Emperor Constantine, they said, had changed the date of the Sabbath as a compromise to appease the pagans who celebrated their heathen debaucheries on Sunday
Rethymno itself was fine, although a little too bookish for his taste, possessing insufficient an air of debauchery despite Crete’s bloody history
her ear, the evidence of the neighbor's debauchery shining
Linking to related sites with more detailed descriptions, it became clear that this was a place where they would indulge in wild debauchery
Properly licensed, it had the potential to be an environment over which – if it were hers – she might reign, glamorously presiding over debauchery
There had to be intelligence behind him, someone with powerful connections, and here she was: Caroline LeClerc, the former wife of a wealthy Frenchman and intimate to some of the nation’s most powerful families, who led a second life of shameless debauchery that had made her into something of a legend among the regulars of Hotel Paradise! Mr
Agatha’s husband succumbed to heavy drinking, winding up in jail for driving under the influence of alcohol, lost his job and much weight, abandoned his children and fell into a life of debauchery
Perhaps because he was at heart a puritan and therefore obsessed with sex, Sean had read a great deal about decadent societies and regaled me with lurid tales of debauchery
Here starts his real debauchery
Even amongst all the debauchery that was occurring, her act was a tremendous success
What was the guarantee that her debauchery could be confined to a one-night stand to be put behind in due course? What if Vivek were to insist on an encore every time? Would Gautam be able to put his foot down, at least till the contracts were signed? By then, wouldn’t she have crossed the lakshman rekha of her fidelity? Who knew, she might find it difficult to imbibe Sita’s psyche after all that
Her private life is a scandal—or perhaps "private" is not the correct term, since the queen makes no attempt to conceal the debauchery of her court
George's protests that they had no time for such debauchery, Archie insisted that
Ignorance, extreme debauchery, no
He had signed his life away in one stupid night of debauchery
As night fell there was all the usual drunkenness and debauchery, but now with a strangely earnest glimmer in its eye, as if it was being pursued not out of will but out of desperation
only to give in to the jaded debauchery
was their vice of debauchery,
since we were forced to merge into that most base of debauchery
to refrain from the debauchery with the nether-man harlot that grew
gazed down upon the base debauchery of his
the act of debauchery led to the future destruction of the entire society
victimized by the most tarnishing debauchery
She braced herself as she pulled back the curtain, fearful of the debauchery which might be revealed on the other side, but even she was not prepared for the sight which greeted her
Women too hesitate to step out of the threshold of fidelity, but once they cross it, they hit the fast track of debauchery, don’t they?’
himself more to debauchery than to religious pursuits … He
enness and debauchery that accompany such
Therefore he boiled with anger and felt as if the earth shook beneath his feet as he understood that the house would be a centre for prostitution and debauchery
Suddenly, Mohammad Amin stopped and listened… the sound of music and song, raucous laughter and cries of frivolity and debauchery reached his ears! His face reddened with anger, his eyes gleamed with rage and his heart began to beat with sadness, then he shouted, saying, ‘It’s a gathering of criminals
It is necessary for the one who wishes to enter the world of lowness and debauchery, ‘the devils’ world’, to have the means to enter therein and the harlot is the guide and provides the means , and her services are the devil’s traps
He taught people stinginess, greed, cunning, deception, debauchery, roughness, oppression and treason
Camilla shifted slightly in the chair, worried that Burnham wanted to trip her up with his questions and well aware of Tijuana’s reputation for drug-fuelled debauchery
She didn’t know much more about the place, because she’d never been farther south than Terlgow, but the stories of debauchery her brothers shared indicated the heathens there didn’t care much for Ghrian
However within just seven years, it would become the biggest centre of drunken debauchery and hedonism in Greece
Human to human destructiveness, debauchery and depravity is sadly, illustrated by the behaviours of individual and group base acts of abuse, sexual and physical abuse, emotional, fiscal and spiritual, and corruption, racism and discrimination etcetera, visited upon humans by humans
debauchery while those they were supposed to be
him to see was the debauchery of my maternal uncles
As if the pictures of debauchery from a few days ago weren’t enough, stories are flooding in about the other sisters in the DiCarlo debacle
debauchery and villainy were practised, and where dire diseases were bred, that came into court with the prisoners, and sometimes rushed straight from the dock at my Lord Chief Justice himself, and pulled him off the bench
Yes, upon my soul! The peasants have vodka, the educated young people, shut out from activity, waste themselves in impossible dreams and visions and are crippled by theories; Jews have sprung up and are amassing money, and all the rest give themselves up to debauchery
This love without debauchery was a new experience for him, and, drawing him out of his lazy habits, caressed at once his pride and his sensuality
Then she fell back exhausted, for these transports of vague love wearied her more than great debauchery
worn out and staled all the more common modes of debauchery, he had
familiarized with all those scenes of debauchery, so fit to nauseate a
