Use "devising" in a sentence
devising example sentences
1. But there is one hidden danger of inflation, which many of us forget or ignore while devising the financial strategy for retirement
2. however, as they all concentrated on devising a plan for
3. They took as their doctrine a strict set of rules and guidelines know as the Temporal Directive, devising rules for minimal intervention and interference, which then had to be adapted for each assignment
4. The salesmen used high-power techniques, mostly of Bernie’s devising, to sell
5. Fiendish tortures were also often resorted to, especially with prisoners of war, when the executioners vied with each other in devising fearful methods of torture, such as flaying alive, plucking out eyes, and even more original devices
6. Once Colling knew where Tomasz’ wife and daughters were, he gave his attention to devising a scheme to bring them to the von Brechstler estate
7. In fact, as I mentioned yesterday, the lack of evidence, either way, was what led to me being an agnostic for several years before devising my test
8. It seems to have only been when an appeal was made to the Presence that has always seemed to lurk just beyond the natural senses of mankind for the guidance that was beyond Man’s ability to give himself, that he has been successful in devising and maintaining this “Book of Wisdom
9. 12 For the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication and the invention of them the corruption of life
10. those things which the king of Assyria was devising, that is to come and seize him and destroy his people, the two and a half tribes
11. “Astronomers have watched the sky with spells that magnify their vision for millennia, always devising better spells for it, and they have seen stars explode, and seen worlds destroyed by collisions with other worlds, or enveloped in clouds of dust so dense that the light from their stars was blocked, and they froze solid
12. Devising such spells is fiendishly complex and requires the cumulative effort of thousands of researchers
13. 3 When moreover Hezekiah the king heard those things which the king of Assyria was devising that is to come and seize him and destroy his people the two and a half tribes which remained; no more he wished to overthrow Zion also; then Hezekiah trusted in his works and had hope in his righteousness and spoke with the Mighty One and said: 4 "Look because note! Sennacherib is prepared to destroy us and he will be boastful and exalted when he has destroyed Zion
14. 23 For when he heard the cry and saw them all on the verge of destruction with tears he angrily threatened his friends saying 24 you have governed badly; and have exceeded tyrants in cruelty; and me your benefactor you have laboured to deprive at once of my dominion and my life by secretly devising measures injurious to the kingdom
15. I spent my days devising new strategies for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares’s hands
16. Scientific Method - a rational method for forming a hypothesis and devising tests to disprove the hypothesis
17. Secretly, she was devising a plan that would make him hers
18. Skinny was devising a plan in her head
19. A rich man ended up getting richer, and spent his days and nights devising ways to protect his new wealth
20. Worse, Ghormley had proven to be a defeatist, lacking aggressiveness and constantly worrying about the enemy’s moves instead of devising strategies to take the initiative
21. for devising the plan for Operation Counterpunch, while I won the V
22. Good analytics can also help in devising early checks in the implementation process
23. She also proved to be a tactical and strategic genius of the first order as she went up quickly in rank, devising and executing numerous air and joint operations in the Pacific, such as the taking by helicopter air assault of Lae and many other important Japanese airfields in Papua New Guinea and the sinking of the battleships YAMATO and MUSASHI in Rabaul Harbor
24. I would like you two to start devising a plan to quickly break Laplante out of prison in Quetta if that becomes necessary
25. And, he was confident that the plan he was devising to escape would work
26. I realize she must have stashed of them, and she’s leading everyone into traps of her own devising
27. From the sound of the whispering and giggling, they seemed to be hard at work devising something
28. “There are counter-measures, of course,” said Stevens, “and we are constantly devising new methods of encryption and layered defences to combat increasingly sophisticated threats
29. In devising a way to steal the soul the djain conspired with a human woman
30. Leeds on a poxy course in Birmingham? How could he cheat on me while I was devising a scenario on
31. For the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication [ i
32. I, too, think that the devising of idols was–and still is--the major human error
33. Button had such a man as Sebastian in mind for what she had been devising to do
34. Everyone who had ever known him recognised his great power of thought unmatched by any other man in that era, and his ingenuity in devising a plan in order to achieve success and for the greater good
35. What is the most pragmatic way of devising a unique
36. “Hoenir gave it to me; Mimir said he’s been devising it since the last time you were here
37. If they’re not hassling about the press being gagged and political films being censored, they’re devising their own plots to undermine us
38. measuring the amount of CO in the air including devising
39. He could not look at her but his mind was already analysing the situation and devising his next move
40. practical and helpful process, which focuses on problems at hand that need to be dealt with, by devising a
41. He vowed to escape from Illium and set about devising a plan
42. Salman is famed for devising the
43. Unhappy, shortsighted Anselmo, what art thou doing, what art thou plotting, what art thou devising? Bethink thee thou art working against thyself, plotting thine own dishonour, devising thine own ruin
44. She replied that it was a beneficiary of the town who had a nice taste in devising things of the sort
45. Don Quixote's host was one Don Antonio Moreno by name, a gentleman of wealth and intelligence, and very fond of diverting himself in any fair and good-natured way; and having Don Quixote in his house he set about devising modes of making him exhibit his mad points in some harmless fashion; for jests that give pain are no jests, and no sport is worth anything if it hurts another
46. What would you say again to the tale of Zeus, who, while other gods and men were asleep and he the only person awake, lay devising plans, but forgot them all in a moment through his lust, and was so completely overcome at the sight of Here that he would not even go into the hut, but wanted to lie with her on the ground, declaring that he had never been in such a state of rapture before, even when they first met one another
47. I conceive, I said, that the true legislator will not trouble himself with this class of enactments whether concerning laws or the constitution either in an ill-ordered or in a well-ordered State; for in the former they are quite useless, and in the latter there will be no difficulty in devising them; and many of them will naturally flow out of our previous regulations
48. In his return to the camp, his acute and practised intellects were intently engaged in devising means to counteract a watchfulness and suspicion on the part of his enemies, that he knew were, in no degree, inferior to his own
49. During the six years which had passed since Noirtier first fell into this sad state, Valentine's powers of invention had been too often put to the test not to render her expert in devising expedients for gaining a knowledge of his wishes, and the constant practice had so perfected her in the art that she guessed the old man's meaning as quickly as if he himself had been able to seek for what he wanted
50. She inherited her mother's gift for devising drapery and costume