Use "decompress" in a sentence
decompress example sentences
1. To dream that you are hanging out with friends or other people is a way for your dreaming mind to decompress and wind down
2. "The trick is to learn to decompress
3. President Obama had elected to watch the news on television from the lounge of his family suite, instead of from the Oval Office, mostly to help himself decompress after another stressful day
4. Time was running out quickly; they still had to remove the wheel and ascend extremely slowly, leaving enough time to decompress
5. He was also happy to find no peritonitis, for that would have complicated matters even worse, to the point of requiring a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach and prevent abdominal distention
6. the robots decompress and assemble in mid-
8. "Surely you will have to decompress the cabin to fit a replacement, won’t
9. Our neighbors and close friends were completely respectful of my need for time to decompress
10. “I want the outer door locked in the fully open position with the mechanical stopper in place to keep it from being trashed by the decompress
11. Our neighbors and close friends were completely respectful of my need for time to decompress
1. The rescuers would not be able to board for a day, until everyone in the sub had fully decompressed
2. Kaprayon had the time to feel his spacesuit balloon and stiffen as the crew sphere decompressed and to see from the corner of one eye the decapitated and fuming shape of Diana Uniko slump down in her seat
3. Garcia ran to the next section, fired a phaser at the port, and decompressed it as well, and the subsequent drop in pressure before the force field came up was sufficient to render everyone in that
1. The problem is in decompressing the message