He personally, being of a sceptical bias, believed and didn't make the smallest bones about saying so either that man or men in the plural were always hanging around on the waiting list about a lady, even supposing she was the best wife in the world and they got on fairly well together for the sake of argument, when, neglecting her duties, she chose to be tired of wedded life and was on for a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her with improper intent, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and forty and younger men, no doubt as several famous cases of feminine infatuation proved up to the hilt
And, as it happened, I could not have put myself into worse, or into better hands in all London: into worse, because keeping a house of conveniency, there were no lengths in lewdness she would not advise me to go, in compliance with her customers; no schemes, or pleasure, or even unbounded debauchery, she did not take even a delight in promoting: into a better, because nobody having had more experience of the wicked part of the town than she had, was fitter to advise and guard one against the worst dangers of our profession; and what was rare to be met with in those of her's, she contented herself with a moderate living profit upon her industry and good offices, and had nothing of their greedy rapacious turn
Norbert, a gentleman originally of great fortune, which, with a constitution naturally not the best, he had vastly impaired by his over-violent pursuit of the vices of the town; in the course of which, having worn out and staled all the more common modes of debauchery, he had fallen into a taste of
In the mean time, if I may judge from my own experience, none are better paid, or better treated, during their reign, than the mistress of those who, enervate by nature, debaucheries, or age, have the least employment for the sex: sensible that a woman must be satisfied some way, they ply her with a thousand little tender attentions, presents, caresses, confidences,
C*** O***, you know his estate, his worth, and good sense: can you, will you pronounce it ill meant, at least of him, when anxious for his son's morals, with a view to form him to virtue, and inspire him with a fixed, a rational contempt for vice, he condescended to be his master of the ceremonies, and led him by the hand through the most noted bawdy-houses in town, where he took care he should be familiarized with all those scenes of debauchery, so fit to nauseate a good taste? The experiment, you will cry, is dangerous
most horrible people, and rushed into the most senseless debauchery
My impression is, that hardships and debauchery had unhinged his reason
O I had heard tell of Colley Cibber, the Comedian, and his Whoremaster Son, Theophilus (who was then beginning his notorious Career as a Player at the Drury Lane), but little did I expect that such a noted Buffoon would be my first Swain at Mother Coxtart’s Brothel! E’en in Wiltshire, ’twas known that the young Cibber suffer’d mightily from his Father’s Notoriety, his Whoring, Gaming, and Debauchery—and sought to outdo his ev’ry Excess
She progresses, through gradual Stages of Debauchery, from being kept by a rich Jew (whom she cuckolds), to being the tainted Whore of Highwaymen, to beating Hemp in Bridewell (still in her Whore’s Finery!), to dying of the Pox in a Garret, whilst her poor Urchin sits by the Grate, waiting for his meagre Supper
O he was lustful as a Popish Monk in an Old Tale, his Appetite for Female Flesh well-whetted by the Spectacle of Gore we had beheld! In the Brothel I had heard tell of (and e’en witness’d) Men whose feeble Pow’rs could only be arouz’d by Desecration of the Female Form, but ne’er had I encounter’d Murder as a Prelude to a Debauch, tho’ doubtless uncheckt Debauchery is common enough following Executions
How have you spent it? In riotous orgies and debauchery, receiving everything from society and giving nothing in return
"Well, this man is going to the galleys; it is true, but what the deuce! he has stolen! There is no use in my saying that he has not been guilty of theft, for he has! I remain here; I go on: in ten years I shall have made ten millions; I scatter them over the country; I have nothing of my own; what is that to me? It is not for myself that I am doing it; the prosperity of all goes on augmenting; industries are aroused and animated; factories and shops are multiplied; families, a hundred families, a thousand families, are happy; the district becomes populated; villages spring up where there were only farms before; farms rise where there was nothing; wretchedness disappears, and with wretchedness debauchery, prostitution, theft, murder; all vices disappear, all crimes: and this poor mother rears her child; and behold a whole country rich and honest! Ah! I was a fool! I was absurd! what was that I was saying about denouncing myself? I really must pay attention and not be precipitate about anything
"Victory! We are about to penetrate the mystery! We are going to learn the most minute details; we are going to lay our finger on the debaucheries of our sly friend! Here we have the romance itself
The grace of her age was still struggling against the hideous, premature decrepitude of debauchery and poverty
What will come of this? Madness? Debauchery? Murder? But I go with God
With all his perseverance, he tried to teach her the tricks he had seen others perform through the peepholes in the transient hotel, along with the theoretical formulations preached by Lotario Thugut on his nights of debauchery
money, and all the rest give themselves up to debauchery
And afterwards, how he had all at once broken out: he had associated with the most horrible people, and rushed into the most senseless debauchery
