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    dialect example sentences


    1. The guard knew it was a northern dialect but it was one he didn't understand

    2. We still have the ancient Dorian dialect

    3. She stood 22 feet, and had a clear throaty voice with a definite Irish dialect

    4. Daniel stepped forward with Kate and bowed to Wolf, “Daniel, rider of Queenie; she was from California wasn’t she? You speak the dialect of the surfer crowd, very unusual

    5. Roman stopped without turning around, matching the dialect with

    6. “I think they have more news, but it is in the local dialect

    7. I tried again in Aeolian, then in the Egyptian dialect spoken on Crete

    8. dialect, as – most notably – due to the fantastic

    9. They responded with a form of Afrikaans which was hilarious, even if their Afrikaans school teacher was from Cape Town where they speak original (weird dialect) Afrikaans, which only they can understand

    10. He made it to refuge in a dilapidated barn and was calling for the American helicopter on a portable radio, when a man’s voice rang out in the local Indian dialect: “Put down that radio and turn around slowly!”

    11. All around him now, he could pick up on the rounded vowels and the preferred grammatical construct, (“We was late for the kick-off” and “D’ya think we’ll win them, Ron?”) That dialect, which had annoyed him as a youth, now came across as warm and welcoming

    12. “Will you try to harm me or yourself again if I untie you?” His dialect was thick and unfamiliar

    13. It was at that point when he attracted the attention of one of the armed men, who pointed his rifle at him and shouted something incomprehensible; it sounded like Igbo but not a dialect Ethan could understand clearly

    14. Yuembe broke down in laughter and said something in that dialect Ethan couldn’t quite get

    15. The mother superior’s proud facade had collapsed; she was now begging the men in whatever dialect ran through her tongue, with what few words she knew

    16. There was no hope in hell that he’d talk his way out of this: for one thing, he didn’t even speak that damnable dialect and for another, they were already letting off a blind hail of bullets at the mud-and-hay brick walls of the monastery, trying for the shooter

    17. Their little discussion was interrupted by the boy who spat out a glob of some sort of local chewing tobacco variety and said something in what must have been a local Igbo dialect

    18. On page 1, the reader is informed that Burger’s book has been translated into English, Arabic, Indian dialect and soon it will also be available in Portuguese and Russian

    19. While I had a fair grasp of the Napoles dialect, I was dismayed while at Atella to discover I could not communicate with the Italianos from the north

    20. Hais—a Caddoan-speaking tribe (Eyeish) with a dialect rather distinct from other Caddoan tribes

    21. Kituhwa—the Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) dialect spoken along the Tuckasegee River in western north Carolina around the principle city by the same name

    22. monkey in the local dialect

    23. If the dialect is

    24. in some Russian dialect Mick didn’t know

    25. He said something in some dialect of

    26. babbling in a dialect that Petrov did not fully understand

    27. welcome first in Russian, then in the dialect the boy had been

    28. The accent was unfamiliar to her, and he spoke in a strong dialect, but by listening carefully she could understand what the old man was saying

    29. Immediately west of this north-south narrow band, the population speaks French, until we get to Belgium, when most of the people along the Belgian-German border speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch

    30. Their mother tongue, Yiddish, was a dialect of German

    31. Youssaf stepped out well in front of the others and, speaking in the High Egyptian dialect that he had used during the time when he had sought to hide his heritage, he called out loudly

    32. Momentarily taken aback by such a bold challenge spoken in the unique dialect used only by his superiors, the low-ranked captain reined his mount to a halt

    33. grenades, and yelled something in the Shan dialect

    34. “Have you not heard?” asked one, seemingly disarmed by the familiar dialect of the reply as he slowly moved in their direction

    35. Again, the same soldiers who had pinned him lurched toward him rasping in a dialect

    36. every step grudgingly given, chanted something in unison in a dialect strange to Moshe that

    37. ” His choice of a Hebrew dialect for his greeting puzzled

    38. front of the others and, speaking in the High Egyptian dialect that he had used during the time

    39. “Have you not heard?” asked one, seemingly disarmed by the familiar dialect of the reply as he

    40. translated the words into the most popular Bantu dialect as he sang of a return to their

    41. Partly dialect, I imagine, since we're a good distance from Witanceaster—Winchester—but also my skills aren't the absolute highest, and back uptime we only think we know what pronunciation was back here, based on deductions from poetry and analogies with other Germanic languages and later versions of English

    42. Whereas the crew in my previous station had all come from Bremerhaven and surrounding areas, these were from Thuringia and Saxony and spoke a dialect I occasionally had trouble understanding

    43. Do you know what day this is?” he questioned in his soft rolling Saxon dialect

    44. I talked to the patients through one of the nurse’s aides who happened to speak a particular dialect in addition to Spanish

    45. Srey Dar told them that the replicant had motioned something and had spoken, but she could not recognise the dialect

    46. The man was speaking rapidly in a Shemite dialect she found hard to understand

    47. She yawned again, stretched lithely, and without any show of fear or surprize, shifted to a language he did understand, a dialect of Yuetshi which sounded strangely archaic

    48. 'If there is fighting in the hills there will be looting,' muttered a voice behind him, in the dialect of the Irakzai

    49. He was gibbering in the Stygian tongue, though in a dialect unfamiliar to her

    50. The black spoke in a sea-coast dialect, and Conan replied; he had learned the jargon while a corsair on the coasts of Kush

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    Synonyms for "dialect"

    accent dialect idiom slang vernacular argot jargon cant localism branch talk speech tongue

    "dialect" definitions

    the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people