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    Use "disarming" in a sentence

    disarming example sentences


    1. He continually wore a disarming grin and his carriage bespoke assuredness of purpose

    2. Tom, Sue, Brian and Flavio opened the doors without disarming them

    3. was disarming, and Jean began to relax

    4. After disarming Homer, too, Tragus knelt

    5. ) Obama could not have picked a more in - tune Secretary of State, for while he continues on his self-appointed task of disarming America, Hillary continues to harangue us on the evils of gun ownership, and even goes along with the United Nations proposal to ban gun ownership for individuals

    6. “It wasn’t his fault Marcos,” Chandio mocked with a disarming smile

    7. Ethan frowned in puzzlement and smiled in his usually disarming way

    8. “Please, have a seat,” he said with disarming mellowness, motioning Ethan to pull up an empty folding chair

    9. “You’ll have a hard time disarming that one

    10. On the morning of the incident, Sergeant Martin told his coworkers that Carson was required to sign off on a new recruit’s first assignment disarming ordnance

    11. According to Captain Phillips, his son was killed disarming ordnance he wasn’t properly trained to handle

    12. he had begun disarming Protestants and discharging them from the

    13. ” This was a call for unilateral disarming of our intelligence services to match the disarmament of our military, which has long been a staple of the radical agenda

    14. She flashed him a disarming smile

    15. But Cleo’s being kittenish with me seemed so disarming that I went along with her playfulness

    16. After disarming his traps, he joined the girls who had awoken and started to pack up camp

    17. With disarming honesty he admitted I wasn’t very handsome, but character was more important

    18. With disarming modesty he walked to the end of the diving board, bounced a couple of times then dived neatly in, swimming to the other end and hauling himself out; giving his audience a view of the best buttocks ever to grace the place

    19. the freight depot where EVA suited Marines in full battle armor supervised the disarming of their captives and transfer to a series of large empty maintenance hangars

    20. Richard laid his hand on her wrist, disarming her

    21. Nancy gave him a disarming smile while answering him calmly with words that made the Japanese police officers tense at once

    22. ’ Yet surely, such disarming candour is but proof of his effort at objectivity

    23. � A company of Luftwaffe troops had already surrounded and seized the building, disarming the few Waffen-SS guards on the ground level and upper floors

    24. Carla did not flinch; her gaze was fixed on his twinkling blue eyes, her warm smile broadened slightly as though he had said something vaguely amusing but not intentionally disarming

    25. We should keep a loose blockade around Japan and its island garrisons and concentrate in liberating ex-allied territories in Asia, while disarming and occupying Germany

    26. His disarming grin twinkled in the shadows as he asked, “You don't really want that kiddie punch do you? How about sharing something more adult with me?”

    27. He moves in close to her, continuing in a disarming tone, “With all that cash, you know, we can start over and fresh, and live happily ever after, princess

    28. Her Paquita girls rushed in and took over the room, disarming Tolro, who surrendered quickly enough when he realized he was out

    29. ” I hope that was sufficiently disarming

    30. The intensity of his gaze was disarming and I knew I had to get rid of him

    31. could just have several of his best powers in a single device that can be taken away by a thief or disarming attack

    32. Every prisoner on trial, even the rudest peasant, knows that they begin by disarming him with irrelevant questions (as you so happily put it) and then deal him a knock-down blow, he-he-he!--your felicitous comparison, he-he! So you really imagined that I meant by 'government quarters'

    33. And what a fool I was about it! Well, he's simply a genius of hypocrisy and resourcefulness in disarming the suspicions of the lawyers--so there's nothing much to wonder at, I suppose! Of course people like that are always possible

    34. Happily, he soon succeeded in disarming his adversary, whose knife fell on the rock at their feet; and from this moment it became a fierce struggle who should cast the other over the dizzy height into a neighboring cavern of the falls

    35. He then dealt with Godwyn’ s counter-arguments, disarming the prior in advance

    36. The house was alarmed and she blocked their view of the control panel while she keyed in the disarming code

    37. We believe that the guards downstairs will have served us by disarming all the guests, therefore, the security guards are our wild cards: if shooting erupts, it will be from them, so those of you stationed inside the house should identify them from their lapel pins and make them your first targets, if necessary

    38. Every prisoner on trial, even the rudest peasant, knows that they begin by disarming him with irrelevant

    39. And what a fool I was about it! Well, he's simply a genius of hypocrisy and resourcefulness in disarming the suspicions of the lawyers—so there's nothing much to wonder at, I suppose! Of course people like that are always possible

    40. They believed, they told him with disarming frankness, that the earth was due for a thousand-year flood (“Aquarius, man … get it?”) and that in time the rockets would carry them to the safety of a new home in outer space

    41. Again with the disarming honesty

    42. It’s a disarming technique to break up the tension and demonstrates that you’re a real person

    43. The conflict had been begun on a gigantic scale at all points; and, as a result of the disarming domiciliary visits, and armorers' shops hastily invaded, was, that the combat which had begun with the throwing of stones was continued with gun-shots

    44. Her expression was incredulous, and he realized that he’d overplayed his attempt to be disarming

    45. And what a fool I was about it! Well, he’s simply a genius of hypocrisy and resourcefulness in disarming the suspicions of the lawyers—so there’s nothing much to wonder at, I suppose! Of course people like that are always possible

    46. Men dead to the operation of moral causes, had taken away from the poor slave his habits of loyalty and obedience to his master, which lightened his servitude by a double operation; beguiling his own cares and disarming his master's suspicions and severity; and now, like true empirics in politics, you are called upon to trust to the mere physical strength of the fetter which holds him in bondage

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    Synonyms for "disarming"

    disarmament disarming

    "disarming" definitions

    act of reducing or depriving of arms

    capable of allaying hostility