It's a delectable thought, isn't it? I have been wondering for the last year how a wretched old man of seventy, gouty and rheumatic, succeeded in preserving the physical energy for his debaucheries—and now the riddle is solved! Those widows and orphans—the very thought of them must have egged him on! I knew about it long ago, I was the only one who did know; it was Julie told me, and as soon as I discovered it, I attacked him in a friendly way at once in Easter week: 'Give me twenty-five thousand, if you don't they'll look into your accounts to-morrow
The whole town is echoing with his debaucheries
At such moments he liked to feel that there was near at hand, in the lodge if not in the room, a strong, faithful man, virtuous and unlike himself, who had seen all his debauchery and knew all his secrets, but was ready in his devotion to overlook all that, not to oppose him, above all, not to reproach him or threaten him with anything, either in this world or in the next, and, in case of need, to defend him—from whom? From somebody unknown, but terrible and dangerous
As for Ivan, I can understand how he must be cursing nature now—with his intellect, too! To see the preference given—to whom, to what? To a monster who, though he is betrothed and all eyes are fixed on him, can't restrain his debaucheries—and before the very eyes of his betrothed! And a man like me is preferred, while he is rejected
Can you conceive that a man like that, on receiving that sum and in such a way, at the price of such shame, such disgrace, such utter degradation, could have been capable that very day of setting apart half that sum, that very day, and sewing it up in a little bag, and would have had the firmness of character to carry it about with him for a whole month afterwards, in spite of every temptation and his extreme need of it! Neither in drunken debauchery in taverns, nor when he was flying into the country, trying to get from God knows whom, the money so essential to him to remove the object of his affections from being tempted by his father, did he bring himself to touch that little bag! Why, if only to avoid abandoning his mistress to the rival of whom he was so jealous, he would have been certain to have opened that bag and to have stayed at home to keep watch over her, and to await the moment when she would say to him at last ‘I am yours,’ and to fly with her far from their fatal surroundings
That lady, who had long watched his career with compassion, gave him the most judicious advice, to give up his dissipated life, his unseemly love-affair, the waste of his youth and vigor in pot-house debauchery, and to set off to Siberia to the gold-mines: ‘that would be an outlet for your turbulent energies, your romantic character, your thirst for adventure
Petersburg before he had finished his studies, after a quarrel with his parents, whom his life of debauchery had terrified, he had not shrunk for the sake of money from doing the work of an informer
It did not frighten him; all that he feared in it was the necessity of working, and of giving up for ever his habits of debauchery
Wearisomeness and general depression were making themselves felt through the drunkenness and the debauchery
Blood and power intoxicate; they aid the development of callousness and debauchery; the mind then becomes capable of the most abnormal cruelty in the form of pleasure; the man and the citizen disappear for ever in the tyrant; and then a return to human dignity, repentance, moral resurrection, becomes almost impossible
I am ready, as the saying is, to shed my last drop of blood for him this instant; but you will admit that debauchery, drunkenness, and the captain’s widow, all these together may lead him very far
It was the most stupid story of a fool, drawn into matters that did not concern him, and in his drunkenness and debauchery unable, till the last minute, to grasp their importance
Suddenly he took to drinking and gave himself up to a debauchery that exceeded all bounds, like a man who had lost all reason and understanding of his position
I've tried the depths of debauchery and wasted my strength over it
And I could hardly have resigned myself to the simple, vulgar, direct debauchery of a clerk and have endured all the filthiness of it
Knowing that debauchery is an evil, I also know its cause, and can thus evade it
I know now that a man who forsakes a woman, or a woman who forsakes a man, when the two have once been united, is guilty of the divorce which Jesus forbade, because men and women abandoned by their first companions are the original cause of all the debauchery in the world
In seeking to discover the influences that led to debauchery, I found one to be a barbarous physical and intellectual education that developed the erotic passion which the world endeavors to justify by the most subtile arguments
He tried to go in for a little eloquence in giving a description of how Maslova was led into a life of debauchery by a man who had remained unpunished while she had to bear all the weight of her fall; but this excursion into the domain of psychology was so unsuccessful that it made everybody feel uncomfortable
Ill, his constitution undermined by unhealthy labour, drink, and debauchery—bewildered as in a dream, knocking aimlessly about town, he gets into some sort of a shed, and takes from there some old mats, which nobody needs—and here we, all of us educated people, rich or comfortably off, meet together, dressed in good clothes and fine uniforms, in a splendid apartment, to mock this unfortunate brother of ours whom we ourselves have ruined
Though this kind of scene had now become quite familiar to him, though he had during the last three months seen these four hundred criminal prisoners over and over again in many different circumstances; in the heat, enveloped in clouds of dust which they raised as they dragged their chained feet along the road, and at the resting places by the way, where the most horrible scenes of barefaced debauchery had occurred, yet every time he came among them, and felt their attention fixed upon him as it was now, shame and consciousness of his sin against them tormented him
