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    Use "dedicate to" in a sentence

    dedicate to example sentences

    dedicate to

    1. 11 Which also king David did dedicate to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued;

    2. dedicate to maintain the house of the Lord

    3. To her you dedicate the best song of praise that a son can dedicate to the one who gave him life

    4. my brother thinks I dedicate to plotting evil things against him

    5. Author´s note: I have gone through Chapter VII until page 34, and since the number 7 is a sacred one, I had to dedicate to my readers a few words, sacred to me

    6. demand maintenance time and energy that I would prefer to dedicate to creation

    7. So I’ll run the regulator all the time, but only run the oxygenator on days I dedicate to using it

    8. Here and there aboard NGS Saint Frydhelm the more zealous members of her crew paused in the prayer and meditation the Holy Writ enjoined all faithful sons and daughters of Mother Church to dedicate to the well-being of their souls during that special and sanctified time of the night

    9. To answer that question, you have to take into account a number of factors to determine how much capital to dedicate to commodities

    10. At the very least, you should be a serious trader who has a lot of time to dedicate to trading and a lot of money to lose in the “educational” phase of trading

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