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    Use "disconcertingly" in a sentence

    disconcertingly example sentences


    1. His eyes could be disconcertingly piercing, at this point they probed for enlightenment

    2. The underside transparent as the ship appeared to any outside observer, and for a while disconcertingly vertiginous, like actually being suspended in space

    3. A small smile and soft but full voice also were disconcertingly warm and engaging, as was the rumbling chuckle of this cuddly gentle giant you felt you could trust with your life

    4. If we had wanted you dead…” she let her voice trail off, shrugged and smiled disconcertingly

    5. ” It was true that the weather was rarely as warm as we liked (the winters lasted almost half the year), and all the rain and snow were growing tiresome, as were the disconcertingly long days around the summer solstice and the irritatingly short ones around the winter solstice

    6. There was a small birthmark just below the left ear which looked disconcertingly familiar

    7. He ordered another, and pretty soon was at that unpleasant stage of drunkenness where the room starts to loose its tracking and rolls disconcertingly in front of the eyes

    8. The room seemed to sway disconcertingly as Ambrosius awoke

    9. Before the first semicolon in any vital discourse with one's husband was reached one was dissolved in tears, thought Ingeborg, ashamed and resentful; and Robert grew so calm and patient, so disconcertingly calm and patient when faced by crying; he sat there like some large god, untouched by human distress, waiting for the return of reason

    10. Tom was surprised how disconcertingly old his mother seemed

    11. They glowed disconcertingly

    12. I passed trees that seemed disconcertingly familiar, as if I’d surely passed them an hour before

    13. 'Science annihilates distance,' said my father disconcertingly

    14. Julia and her friends had a fascinated abhorrence of what they called 'Pont Street'; they collected phrases that damned their user, and among themselves - and often, disconcertingly, in public - talked a language made up of them

    15. I had met Father Mackay several times; he was a stocky, middle-aged, genial Glasgow-Irishman who, when we met, was apt to ask me such questions as, 'Would you say now, Mr Ryder, that the painter Titian was more truly artistic than the painter Raphael?' and, more disconcertingly still, to remember my answers: 'To revert, Mr Ryder, to what you said when last I had the pleasure to meet you, would it be right now to say that the painter Titian

    16. Although some said that role had been usurped by the Emperor’s disconcertingly mysterious confessor, Fray Jerónimo

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    "disconcertingly" definitions

    in a disturbing or embarrassing manner