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    Use "dimly" in a sentence

    dimly example sentences


    1. She dimly remembered how long the interconnects were, it took a whole additional week of driving almost nonstop

    2. At the end of the fjord, in some of the highest cliff walls, is an immense oval, dimly lit by the lanterns of the ships traversing it

    3. Scar entered the dimly lit room, making sure to keep a wide berth around the many people in the room

    4. I dimly register Stephen and Liz coming in sometime in the early hours of the morning

    5. It was commercial sidewalks along the canal, dimly torchlit even in Dusksleep, though most of the stalls were empty

    6. I consider what I recall … in the middle of the night, by the light of the lightstones dimly lighting the room, I had seen Berndt sitting on the edge of the bed … concerned, I had sat up and reached over to see what the problem was … at my touch he had turned, his eyes dark and troubled

    7. Peter includes us in the prayers by name; this hits Simon – I hear his sharp intake of breath - this whole brother/vicar thing has depths for both of them which I can only dimly perceive

    8. The room was dimly lit in an eerie dark green with nothing but drawers full of zombies in its walls

    9. I burst thru a door into a dimly lit room with a sunken circle of six thrones with ornate helmets hanging over them, helmets connected by fibers to a huge onion of glowing crystal at least fifteen feet high right in the center of that circle of thrones

    10. He put the conker in his pocket, dimly remembering

    11. In here Jorma could dimly perceive that they were in a room filled with racks and racks of hanging files down narrow aisles off this central one

    12. top of the stairs a long, narrow, dimly lit, corridor

    13. Maggie is dimly aware of the change of tone in the news reader's voice

    14. There were floors above and below, just as dimly lit, with identical landings

    15. When she arrived, all but one dimly lit light was off, and it was way in the back, of the barn

    16. " Jake answered, to what he thought, was her calling him, popping his head into the shabby dimly lit room in the basement

    17. This khume was dimly lit and frequented mainly by wholesalers

    18. Though her mission was cemented in her mind by the very will of the Elder Gods, neither their powers nor their punishments could extinguish the hope in her heart and the thoughts it spoke, dimly in her mind, 'I will not watch another world die

    19. Somewhere in the inferno’s roar he dimly recognized the voice of S’ilindsa as she screamed, “Brontes! Help him!”

    20. Night after night, week after week, and month after month during his extended life of some 15 odd years, the “Boo, boo, boo!” and “Ha, ha, ha!” of Bob the Buho could be heard reverberating through the dimly moonlit forest that he called home

    21. You remember that much?” The Elf nodded slowly; that was just what she had begun to recall dimly as well

    22. Aspen entered the room slowly, her hand on her gun as she allowed her eyes to adjust to the dimly lit room

    23. Then in one almighty effort he hauled himself through the hatch and into the dimly lit chamber beyond

    24. Jerking awake, he looked across the dimly lit room into Aspen’s face

    25. As she entered the dimly lit room of the intensive care

    26. But when Zolla switched to the SOC's helmet-cam a corridor appeared, lit dimly red and barely enough to a see any surrounding detail

    27. lighting the steady eyes, and wondered dimly, as he stood with his hand

    28. She eased the door open and peered into a vast, dimly lit kitchen

    29. In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience

    30. The room was dimly lit and the blue curtains were drawn, shutting out the faint light from the stormy skies outside

    31. Once I felt better I walked into the dimly lit room

    32. Following him into a dimly lit hallway that was covered in red flocked wallpaper, I whispered in Uncle Hobart's ear, "God, this place reminds me of a brothel

    33. Con left his brother’s office and made his way across the large dimly lit club, still fuming inside

    34. Only dimly did I take in the rest of the room—the clusters of potted plants in the corners, the sparse pieces of elegant furniture, the chaise longue that had a sudden, ominous significance

    35. He could dimly make out her graceful body and long tresses floating in the water around her head

    36. I dimly heard the sound of rushing water

    37. I sat up in the hold of a boat dimly lit by a whale oil lamp

    38. the aroma of something spicy from a dimly seen tray, and the

    39. As she turned around to start walking back towards her house, she froze where she lay when a mailed hand seemed to stretch from a shadowy crevice, some chasm in a wall she hadn’t noticed in her dimly lit surroundings: it was a surreptitious figure that seemed well-disposed towards her, or else she would be already lying in a pool of her own blood for what little coin she carried in her tiny purse

    40. When he entered the dimly lit main room, he discovered that it was not much warmer inside than it was outside, and with one exception, the place was devoid of customers

    41. The dimly lit kitchen which had felt warm and full of wholesome smells, now seemed vacant, cold, and dark

    42. Some seemed to be occupied; many housed families, small and large; children trying to play hide and seek in the dimly lit passages that had become their impromptu playground

    43. They had exhausted their meager supplies and had walked without eating all that day with no sure knowledge that it wouldn’t become their last, until the final rays of the setting sun shone dimly on that which they had sought

    44. He got up from his chair and moved aside, his back resting against the dimly lit wall

    45. Dimly she saw him raise her assailant’s body up over his head and slam it into the nearest tree

    46. Early science was only dimly aware of the division of the whole of their study into the many parts that they delved into

    47. Oh! John, John! Brothers at last! Has the recent past for me and future for you always been so fraught with dimly perceived shadows?

    48. The whole place was dimly lit by overhead strip lighting, although some of the bulbs had gone out, and one of them was blinking on and off, making a loud crackling noise

    49. left the club and, later, they came to a narrow, dimly lit

    50. The stars of nature were dimly lit

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    Synonyms for "dimly"

    dimly indistinctly murkily palely pallidly

    "dimly" definitions

    in a dim indistinct manner

    in a manner lacking interest or vitality

    with a dim light