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    Use "dawned" in a sentence

    dawned example sentences


    1. I don't think it has dawned on her yet

    2. I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress

    3. Then it dawned on me

    4. Then it dawned on him

    5. When it dawned on them that I knew what they were up to, they burst into shameless sniggers and gleeful squeaks having been caught out having so much barefaced fun

    6. All of a sudden something dawned on me

    7. It dawned on Tiffany that her father had opened the card that had come with the flowers, which was an outrageous breach of privacy

    8. The day dawned bright with hope for the future

    9. It dawned on Tiffany that her father had opened the card that

    10. Acceptance dawned on both Tam and Brent as Mya continued

    11. Suddenly it dawned on him why this had been so easy

    12. ‘It’s suddenly dawned on me that, with Karen and Jake away, we could go somewhere, together, without anyone asking any questions

    13. Monday dawned bright and sunny, and, as arranged, I went over to Sally’s house with my bottles of nearly-champagne and the glasses in a basket

    14. pierced in several places, and his eye lids, his chin, and both ears dawned an array

    15. Exhausted, she lowered herself to the second step, breathlessly wondering if she wasn't supposed to have stopped that from happening If not then why had she seen it? It suddenly dawned on her that she couldn't change the past, how could she? It wasn't in a time she could do something about, right, she thought to herself

    16. Suddenly it dawned on them –

    17. It dawned on her that he’d seen the bruises that morning

    18. dawned on her, but instead she thrust her chin into the air

    19. It dawned on Emma they had been discussing the holidays, or at least the preparations for the holidays

    20. He started to close his laptop when it suddenly dawned on him

    21. It dawned on me then that Roman had not said a word from behind me

    22. care!" It suddenly dawned on me that I was getting married in

    23. The baying hounds of the networks leapt into action, the quickest turn around in the history of the recorded word came about and the day dawned bright in Moscow when the Politburo met

    24. The next day dawned fine and warm, with a promise of

    25. realisation dawned, and the world swam before his eyes

    26. Then it dawned to me, the mystery was solved, I had already

    27. And then it dawned on him

    28. It dawned on Zarko that she was referring to his encounter with Nuska earlier that day and he wiped a hand across his brow, trying to organise his thoughts before speaking

    29. The next day dawned as a typical Babylonian morning, blue skies and no wind

    30. “Helez, what’s wrong?” Azubah asked and then suddenly the truth dawned on her – the young man, Zarko! “It’s Zarko, isn’t it? He’s more than a mere acquaintance, isn’t he?” she asked softly

    31. He was taken aback, but then recognition dawned on him

    32. Isin chuckled as it dawned on them all what had actually just taken place

    33. I bit my lip to stop myself from grumbling as it dawned on me

    34. My eyes darted to the freaks that were surrounding the tank I was on, and it dawned on me in that moment that none of them had reacted to him

    35. He'd been open with me so far, but I was thinking I didn't need to hear about the bad years of his marriage when a thought dawned on me

    36. He was about to settle down and doze off again, when it dawned on him that the fronts of her two HEPOs had both been fully unzipped

    37. The day of the 28th of April dawned bright and beautiful we had just been stood down from stand to and we were still talking about the news we had been told yesterday

    38. Alex said nothing, and it suddenly dawned on Sebastian that Alex was in shock

    39. Only now had it dawned on her what a liability she must be to the security of this location

    40. It dawned on me at that precise moment that I had spent my entire life in the shadows of someone else

    41. Saturday the 1st of July dawned bright and beautiful the colour of the sun in the sky and the warmth at this time of the morning probably meant that we would get a scorching hot day later on

    42. The next morning dawned clear and crisp outside, but the stove was warming the living room as Carmen came through

    43. It dawned on him how downright absurd this was

    44. He had exhausted all of his anger now, and the rage and hatred drifted away as a new realisation dawned upon him

    45. It suddenly dawned on Imbrahim that she was proposing the very thing they’d come all this

    46. ’ The realisation dawned strangely late

    47. Once everything had been cleared up the reality of how badly it could have gone for them and how their lives could have been completely wrecked really dawned on them

    48. Day dawned sending shafts of warm sunlight, through the layers of mist on the horizon, probing the earth for suitable points to lock into and hoist he huge fiery ball into the sky

    49. In such a futile situation, the realisation dawned that his priorities had been askew

    50. In a moment the insanity of the tactics dawned upon the American army; not though the soldiers knew someone had blundered

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