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    delegated example sentences


    1. Exodus 17 when he delegated the leadership role to Joshua during the battle with the Amalekites

    2. Bram was delegated to fetch more beer from the cellar, which meant

    3. ' She delegated certain of the Lodge tasks and chores to the men and, remembering the picnic basket, walked the girls to the little boat dock

    4. The family led the efforts and delegated where possible the necessary responses

    5. already delegated the investigation to my lieutenant and

    6. schooner, and Waddell was delegated to visit a house near the

    7. And why is that? Well, it reserves to the States respectively, or to the people, those rights not enumerated and specifically delegated to the United States by the Constitution

    8. 45, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined

    9. " And further: „As under the smiles of Heaven, America is indebted for freedom and independence, rather to the joint exertions to the citizens of the several states than to the conduct of the Commander-in Chief, so she is indebted for their support, rather to a continuation of those exertions, than to the prudence and ability manifested in the exercise of the powers delegated to the President of the Unites States

    10. The Articles of Confederation were conceived as a federation of ―United‖ States with each state retaining its own sovereignty and independence apart from assigned powers (otherwise) delegated to the federal government

    11. proportionate to its intended purpose and that it is only excessive where its authority exceeds the limits delegated to some predetermined end

    12. The various cells, the people in the organization delegated with some degree of organizational responsibility would convene somewhere else, in one of the places prepared elsewhere according to a carefully laid out contingency plan

    13. delegated to a low level accounting employee, but it can be outsourced at minimal cost to a

    14. Herb Fenster and Stan Dees, I was regarded by all of them as having been unfailingly “reasonable” and “fair” whenever the Contractor had merit to his case! This was evidenced repeatedly after Stu Platt, my first ACO, became Deputy Chief of the now defunct Naval Material Command (NAVMAT) and delegated settlement authority of less than $100k on builders’ risk insurance claims to “field counsel

    15. Firstly, this was not a delegated claim under the Fixed-Price Navy Form Syndicate Builders Risk Policy where I had authority up to $100k

    16. Amendment #10: The powers not delegated to the United States

    17. Specific conditions had to be met by those to whom the tasks were delegated and then each left to carry on according to his ability

    18. When Moses died, he had a trained leader ready to take over from him – someone he had raised and trained into that position, someone to whom he had over time delegated his authority and who had proved his loyalty, someone who knew where to go and what to do, that was Joshua, and after Joshua had accomplished his task, he was succeeded by Caleb, another loyal devotee who had trodden in Moses’ wake, learning and growing in the ways of the Lord, ensuring continuity and progress

    19. To those that stayed and found themselves in the upper room, Jesus delegated His authority, His name, vision and ability

    20. “Well with happened tonight, and the fact that I've delegated

    21. Those delegated to handle individual files and make it concise never questioned Corey’s method of madness

    22. seems as though some are delegated to be cynical, some are charitable and

    23. His role in communicating with the Afghan’s has been appropriately delegated

    24. When composition is delegated, be it for writing, music, blueprints, etc

    25. In most cases the perceived need for revisions to delegated work arises because of poor

    26. I’ve been delegated to assist you in bringing an end to the disturbances that emanate above

    27. His brass-ringed epaulets indicated his office delegated by the higher goblin and orc officials of the Abyssal Cairn

    28. As a token of his appreciation Claude delegated Raphael to use the great telescope at the top of the tallest tower in the castle

    29. If you hadn’t delegated processing of the DSP-85s to Ronnie, we wouldn’t be in this situation now

    30. He repeats the words that had angered the Nazareth priests to order him to be killed by stoning: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be messengers of triumph to the poor; And He has delegated me to proclaim to the captives release, and to the blind sight—and I will free the broken with release—and I will proclaim the acceptable Year of the Lord!” Even over the noise of the panicking masses, his voice is clearly heard

    31. Being delegated to watch

    32. 4 In accepting this command of the universe hosts in attendance upon Christ Michael, the Personalized Adjuster took great pains to point out to Jesus that, while such an assembly of universe creatures could be limited in their space activities by the delegated authority of their Creator, such limitations were not operative in connection with their function in time

    33. He delegated much command to those at his right hand

    34. Louise ran out of excuses, and delegated much of Harry's work to helpful

    35. On this and other committees I happily delegated my seat to one of my Div Chiefs

    36. She long ago delegated the real work to her assistants who are perfectly capable of carrying on without her

    37. that ran on PCs, Stallman says he delegated the task of ex-

    38. All in that split second when the signals of speech were being delegated to his tongue

    39. They told us that the older priests had fled in fear upon learning of Lord Quetzalcoatl’s imminent arrival, Coatl told the young priests that he was promoting them and gave them instructions to elect one among them to be the head priest, he further instructed them to seize any of the absentee priests who returned, for this purpose he delegated one hundred warriors as personal guards to both the young priests and to patrol the temple grounds, in effect they were now the official temple guards with all the authority that went with that position

    40. He was then treated to a very stern interrogation and lecture by no less than Archbishop Manning himself before being allowed to return to his orphanage, with strict orders to stay away from the children and with a bishop delegated to escort him

    41. And after seizing power, the politicians turned around and delegated control to state boards and departments of education, which are themselves dominated by

    42. He also delegated some computer time to searching for poetry and or lyrics to come up with a theme song for Niki

    43. It's the word meaning: a delegated authority

    44. The woman ought to have a person of delegated authority, someone with legal right to stand in that role, ought to be over her

    45. and I were delegated the task of making a dash for the bottle store when the train

    46. be delegated to my staff, but with limited authority to pay for extra hours not very many

    47. In a moment of poor life decisions, the task of writing down the names of the perilous dead-end corridors was specifically delegated to Rip

    48. that had been historically delegated for a wife and mother

    49. That no human being has any more power than any other human being, except such as may willingly be delegated to him

    50. Business functions are delegated to an outside vendor that serves a number of other clients

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