Use "disavow" in a sentence
disavow example sentences
1. “Make Faith a high priority: believe that thy dynamic will can disavow the Sesavah of its one power to deceive
2. It is as if Jesus instructed Paul to write that we had to disavow knowing
3. “I disavow any knowledge of monsters,” Mayor King stated
4. “I disavow any knowledge of monsters
5. This will be the second time that Great Britain will disavow me after I repeatedly risked my life for it and I cannot let this pass without reacting strongly to it
6. “If the store cap didn’t pass, GrandGoods will disavow all knowledge of the kickbacks and put it all on Sutto, claiming he acted on his own
7. ” To add some clarity, he continued, “I and the other members would be forced to disavow any knowledge of the proceedings, as we might be held culpable also
8. If the other side goes public, we will blame it on the Newsweek article, although we cannot disavow the agreement
9. He could not disavow his actions, belauded as they were by half the world, and so he had to repudiate truth, goodness, and all humanity
10. Will you traverse it, you insignificant worm, who crawl in the dust of your pitiful profanation of the gods? Will you vivify the world? Will you conceive the unknown divinity to whom you do not dare to pray? You miserable digger of dung, soiled by the smut of ruined altars, are you perchance the architect who shall build the new temple? Upon what do you base your hopes, you who disavow the old gods and have no new gods to take their place? The eternal night of doubts unsolved, the dead desert, deprived of the living spirit—this is your world, you pitiful worm, who gnawed at the living belief which was a refuge for simple hearts, who converted the world into a dead chaos
11. But while the Administration support their system only as a municipal regulation, as a means of safety and preservation, those who canvass their principle are not called upon to contest with them on ground, which not only they do not take, but which, officially, they disavow
12. The British Government could not, from this view, disavow the act of its Minister without incurring, and that justly, the charge of bad faith
13. I need hardly add, that the difference between these conditions and those contained in the arrangement of the 18th and 19th of April, is sufficiently obvious to require no elucidation; nor need I draw the conclusion, which I consider as admitted by all absence of complaint on the part of the American Government, viz: that under such circumstances His Majesty had an undoubted right to disavow the act of his Minister
14. Smith, 23d of October, explicitly declares "His Majesty was pleased to disavow the agreement concluded between you and Mr
15. Jackson's letter: "I have no hesitation in informing you that his Majesty was pleased to disavow the agreement concluded between you and Mr
16. A majority, however, decide that it is within their authority; the principal is informed of it, does not complain or disavow, but positively and by the strongest implication assents to the construction given by his agents
17. Instead of an authenticated act of revocation, bearing the authority of the most ordinary law or edict of the French Empire, we have nothing but a letter from the agent of the Government, and which the Emperor may disavow at pleasure—as was done in the case of the Minister of Marine, in his explanations to General Armstrong of the intended operation of the Berlin decree—instead of the restoration of the immense amount of American property, of which your citizens have been most cruelly and unjustly robbed by this fell monster of the age—and which the President declared, through the Secretary of State, in letters to General Armstrong of the 5th of June and July, must precede an arrangement with France, and was an indispensable evidence of the just purpose of France towards the United States; instead of having forty or fifty millions' worth of our property restored, we are vauntingly told, that the property was confiscated as a measure of reprisal, that the principles of reprisal must be the law in that affair, and that a compromise would be inconsistent with the dignity of France—the plain English of which is, we have the property and we will keep it
18. the British Government could not disavow the acts of its Minister without incurring the charge of bad faith, 207;
1. Because Brasil claimed formal discovery of Kassidor after the Pan Solar League disavowed its existence, and because Kassidor was also mortal, Talstan and the remaining Angel states were quick to suspect a Brazilian-Kassidorian alliance, in spite of the 11
2. They loved each other, had loved each other for years, but had repeatedly disavowed their affections because they were from different worlds
3. Notorious outfits like Quantrill’s Raiders and Angry Anderson’s carried out mass murders of civilians that were so horrifying, the Confederate leadership disavowed them
4. disavowed knowing anyone in Des Moines and was quite disbelieving of the little girl’s story
5. The Coast Guard had endorsed the single-hull barge ban in 1979, but subsequently disavowed the proposal when USCG officials and barge owners concluded the proposed fees, permits and construction costs would be problematic and unnecessary, because serious barge spills on the 1250 mile stretch of river under consideration were infrequent (“Group Urges Double Hulls…,” 1993)
7. If God has disavowed Israel, the Arabs would have won that war
8. “You are telling me that, apart of still having to erase the Imperium, you were disavowed by your own Global Council and are now on the run?”
