Use "debasing" in a sentence
debasing example sentences
1. The system we call public education has long been turned away from an intelligent analysis of the purpose it is to serve, and sunk into sterile and debasing ideology
2. but was only motivated toward debasing objectives,
3. Still, in our culture, we tend to enshrine the intellect while debasing
4. the time it was re-discovered in the Italian Renaissance, Christianity had succeeded in debasing reality
5. , and the Jewish State, that is allowed to brew into destructive jihadism by its despots, explain this phenomenon? Thus, it could be said without any contradiction, that only a religion like Islam and a country like Afghanistan, with madrasaic help from Pakistan, could have produced Taliban that suffered no qualms in debasing their own people in the name of their own faith!
6. One after another, Carton rammed home the facts of the case, the fraudulent registration and voting, the use of the names of dead men to pad the polling lists, the bribery of election officials at the primaries--the whole sordid, debasing story of how Dopey Jack had intimidated and swung one entire district
7. hear, the risk is that this debasing of the nature of art entails a debasing of the individuals
8. This doctrine, plainly as it is taught in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, is at once distinguished from the debasing superstitions respecting evil spirits found in heathen systems of mythology and religion, as in China, Ceylon, and India, by this—that it is taught along with the equally clear doctrine of the counteracting agency of good spirits called the angels of God
9. No; the true remedy for a debasing materialism (for I will not admit that Milton’s materialism was debasing) is to be found in the moral rather than in the intellectual realms of thought
10. The gloom of Los Hatos woods was preferable; a life of hardships in the train of a robber band less debasing
11. It was impossible to disentangle one's activity from its debasing contacts
12. How could she have said such a thing! How could she, Ellen’s daughter, with her upbringing, have sat there and listened to such debasing words and then made such a shameless reply? She should have screamed
13. " Alas! the scientific conscience had got into the debasing company of money obligation and selfish respects
14. A debasing war, in
15. For politicians facing reelection, the choice between debasing the currency, imposing sky-high taxes, or implementing draconian cuts in services is a simple one
16. For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable fears to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and self sacrifice of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers
17. Her benefactors abused their position to demand the most debasing return for the nourishment they afforded her
18. It acts neither in an ennobling nor a debasing way, but in an irritating way
19. He does not stop at debasing the character of the people of this country, but he utters a libel against all parties and against the Government itself
20. Sir, have we become so lost to the real independence and sovereignty of the country, that we are prepared to yield to this degrading, debasing, and humiliating badge of vassalage?
21. In view of the debasing effect of slavery in the South, and the communistic element in the North, I am often asked, “What is to be the result of this effort to establish republican institutions on this continent?” I answer, there is no hope but in sanctifying the hearts of the people by the Gospel of Jesus Christ