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    diametric example sentences


    1. This attitude was diametrically counter to those of the other candidates who assembled in the 'schoolroom

    2. Learning informs an inquisitive mind by shaping unformed thoughts and opinions and providing form and substance to ideas while reconciling the diametrical dynamics of intellect and passion

    3. Satan does not ―hate‖ in the conventional sense understood by most individuals for the simple reason that the manifestation of this emotion necessarily implies the (potential) existence of an antithetical emotion called ―love;‖ that is to say, extremes provide meaning to diametrical concepts or ideas

    4. ” I immediately pictured a religious group, but a science community? Yes atheists, even the scientific variety, are believers in something also, even though their “pitch” is diametrically opposed to religion and its belief system

    5. When it comes to extraterrestrial life, science is diametrically opposed to the evolutionary mentality

    6. Paradox - when diametrically opposite viewpoints are both seen to be true, one is forced into a state of paradox

    7. and your groups of characters so diametrically opposed that there

    8. If the neckline holds the buying pressure at point E, then the formation provides information regarding the price direction: diametrically opposed to the direction of the head-and-shoulders (bearish)

    9. If the neckline holds the buying pressure at point F, then the formation provides information regarding the price direction: diametrically opposed to the direction of the

    10. You have diametrically opposite positions and perspectives

    11. What do you want?’ There was no love lost between these two powerful men with diametrically opposed agendas

    12. You will pick up as large a load as you can carry and then, without a human crew, you will bring that load as fast as you can to a point just outside the Central System’s defensive perimeter in the planetary plane diametrically opposite the location of Pluto when you arrive

    13. reducer with a diametrical expansion on either end of that

    14. which had a diametrical element - which was; ‘ false’

    15. This was the moment of truth for the Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower; who’s more cautious "broad front" strategy was diametrically opposed by the British and Montgomery in particular

    16. market reaction that is diametrically opposed to capital structure theory

    17. Science, in this sense, is not diametrically opposed to art; rather, it is

    18. There is no question that Christianity and Islam are diametrically

    19. diametrically opposed to one another: what one holds to be sacred the

    20. station named Perseus, which was situated diametrically opposite to Mars in

    21. Then, the innocence of love and total intimacy exposes him to compassion, leading him to diametrically opposite life energies, marked by forgiveness

    22. The evidence suggests that people preferred the smell of others with diametrically opposed genes

    23. him that the “unconditional love” concept seemed diametrically opposed to the laws and rules

    24. they were in relation to the baby, which set them off in diametrically opposed directions

    25. Within the nation is a garbage dump of diametrically opposed communication

    26. That is why we make different choices, sometimes diametrically-opposite decisions everywhere, and their consequences lead us to rotation Cycles where scenarios have either very close or more “distant” variants of “Death” for our NUU-VVU

    27. The templates of brains of the two were diametrically

    28. According to the degree of information resonance and discord of some Fields with other ones, Fields-Consciousnesses undergo internal differentiation, and SFUURMM-Forms may be diametrically opposed in their meaning and become immediately “absorbed” by other UU-VVU-copies that form other realizational “niches” of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems by their typical vibrations

    29. principles were so diametrically opposed to those of the

    30. They are diametrically opposed to each other

    31. This principle is diametrically opposed to the billionaire that reaps profits from his society and returns only a fraction of it

    32. They have two diametrically opposed basic motives

    33. You believe these fops who later became the worst republican reactionaries and who lived lives that were diametrically opposed to everything Socrates stood for and fought for: you believe they admired him for his virtues? They were so corrupt: they had no virtues

    34. The cast of their eyes are diametrically opposed, consequently they are motivated to think and act differently given the

    35. attributed to them? Because most verifiable facts are diametrically opposed to Christianity’s and the

    36. These situations, when viewed together, are so suspicious in nature and so diametrically opposed to

    37. are diametrically opposed, consequently they are motivated to think and act differently given the

    38. And one day a force already within the world would rise to enslave those hearts of man not already committed and sealed by their Creator, into an opposition of all things God, by virtue of being the opposite of God, the two being diametrically opposed

    39. But if this were the effect of inspiration, inspiration would be fatal to revelation; since revelation consists in making truth known to the nations through language, and inspiration of the quality supposed deprives words of their proper meaning and affixes one diametrically opposite

    40. Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, Beauchamp—as it sometimes, we may say often, happens—was his intimate friend

    41. And, in particular, I heard him once myself affirm that Christianity and the customs of our town of Vanity were diametrically opposite, and could not be reconciled

    42. Except this time, ironically, the problem was almost diametrically the opposite

    43. Premium Seller? How should she handle her position, one with the diametrically opposite risks and rewards?

    44. These have diametrically opposite implications for the stock, and you will really never know which, if either, is right

    45. What do you, the trader or investor, do with these? There’s almost two different, diametrically opposite answers here

    46. In this respect the analyst’s approach is diametrically opposed to that of the speculator, meaning thereby one whose success turns upon his ability to forecast or to guess future developments

    47. And after the adjutant comes the commissary general asking where the stores are to be taken, and the chief of the hospitals asks where the letter from the sovereign which does not admit of the possibility of abandoning Moscow, and the commander in chief’s rival, the man who is undermining him (and there are always not merely one but several such), presents a new project diametrically opposed to that of turning to the Kaluga road, and the commander in chief himself needs sleep and refreshment to maintain his energy and a respectable general who has been overlooked in the distribution of rewards comes to complain, and the inhabitants of the district pray to be defended, and an officer sent to inspect the locality comes in and gives a report quite contrary to what was said by the officer previously sent; and a spy, a prisoner, and a general who has been on reconnaissance, all describe the position of the enemy’s army differently

    48. The stance we took was diametrically opposed to the position of most institutional research firms at that time, as well as to the negative news

    49. In fact, she said her work, what she did as a Christian Scientist, was ‘diametrically opposed to what Marilyn was doing in the moving picture industry

    50. Now it had been her custom to launch out into fervent admiration of what she called my ‘beauté mâle:’ wherein she differed diametrically from you, who told me point-blank, at the second interview, that you did not think me handsome

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