Nothing but drunkenness, debauchery, gambling, and arrogance on the part of the authorities
What could the poetry of our parasitical circle predict and prepare?—Love, debauchery; debauchery, love
4) They reproach you with malice, debauchery, lies, thefts, bring proof, etc
Public opinion has ever since the time of Moses considered avarice, debauchery, and cruelty to be evil, and has condemned them; and this public opinion denies and condemns every kind of a manifestation of avarice,—not only the acquisition of another man's property by means of violence, deceit, and cunning, but also a cruel usufruct of the same; it condemns every kind of debauchery, be it fornication with a concubine, or a slave, a divorced wife, or even one's own wife; it condemns every cruelty which is expressed in assaults, in bad treatment, in the murder, not only of men, but also of animals
But the law, which is based on violence, prosecutes only certain forms of avarice, such as theft, rascality, and certain forms of debauchery and cruelty, such as the violation of marital fidelity, murders, crippling,—therefore, as it were, permitting all those phases of avarice, debauchery, and cruelty which do not fit in with the narrow definition, which is subject to misinterpretations
There appears one of the rejected, and he announces that Peter has been accepted, and there is heard the wail of Peter's wife, for whom the word "accepted" means a separation of four or five years, and the life of a soldier's wife as a cook, in debauchery
Every war, however short its duration, with its usual accompanying losses, destruction of the crops, thieving, admissible debauchery, looting, murders, with the invented justifications of its necessity and its justice, with the exaltation and eulogizing of military exploits, of love of flag and country, with the hypocritical cares for the wounded, and so forth, corrupts in one year more than do millions of robberies, incendiarisms, murders, committed in the course of hundreds of years by individual men under the influence of the passions
Hardly any revolution can be more wretched for the great mass of the people than the constantly existing order, or rather disorder, of our life, with its habitual sacrifices of unnatural labour, poverty, drunkenness, debauchery, and with all the horrors of an imminent war, which is in one year to swallow up more victims than all the revolutions of the present century
Women and old men are hung, are flogged to death—even quite innocent people, as was recently the case with us in Russia, in the affair of the factory at Uzova; or, as is done all over in Europe and America, in the struggle with anarchists and other revolutionists, hundreds, thousands of men are shot, are killed; or, as happens in time of war, millions of men are massacred; or, as is happening always, the souls of men are destroyed by solitary confinement, by the debauchery of barrack life—and no one is responsible
I insist upon this point,—that all husbands who live the married life that I lived must either resort to outside debauchery, or separate from their wives, or kill themselves, or kill their wives as I did
They are no longer like the soldiers of former days, who gave up the natural life of labor, and surrendered themselves to debauchery, rapine, and murder, as the Roman legions did, or the veterans of the Thirty Years' War, or even those soldiers of more modern times, whose term of service lasted twenty-five years
A war, even of the shortest duration,—with all its customary consequences, the destruction of harvests, the thefts, the unchecked debauchery and murders, with the usual explanations of its necessity and justice, with the accompanying glorification and praise bestowed upon military exploits, upon patriotism, devotion to the flag, with the assumption of tenderness and care for the wounded,—will do more in one year to demoralize men than thousands of robberies, arsons, and murders committed in the course of centuries by individual men carried away by passion
Lord, help me! My God, if Thy forsaking me is Thy doing, Thy will be done; but if I am myself the cause, teach me what I should do! I shall perish of my debauchery if Thou utterly desertest me!
The precept, showing the level below which we cannot fall in the attainment of this ideal, is that of purity of married life, avoidance of debauchery
Every war, even the most humanely conducted, with all its ordinary consequences, the destruction of harvests, robberies, the license and debauchery, and the murder with the justifications of its necessity and justice, the exaltation and glorification of military exploits, the worship of the flag, the patriotic sentiments, the feigned solicitude for the wounded, and so on, does more in one year to pervert men's minds than thousands of robberies, murders, and arsons perpetrated during hundreds of years by individual men under the influence of passion
He himself was anything but pleasant to look upon, his natural plainness having been rendered repellent by a life of low debauchery
But, sir, with all due deference to the high ministerial officer who recommended the project, and likewise to the honorable committee who reported the bill, I may be allowed to pay it the compliment of saying that, in my opinion, previous to the reign of that tyrant, who, by a military force, aided by projects of this kind, has destroyed the sanctuary of justice, and has spread pillage, debauchery, robbery, and death, throughout the greater part of Europe; such a bill as that would have been scouted from this Hall as the production of a madman