Use "deprive of" in a sentence
deprive of example sentences
deprive of
1. had, and the second death will deprive of eternal life in Heaven, of an eternity of ceaseless years
2. all the life and joy a person would have had, and the second death will deprive of eternal
3. have had, and the second death will deprive of eternal life in Heaven, of an
4. the second death will deprive of eternal life in Heaven, of an eternity of ceaseless years of joy
5. Life is our most precious possession; death is the worse punishment because it takes everything from a person and deprives of all the life and joy a person would have had, and the second death will deprive of eternal life and joy in Heaven, of an eternity of ceaseless years of joy beyond any joy we can now even dream of; it is an infinite punishment in that it takes an infinite amount of life and joy from a person
6. Wonderful delusion! The being that breathes to-day and disappears to-morrow, that has one definite, incontestable law given to him, as to how he is to pass his short term of life, imagines that he knows what is necessary and useful and appropriate for all men, for the whole world, for that world which moves without cessation, and goes on developing, and in the name of this usefulness, which is differently understood by each of them, he prescribes to himself and to others for a time to depart from the unquestionable law, which is given to him and to all men, and not to act toward all men as he wants others to act toward him, not to bring love into the world, but to practise violence, to deprive of freedom, to punish, to kill, to introduce malice into the world, when it is found that this is necessary