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    Use "digesting" in a sentence

    digesting example sentences


    1. She was digesting that

    2. He tried to appear that he was digesting that

    3. James sat digesting this for several minutes

    4. The Voice was silent, but Johnson could feel it thinking, digesting his

    5. "They're testing us," she stated, her ashen face calm, her eyes digesting the darkness

    6. To see ore in your dream indicates that you are still in the process of digesting certain concepts that you have learned in your life

    7. Please observe the motto that the fire in the stomach should be well preserved and should remain capable of digesting the food you eat

    8. Can you believe this? - she told me that digesting

    9. ” Is this merely a new version of the earlier experience with plurality, only now, just a resubmersion into a lessor pantheon? Or, is it a tacit admission that Man has difficulty digesting this God in a single gulp? What about the more ancient others? Complexity does seem to breed plurality, but plurality seems also to breed confusion, and that fosters a lack of concentration

    10. A bit like digesting food—before it gets through your stomach, it’s just a bulk of food

    11. They were digesting the new and not altogether palatable ideas Mary had suggested to them

    12. between brothers/sisters in Christ; to ingest a teaching; to consume the Word; to meditate on God’s Word; digesting the Word of God;

    13. Squishing, farting and digesting sounds are all around him

    14. He paused, digesting this piece of information

    15. On the evening of the first day, still digesting Johan’s tales, Simon surprised a buck-rabbit on the path, took a stone and killed it as it ran for cover

    16. "They've caught plenty of fish for their dinner, and they're sitting there digesting it

    17. Joseph sat very still digesting this news and said

    18. the tiresome process of cooking, eating and digesting food is not a neces-

    19. he was digesting the information and weighing it

    20. He was silent for a full minute, digesting the indigestible, then asked quietly, „What did you mean when you said, sort of

    21. Chris sat back digesting this information and trying to get his rebellious stomach under control

    22. All the organs of his body were working: digesting food, skin renewing, hair growing, tissues forming

    23. So you are digesting the past career year and now the psyche, the deeper mind, will prepare the ground for the coming day (your coming year)

    24. The fish digesting in his innards was testimony to his bountiful kingdom and hypnotic to his senses It was with great effort that he turned his fist sized head toward the opposite bank at the sound of lapping water

    25. ’ he said after a couple of moments digesting what she’d asked of him, ‘I can see some positives in that

    26. This time they had ordered and enjoyed a fine infinity fish fillet and were sitting digesting and supping an equally fine cognac

    27. 'Negative calorie' means that you use more calories in eating and digesting the food than it contains, keeping in mind that we burn calories all of the time by simply living, even when we sleep

    28. Mousavi nodded slowly his head while digesting that information

    29. Jack Crawford, still digesting what the new Farah had said, pointed at his uniform’s shoulder patch

    30. Veck was silent for a moment, digesting the bad news and trying to figure out what to do next

    31. digesting the things it tells us

    32. The more he read, the more he became unsettled: a German girl adopted by Nancy Laplante, the Canadian time traveler? Genda was still digesting that fact when the last pilot to have returned was introduced into Omonishi’s office

    33. Genda was digesting that piece of news when a young officer brought a message for Nagumo, who read it quickly

    34. Still digesting that information, Wilson watched as Nancy put on a gun belt supporting her holstered Glock 26 pistol and two spare magazine holders, then covered it with the bottom of her baggy combat shirt

    35. Lisa and the other newcomers kept silent for a moment, digesting this

    36. After a moment of digesting the information, he looked

    37. Nancy shook slowly her head, still digesting what had happened to her and all the new things she now knew thanks to her brief mental contact with The One

    38. “The irony,” Alex said, digesting the possibilities as Marie

    39. Canaris was silent for a second, digesting that information

    40. Boran Kern was silent for a long moment, digesting those words

    41. Breckenridge nodded skeptically, as if he was digesting the

    42. The three senators then stayed silent for a moment, digesting how difficult the situation was

    43. “Well,” Wickland said, still digesting the extensive personal information that revealed some about the mysterious Mr

    44. If you are too full the stomach digestive juices have trouble properly digesting food efficiently

    45. 'All right …' he said slowly, his mind obviously preoccupied with digesting the information, 'All right … We can't cut the wires to the detonators, I suppose, as that would change the resistance in the electrical system

    46. Richilde was then silent while digesting that information

    47. ‘’I see!’’ Said Humbert, digesting those words

    48. digesting (which means you’re losing out on time spent in deep sleep)

    49. Priya was still standing in front of the bar counter, still digesting that announcement as the other patrons exchanged excited comments, when a catchy tune and young female singing voices started to play on the speakers, being unlike anything she had heard before

    50. periods, filled with pain, my inability to breathe properly and the problems I have with digesting food

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