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    data file example sentences

    data file

    1. As the sequence drew closer around the planet and built up more integrations and matches against data files, a better match on that shuttlecraft was building up

    2. I don't think we should trust half of what he said; his data files were obviously damaged

    3. She entered the data file and noted an entry in Kurt Sloan’s profile at 8:30AM that morning from Angel Torres, a Security Analyst

    4. Zolla refused to give any details of his mission, let alone talk about what happened after time documented in the data file

    5. However, it established a good working relationship with the editor, who then hired me to write a kid's guide to the internet in 1995 (pre-explorer/netscape stuff) that never came out, and then hired me to write my first two published books, a kid's adaptation of Return of the Jedi and a Jurassic Park II: Lost World data file

    6. I will access their data files and learn their language when in range

    7. In computer lingo, the data file is restored from a backup, which was created after the last time the program was successfully run

    8. � However, they must have kept it on another data file, but where?� She had no choice:� either she found the missing schematics quickly or she would have to start designing from scratch the missing part

    9. Thus, someone in the United States seemingly has woken up or was able to convince the powers to be in Washington to start to finally use seriously those data files

    10. That message will also state that our anti-matter technology is no more available, as Captain Shanandar took earlier on the decision to destroy our anti-matter drive and all the data files pertaining to it, a decision I have approved after the fact

    11. Shanya sent to me for safekeeping a copy of the data files on the Koorivar anti-matter technology that she had kept deep in her databanks in spite of the order from Captain Shanandar to erase those files

    12. Even if the machinery itself had been destroyed, along with the pertinent data files, some Koorivars would still be knowledgeable about the scientific principles involved

    13. “Our data files report that the story of Orpheus and Eurydice is a myth

    14. for preparing reports in an electronic format, the related data files and data

    15. Since the cataclysmic events in HMS Chihiro’s admiral’s quarters, however, they’d been back over every scrap of imagery of Commander Khapahr in those enormous data files

    16. Some applications even create default data directories on the local drive, but leaving users to their own devices when it comes to storing their data files is an inherently dangerous practice

    17. Data files come in various types and formats that can affect the way in which you store them

    18. As a result, the best strategy for most Windows networks is to install the operating system and applications on local drives and implement a strategy for storing all data files on network servers

    19. In addition, data files that are being used by applications are frequently locked open, meaning that no other application can gain access to them

    20. One of the best strategies when planning a backup solution for a network is to purchase a drive that can save all of your data files and the important system configuration files on a single media

    21. These options generally work by creating a temporary database file or e-mail store (sometimes called a delta file) that can process transactions with clients and other servers while the original data files in the server are being backed up

    22. Value stocks have outperformed growth stocks reasonably consistently since 1926 both before and after 1963 (the starting year for many empirical studies because Compustat data files become available then)

    23. For those platforms sensitive to dates in price data, export a real data file having about five years of data in CSV format to capture the dates

    24. Finally, save the data file so you can import it into your trading platform

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