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    deign to example sentences

    deign to

    1. She did not deign to reply

    2. Most of the staff quite enjoy the thrill of being fingerprinted but a couple of the older women are antagonistic, making a fuss about what people would think of them having their fingerprints taken but, in the end, because everyone is doing it, they deign to have it done

    3. deign to dignify it with a reaction

    4. Naturally, she didn’t deign to notice Nerissa’s presence

    5. The ancient Egyptians, it is said, neglected foreign commerce, and the modem Chinese, it is known, hold it in the utmost contempt, and scarce deign to afford it the decent protection of the laws

    6. deign to put herself in the same category as a perpetrator of harm,

    7. and sanctify this house as Thou didst deign to

    8. graciously deign to bless this bread with Thy

    9. deign to bless this bread as Thou didst bless the

    10. He did not deign to dismount but spoke abruptly from the saddle

    11. Conan did not deign to reply to the taunt, and the black, galled perhaps by his prisoner's silence, muttered a curse, stooped and spat full in the king's face

    12. He didn't deign to pick the card up

    13. rich, all eloquent, with thousand-cloven tongue, deign to repeat itself; but if

    14. I would not deign to be Hassan"s rival either

    15. He would not deign to buy a poor girl

    16. It may seem petty but you trifled with my affections when I made overtures towards you and only now, when you are in need, do you deign to respond

    17. honoured and respectful of her gift should she deign to give it

    18. depth of my attraction to her as I stared into those lovely alluring orbs I deign to be the

    19. He didn’t even deign to respond

    20. Let this new Samson remain in his own country, and, bringing honour to it, bring honour at the same time on the grey heads of his venerable parents; for I will be content with any squire that comes to hand, as Sancho does not deign to accompany me

    21. But after all, though still under the same fear and apprehension, he has recorded it without adding to the story or leaving out a particle of the truth, and entirely disregarding the charges of falsehood that might be brought against him; and he was right, for the truth may run fine but will not break, and always rises above falsehood as oil above water; and so, going on with his story, he says that as soon as Don Quixote had ensconced himself in the forest, oak grove, or wood near El Toboso, he bade Sancho return to the city, and not come into his presence again without having first spoken on his behalf to his lady, and begged of her that it might be her good pleasure to permit herself to be seen by her enslaved knight, and deign to bestow her blessing upon him, so that he might thereby hope for a happy issue in all his encounters and difficult enterprises

    22. Should you deign to return it to him he will be the happiest

    23. in front of us; and if you will deign to advance a few steps, you will see that they

    24. Freedom, I replied; which, as they tell you in a democracy, is the glory of the State--and that therefore in a democracy alone will the freeman of nature deign to dwell

    25. majesty deign to excuse me?"

    26. wisest and gravest throw off the usual rigidity of their lives, and deign to mingle in the follies

    27. When the frightful object first presented itself to the young Mohican, he did not deign to bestow a single glance on the animal

    28. offer you consolation; will you deign to accept it as coming from a friend?"

    29. He would never deign to ask Doyle, even if a life depended on it, especially his own

    30. In most instances in which we wind up being helpful, it is the result of an idea that arose in the first few hours—when, starting from complete ignorance, we asked a question that an insider would never deign to ask

    31. Amory didn’t deign to shake hands, or say that it had been nice to meet him; he’d already turned to Regan and was telling her that, if she had a minute, they had important matters to cover; and what ever had she done to her finger? When Mercer glanced back, on the off-chance that she, at least, was ruefully watching, the two of them had already been sucked through one of the balcony doors

    32. "Would she but deign to hear me

    33. ” The herald did not deign to reply, but more laughter greeted the young knight’s protest

    34. Marshall offered to mediate but Chiang wouldn’t deign to speak to Mao, not even through the Americans

    35. God grant that we may be guided aright, and that He will deign to watch over my husband and those dear to us both, and who are in such deadly peril

    36. Alas! I am unclean to His eyes, and shall be until He may deign to let me stand forth in His sight as one of those who have not incurred His wrath

    37. It was as if Napoleon knew that it was only necessary for his hand to deign to touch that soldier’s breast for the soldier to be forever and distinguished from everyone else in the world

    38. He only saw in her a pretty and fresh young girl, with whom he did not deign to unite his fate

    39. "Enter, sir! Deign to enter, most respected benefactor, and

    40. "Monsieur le Baron, deign to listen to me

    41. Most riders wore helmets without visors; those who had them didn’t deign to close them

    42. “Read, you will deign to see,” replied the serf

    43. Saveliitch coughed to clear his voice, and began to explain: “That, my lord, deign to understand, is the bill of my master’s goods carried off by the thieves

    44. "Deign to read it, and you will see," replied Savéliitch

    45. "What does your lordship," said he, "deign to think about?"

    46. I could boat them all ! Will none of the filthy, conventional herd understand that it would be ten times as creditable to hold their tongues, not to whine and not to deign to complain ! And if he does deign he deserves his fate, the bastard

    47. I need not say I did not deign to answer

    48. but how did you loiow ? " " How did I know ? H'm 1 " He winked, but did not deign to erplain

    49. Losing had lowered me in the eyes of Prince Sergay, of Versilov, though he did not deign to speak of it, of every one, even of Tatyana Pavlovna ; that is what I thought, I felt

    50. “You don't mean you would run away?” But Smerdyakov did not deign to reply

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