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    Use "demagog" in a sentence

    demagog example sentences


    1. Another black unsung hero of today"s America who has suffered many insults from uneducated blacks and liberal white demagogues, especially with his publishing of „The Content of Their Character

    2. sentiments through demagogy and ―catch-all‖ politicking designed to get out the vote by ―connecting‖ with the ―people‖; the factory worker or farmer, for example

    3. Demagogues piss me off

    4. This man always put me in a foul mood, but demagogues always do

    5. Our slogan is “New better world is possible, because now there is authentic alternative system”, without being utopia or political demagogy

    6. It was not the same as sloganeering or demagoguery

    7. Tucker recalls two types of demagoguery employed throughout history

    8. In addition to being demagogic from serving as a H

    9. It is so easy to recognize some of today’s demagogues, such as Ted Kennedy, the

    10. Communist demagogues, slaughters in which members of the Jewish Left participated as butchers

    11. truth of his arguments had he not been a demagogue

    12. In truth, his last year of service as Chief of Staff of the Air Force had been most frustrating, with his own counsels largely ignored, while those of a few dangerous demagogues gained favor in the White House

    13. Those demagogues, including Lieutenant General Curtiss LeMay, were preaching a nuclear strike doctrine that left next to no place to conventional forces

    14. You all know as well as me how easily some demagogue preachers and hatemongers can manipulate crowds if they raise the specter of some kind of alien threat

    15. Now that we have found you, that debate could possibly now turn to a more positive one, by shutting up the demagogues who were claiming that we were some kind of special exception created by God

    16. I will only oppose demagogues and irresponsible idiots from advocating their use on a routine basis, like when some generals and politicians said that we could use nuclear weapons instead of conventional forces to prevent or stop every kind of war, including guerrilla wars and insurgencies

    17. The President went before the people and did his best demagogic-self to threaten everyone with bodily harm if they took part in any overt acts to disrupt the status quo

    18. And it is exactly what you see in the demagogic insult battles for the higher leveraging ground of political and social language: the more morally charged the verbiage, the more tainting any suspicion of trespass

    19. zealots and demagogues such influence over the mass of

    20. womanizer, who was one of the most lovable, charming and demagogic people I have ever met, and never had any children

    21. disposition that enlivened the atmosphere around her but possessed the demagoguery of a politician who makes you believe you are an extremely valued friend and after you give him your vote he simply ignores you

    22. Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue? You fenians forget some things

    23. Marta I was struck by the way all those journalists, demagogues, members of Congress, and all those generals and judges cringed before a sleepyeyed advocate without practice simply because he was the plenipotentiary of the Gould Concession

    24. Ask that demagogue of a Marius if he is not the slave of that little tyrant of a Cosette

    25. He forthwith adopts one of the candidates thus selected as the only available one, thus proving that he is himself available for any purposes of the demagogue

    26. "Paid orators, demagogues, taking advantage of the passions of the masses and of the simple-minded who are dazzled by high-sounding phrases, have so embittered national hatreds that to-morrow's war will decide the fate of a race: one of the component parts of the modern world is threatened; the vanquished nation will morally disappear; it matters not which chances to be the victim, a power will disappear (as though there had ever been one too many for the good)

    27. It has also been the fate of other countries, and may be the misfortune of this, to possess in its bosom, and to cherish in its confidence, men, who from an equally base and corrupt self-love and ill-directed ambition, become supple courtiers, political sunflowers, cringing demagogues; who, worshipping the idol power, whether in the hands of a military commander, a protector, or a consul, tender an implicit obedience and united support to every measure which emanates from the Executive, the source of office and profit

    28. Such untiring repetitiousness grows stale, and one almost wishes that the “nigger” or the Hottentot, or any human being without a vote, would appear on the political tapis, to offer leather-lunged demagogueism a chance for variety, and the weary ears of the people a rest

    29. If now the churches of our country will hasten to do their duty, as in sight of him who is Father of us all, towards our Chinese neighbors, it will not be long before the National Government will wake to its shame and wipe off the deep disgrace of its recent demagogy and international perfidy

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