Use "data base" in a sentence
data base example sentences
data base
1. Even when set on their sassiest however, they cannot show the independent will that Shibet could, that made love with her so much more interesting than love with this collection of surface renderings and response data bases
2. ‘I’m trying to find someone in this data base
3. This is simply a data base that lists your interests, hobbies and communication styles into categories in order to
4. The information on patients was on the data base consulted by all my doctors
5. The data base manager, which is a term that has come into use in the last five years applies to a person responsible for data base information systems in a company
6. registration in the national data base of strays dogs and return to their territory;
7. The fact that different things are being administered (systems, data bases, etc
8. There is nothing in my data base that offers any explanations
9. At that close range the displays showed a rendition of the ship that was not very different from the image Rachel had pulled from the computer’s data base
10. “The regulations should be in the ship’s data base
11. Designing the files is done by a DBA or data base analyst
12. Let us suppose the data base analyst accidentally deletes the file while we’re in the middle of changing the record
13. –- data base objects
14. I was investigating a program one time when I saw a description at the top that said, “This program sweeps through the data base
15. I have found that the references I read on the JFK assassination agree with each other nicely, and as a whole, present an enormous data base to bury the Warren Commission report forever into obscurity as a fallacious concoction of uncorrelated garbage, that lies, through omission and deceit, in the presentation of the assassination of John Kennedy
16. ism is getting far savvier with data! I see visual data based story telling in the New York Times that is absolutely mind boggling
17. Despite the enormous influence he yielded thanks to his management of the data base left by Nancy Laplante in 1941 and his role in the creation of the British nuclear force, he didn’t like at all the direction taken in the last eight years by the external policies of Great Britain
18. It's a national computer data base
19. I had tried to look it up but couldn’t find any known symbol in our data base
20. As he got closer to Greg, he was running some prints on their data base
21. They join the vast lists of missing persons on police data bases
22. You evolve so fast that we need to update our research and data bases on a regular basis
23. “Have you run this through the data base?”
24. data base in our heads of all the things we have been told we can’t do or won’t be
25. access the company's data base and found that there was indeed a Miona
26. person selected should have enough experience to establish a data base of the
27. wil have enough of the data base set up to organize the construction crews
28. Tim then assigned Doris to a computer station and showed her how to access the data base manager
29. projects that had nothing to do with her data base work
30. Whereas if all people who had something useful to contribute came together and openly shared everything they knew, then people for once would be able to winnow out all of the misleading, specialized, useless information from this data base and be able to use that newly integrated knowledge effectively
31. By using a data base of skilled people to draw from for assistance most of the missions could be fully staffed and Industry Associations would also promote these efforts in their Trade Journals and websites with links to the online clearing house
32. In building Seven, the data bases of the CIA and FBI and the Federal Security Commission containing the indictments of powerful corporate criminals were all conveniently destroyed when the 3 buildings collapsed into their own footprint; because they contained too much incriminating evidence of corruption at the top of American society and the American Govt
33. "� Google seems to have made up its programming and data bases to see where reality can really be found
34. CACTA/SEADAB refers to the Combat Air Activities File and the Southeast Asia Data Base
35. OptionVue IV provides, by virtue of its background data base, implied and statistical volatility charts for every optioned asset in the U
36. Employing data bases and statistical skills, these academics compute with precision the "beta" of a stock-its relative volatility in the past-and then build arcane investment and capital-allocation theories around this calculation
37. These factors will probably strike many analysts as unbearably fuzzy, since they cannot be extracted from a data base of any kind
38. will calculate a 90% confidence interval for the median of the classdata based on 400 simulations