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    Use "direct to" in a sentence

    direct to example sentences

    direct to

    1. You really encourage those manufactures, and direct towards them a greater quantity of the industry of the country than what would properly go to them of its own accord

    2. The third keeps me in direct touch with my office

    3. best of all and it leads direct to liberation

    4. staff read the email (rather than them sending it direct to their email ‘bins’)

    5. to direct towards human beings all the love that has been directed at

    6. 00 which we pay out of the of the publishing fee direct to


    8. " After she and Miriam had talked this matter over, they decided to make an effort to stop it before Jesus learned about it, by going direct to Rebecca, laying the whole story before her, and honestly telling her about their belief that Jesus was a son of destiny; that he was to become a great religious leader, perhaps the Messiah

    9. One of the roads went to Siem Reap and one led direct to Ta Prohm

    10. Left to hold her in the nude, the brothers came in direct touch with their stepmother’s frame that had snared their father and brought them misery

    11. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way”


    13. company that sells direct to

    14. direct to the buying syndicate in the United States

    15. ” Commander Maxi stated in a vague but direct tone

    16. This bus goes direct to a stop near the library

    17. Find out who are involved, and report direct to me

    18. Philippe chartered a flight direct to Locarno Airport and made enquiries about Kendrick there

    19. As soon as they were declared OK and everything had been paid for, they flew direct to Sam at The Organization for debriefing

    20. So going, to first Andrew, and then John, I asked if they would be willing to direct tonight’s events, for I knew that God had used them many times before, and their discernment for the things of God were at times superior to mine

    21. Direct to the point

    22. He had already placed a call via his implant to his cell phone direct to Trini

    23. through his studio’s live station feed direct to internet, as well as interrupting every station network broadcasting to every local house and everyone connected via satellite and cable using the Emergency

    24. not going direct to Italy was less popular with travelers

    25. With the Blood that His Son Jesus has already shed for all of us on the cross, God the Father has now opened up the gates to His heaven and the gates direct to Himself

    26. This transmission of His thoughts direct to us through the Holy Spirit is so clear, so perfect, and so powerful – that the Bible can now say that we have the “mind of Christ

    27. And as a consequence, each and all that is here is in a direct touch with God

    28. And as a consequence, each and all that are here are not in a direct touch with God

    29. The very first thing your love should be aimed at and centered on is direct to God Himself! God wants to establish a one-on-on, intimate, personal relationship with each one of us – and in this personal relationship God will want you to truly learn how to love Him from your heart and from your soul

    30. Here is this powerful one-line command given direct to us from the mouth of the Lord Himself

    31. Their marriages had severely deteriorated over the years, but instead of going direct to God and committing the marriage back into His hands and ask for His guidance, knowledge, and wisdom on how to heal and repair the broken marriage, they assume they now have the right to look for and find happiness in the arms of another lover

    32. This money is being given direct to us by God and we thus should be using it for whatever He will want us to use it for

    33. “And for the same reason, the settlements cannot be paid direct to the organisation you have named?”

    34. “I have a special secure satellite phone link direct to him

    35. They will market their new products direct to this list

    36. But why did he go to Zurich and not direct to Geneva, which was nearer to where they were?

    37. “No offence, or anything, but I can chat direct to all my chums on this without bothering anyone else

    38. “I came direct to the Prime Minister with this,” he concluded, “because frankly I didn’t know whom I could trust anymore

    39. They can export wool from certain ports in England on condition that it be shipped direct to the Mediterranean

    40. When you use a domain redirect to promote a product, you can use it within all

    41. URL above with the URL you wish to direct to

    42. redirect to cloak your affiliate link and include the URL within the press

    43. Smith, it wasn’t necessary for you to go to the congressman to voice your concerns; you could and should have come direct to me

    44. redirect to the www version

    45. "Most folks like to fly direct to the ranch," the driver told Tony

    46. He checked in with Grimes in the control centre regularly and he had given the gardener a satellite phone connected direct to the control centre just in case anything was to happen to him

    47. would direct to the merchant’s site but also for

    48. He reckoned as a very rough approximation, that 15% would be the total wages and salaries bill withheld by the company as Income Tax, and sent direct to the Tax Office

    49. Be in direct touch of the Real; let it descend into your blood, bones and breathing

    50. bean in the session, and redirect to the Hello World JSP

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