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    Use "disclaimer" in a sentence

    disclaimer example sentences


    1. Her theory is intellectually and morally shallow (because it doesn‘t probe deeper into the essential nature of ‖being‖), cynical (because of its disclaimer of kindly actions for their own sake), and mean (because of its negative constructions)

    2. Fillmore did meet with the Pope and later issued the standard bigot's disclaimer, “Some of my best friends are

    3. When we go to any gift shop we see beautiful pieces but with a disclaimer which reads ‘Good to see, nice to hold

    4. Before we begin – a disclaimer - all content provided within this appendix is for general information only, and it should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional

    5. Please bear this in mind, though not a disclaimer, the reality is that most de-motivated staff have more than one de-motivator, and unless the critical mass is addressed, self-motivation is impossible

    6. and to the disclaimer of warranties with

    7. ” For one very specific screen presentation I saw those words before the movie began, but after the movie ended, I saw a disclaimer that denied any amount of truth

    8. Read This First Terms of Use Disclaimer

    9. Firstly, a disclaimer: no method or system can ever be entirely foolproof and secure all the time, and you should be aware of the correct security measures that you should apply for the programming task or context in which you are coding

    10. Let me throw in the disclaimer, however, that it is still too early to tell

    11. “Then Fairmont wasn’t involved with any official city business,” Wickland phrased the comment more as a statement than a question, then added as a disclaimer, “to the best of your knowledge

    12. WEEKS! Are they crazy?! He did offer this disclaimer: your roof should be secure, but if it

    13. Flipped around to check for sugar vs Equal, what hits me from right above the "Nutrition Facts," but the can's disclaimer

    14. The opine-o-sphere is the democratization of ignorance – it is the shouting out of one billion, two billion, three, four and counting voices of This is true and Here're the real facts, with the editorial disclaimer of “As I see them” often and intentionally not stated

    15. If any disclaimer or limitation set forth in this agreement violates the law of the state applicable to this agreement, the agreement shall be interpreted to make the maximum disclaimer or limitation permitted by the applicable state law

    16. I think she was trying to give a disclaimer for the VHS

    17. Nintendo has since added a disclaimer that the BMI feature is meant for adults only, but hasn't taken the step of deactivating it in the game for child users

    18. Disclaimer: The following represent activities to which individuals at this level of awareness may be drawn

    19. It’s tempting to start each sentence with an apology or disclaimer

    20. But this is a book about my life so I have to simply hope that unsaid disclaimer is just implied

    21. “With a disclaimer attached to that

    22. Bearing these human-nature factors in mind, the analyst must avoid suggesting common-stock exchanges to speculators (except possibly if accompanied by an emphatic disclaimer of responsibility for subsequent market action), and he must hesitate to suggest such exchanges to holders for investment unless the statistical superiority of the issue recommended is quite impressive

    23. We must start this section with the important disclaimer that it does not apply to the large majority of well-established funds, but only to a relatively small section of the industry which has attracted a disproportionate amount of attention

    24. Clean opinions, as distinct from certain but not all subject-to opinions, adverse opinions or disclaimers of opinions, are important in giving comfort to investors following the fundamental finance approach; such investors are unlikely to be interested in a junior security on the basis of an opinion subject to a serious qualification (such as “subject to the ability to continue as a going concern”), or on the basis of an adverse opinion or of a disclaimer of opinion

    25. Before moving forward, a disclaimer about this section is in order

    26. He could not have said that she was rude, but every word was a rebuff and a disclaimer of intimacy

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    Synonyms for "disclaimer"

    disavowal disclaimer

    "disclaimer" definitions

    (law) a voluntary repudiation of a person's legal claim to something

    denial of any connection with or knowledge of