9. Such a splendid discovery it was, and it disavowed mortal life
10. Mostly, though, the pen raced over the paper, as if under its own power, hurling lariats of shorthand at the unfettered brilliance of America’s Preeminent Man of Letters—a title Mercer humbly disavowed
11. Some of Mark’s patients even stopped using the word “I,” or disavowed the need to have orgasms during sex
12. This will only mean that, in spite of the external education and Christianity, the habits of the stone age are still strong in man, that he is capable of committing acts which have long ago been disavowed by his consciousness
13. And are gentlemen considering the restoration of the seamen taken from the Chesapeake as a reason why we should continue the interdict? If we examine this subject fairly, the great principle of reparation was disavowed of the claim to search our armed vessels, and a homage to our rights
14. The recall of the disavowed Minister having been followed by the appointment of a successor, hopes were indulged that the new mission would contribute to alleviate the disappointment which had been produced, and to remove the causes which had so long embarrassed the good understanding of the two nations
15. From the first official disclosures of the new Minister, it was found that he had received no authority to enter into explanations relative to either branch of the arrangement disavowed, nor any authority to substitute proposals, as to that branch which concerned the British orders in council
16. Erskine,) with the American Government, but under the allegation that it was made contrary to instructions, it was no sooner known than it, and the Minister making it, were disavowed
17. Erskine, the disavowed agent, and at the time he (Mr
18. If the British Government, so recently as May last, disavowed an arrangement, and recalled its Minister, under an allegation that he violated his instructions, was it to be supposed that they would, in two or three months, so far change their policy as to authorize an arrangement on the same principles that they had just rejected? Certainly not, sir
19. Not to get rid of the non-intercourse—because the moment the arrangement was disavowed, the President breathed life and spirit into that act, and gave it renewed existence
20. We have the declaration of the Minister, whose act was disavowed, to the same effect
21. And the bill was sent back to the committee, for the purpose, as I understood, of bringing in a bill to suspend the operation of the law of May last, until we should hear from France, whether the Emperor had disavowed those seizures, and whether the decrees had actually ceased to operate on the first of November
22. They are, therefore, interested in keeping up a state of war; and being invested with the management of an instrument of war, it is to be expected that it will be used in some degree to answer their own purposes? No man who will reflect for a moment, but must be satisfied that the disgraceful and lawless conduct of the British naval officers on our coast originated in a desire on their part to bring on a war with this country, in which they looked forward to large dividends of prize money; and these acts were contrary to the wish and expectation of Great Britain; in one instance the act was disavowed; and it may be asked why were the officers not punished who acted contrary to the wishes of the Government? The answer is obvious; because the influence of the Navy in England is so predominant that the Government are afraid to touch the subject, and the consequence is, that the Government are compelled to bear the odium of acts which they disapprove; and the same cause which has produced this effect in England, if permitted to operate, will produce a similar effect in this country
23. The whole proceeding was disavowed by the British Government, without any explanations, which could, at that time, repress the belief, that the disavowal proceeded from a spirit of hostility to the commercial rights and prosperity of the United States
1. Roger wrote a long reply to that letter, disavowing any wish to defend Watergate, but maintaining that “though two wrongs don’t make a right, they cry for equal treatment”
2. These considerations not having restrained the British Government from disavowing the arrangement, by virtue of which its orders in council were to be revoked, and the event authorizing the renewal of commercial intercourse having thus not taken place, it necessarily became a question of equal urgency and importance, whether the act prohibiting that intercourse was not to be considered as remaining in legal force
3. Erskine was concluded, which justified the King in disavowing it; intimated to be known to our administration at the date of this letter; it is necessary to search, from the evidence before us, what those circumstances were upon which the King justified his disavowal; these found, we shall be at no loss to fix Mr
1. It disavows any meaning we may want to
2. Erskine explicitly disavows ever having shown the Executive Government the despatch containing the inadmissible conditions; and thus entirely exculpates it from the odious imputation attempted to be thrown on it by Mr