them to interfere

    27. How daring! But the attempt is cut short by

    28. Savannah turned to face me with a daring smile

    29. They all shook their heads, not daring to lift up their faces

    30. It took a few attempts and lots of giggling before Helez was finally dressed in the most daring outfit Crissy had ever seen

    31. They had never seen such a daring costume before – in fact, they didn’t in their wildest dreams think that Helez would even own such a thing, never mind wear it

    32. His dark smile only faded after the Nord had completely disappeared and Corpulus returned to his upkeep, not yet daring to inflict conversation upon them anew

    33. Some years before this, while the expectations of Europe were in suspense about the projects of the Portuguese, of which the success appeared yet to be doubtful, a Genoese pilot formed the yet more daring project of sailing to the East Indies by the west

    34. at which point she sprinted back to the camp, clutching the note and daring neither to look back nor to the side until she got there

    35. To continue,” And she glared at the others, daring them to interrupt her again

    36. “Ooooh! How beautiful!” Mother exclaimed, not daring to touch it

    37. “Right you fucking heroes before you start getting carried away with your tales of daring do get your rifles cleaned

    38. watched her, not daring to interrupt

    39. I did as he told me hardly daring to believe that I had been promoted and looking every now and again at the chalk stripe on my arm

    40. had been released from captivity on board the Shenandoah, he was in a position to show his daring and character

    41. Perhaps five years ago this situation would’ve been suffused with the excitement of daring do – young Danton, his part as the hero, about to save the world

    42. He began to retreat once more, not daring to turn his back on the inky darkness again

    43. It was the sort of thing that Imbrahim could only imagine Jhordel daring, the sort of thing

    44. knew he was witnessing that contradiction of discipline and daring that had served her so well to

    45. Daring to look further, a smile crept across the women’s faces as they let the words sink in

    46. I walked up to see if I could help him, told him I was a history professor, and—” Books glanced at Sicarius again and lowered his voice, “—he just stared at me, and I swear he was thinking about killing me just for daring talk to him

    47. He cut across their path, daring icy roads for his employer

    48. Apparently he was a kick boxer of note and acted reflexively, or so he said, while daring everyone to “come and get the same and f you too

    49. “A daring effort,” she said, surprised at his initiative

    50. Amaranthe held her breath, barely daring to hope

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    Synonyms for "dare"

    dare daring defy make bold presume brave meet confront oppose scorn resist risk stake hazard speculate endanger venture

    "dare" definitions

    a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy

    take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission

    to be courageous enough to try or do something
