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    Use "death rate" in a sentence

    death rate example sentences

    death rate

    1. "A few, but their general death rate is higher than humans because they don't have their own medical systems

    2. For three weeks the death rate in Santiago averaged over a hundred per day, among less than thirty thousand people; and for three months the deaths were abnormally high

    3. With such a death rate the extinction of the Cuban race would soon have been assured

    4. Deregulation can often kill, lead to greater poverty and hardship, lead to higher death rates from preventable disease, crime, preventable deaths from workplace accidents, higher child death rates, and earlier deaths for senior citizens

    5. It works in any number of nations with lower far lower death rates from both crime and suicide thanks to gun bans

    6. Though they did not yet understand germ theory, they could see and did know the obvious: When whites came into an area with Natives, Natives died from disease in huge numbers, at a 90-98% death rate

    7. The slave trade had greatly varying death rates of 10-50%

    8. This includes a higher death rate than either poor whites or free Blacks

    9. This would have brought a death rate from 10-50% for slaves smuggled in despite the British Navy's efforts to stop the slave trade

    10. Another Great Depression would have seen unemployment and poverty double, leading to higher death rates

    11. Not only that, there was a high death rate at boarding schools from disease, up to six and a half times that of other ethnic groups

    12. In the UN and US protected zone for Kurds, the death rate was dramatically less, in fact lower than before the Gulf War

    13. Likely a similar death rate to that of the War of 1812

    14. has not released the annual death rates for Fukushima in the areas around the plant for

    15. There an annual death rate of some 50,000 was reduced to seven in three years

    16. In Sri Lanka an even higher death rate was reduced to 17

    17. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially

    18. home patients, after one year on dialysis, have a death rate of 58 percent and a

    19. Somewhere there are bureaucrats measuring life by the expected death rate

    20. High crime rates, high addiction rates, appalling sickness and death rates, millions of homeless addicts and prisons overflowing with innocents whose lives are ruined because they once took something milder and less harmful than alcohol

    21. 44 For African Americans, deplorable living conditions in 1920 caused the death rate for black adults to be more than twice as high than for whites

    22. "To tell you the truth, it's probably not gonna matter in ten to fifteen years, because you and I know the death rate for HIV now, is at least 50%

    23. They can cause severe blood infections when attacking the skin, nose, ear and the throat, and the death rate may reach 20%, especially amongst patients who suffer immunodeficiency

    24. The death rate in the gulags peaked in 1942-3

    25. ” In his book, he contrasts this to the high ‘financial death rate’ of banks, which can systematically suspend their payments and can fail without the support of the central banks

    26. Basically, any life form whose life-growing, life-giving segment ceases to produce in sufficient numbers to offset its species’ death rate is doomed to extinction

    27. The number of people with asthma and the death rate from this condition have been

    28. breast cancer death rates for women at least 50 years of age

    29. In one preliminary study, egg eaters had a higher death rate from heart

    30. Stateco, in a similar cost savings via death rate increase, invites its citizen-prisoners to pay fifteen to eighteen percent of their budget on health insurance, when that should be going towards their preventive self-care via whole foods

    31. Health Minister: “We still have the lowest death rate amongst other

    32. People died and nobody thought to suspect poisoning because the death rate in Europe and England was so horrific and there were so many diseases and plagues which people died from suddenly and violently, that the idea of dying from intentionally being poisoned secretly could never be proven

    33. It is no surprise that during the hospital strike in Los Angeles in the 70’s; the death rate actually went down

    34. death rate from coronary attacks declined also

    35. when Frenchmen were on a low-fat diet, the death rate from heart disease was reduced to

    36. resumed, the death rate rose to 25

    37. among the first to point to increased death rates attributable to excessive fat

    38. Cancer Society, have shown the following striking figures on the death rate from cancer of the

    39. Their death rates are unknown

    40. The researchers analyzed body measurements and death rates in more than fourteen thousand adults who had participated in two surveys in the 1980s and 1990s

    41. People with ABSI in the top 20 percent had death rates 61 percent higher than those in the bottom 20 percent

    42. * As vast as the difference is between car and airplane deaths, we should point out that there is not quite as much variance in the death rate per mile, as people travel considerably more miles in cars than on planes

    43. One example I love in particular is the 2013 study from Britain’s University of Exeter Medical School that reveals how volunteering is associated with lower rates of depression, higher reports of well-being, and a 22% reduction in death rates! She also writes, “Volunteering at least once a week yields improvements to well-being tantamount to your salary increasing from $20,000 to $75,000!”

    44. And then, after swallowing, he went on, "Have you wondered, Doctor, why the death rate on Mars in the six months since you established bases there has been nil? I can't be everywhere

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