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    Use "discoverable" in a sentence

    discoverable example sentences


    1. indication of it is discoverable in the writings of Moses? If there was such a

    2. Then there was the logic of numbers that evolved into the empirical science of eternal truths that were discoverable through inductive reasoning

    3. Even when there is no discoverable outer Guru, there is always

    4. Some of what is learned through revelation is not discoverable through reason, but what is discoverable through reason will not conflict with revelation, since both reason and revelation lead to truth

    5. The evolving soul of a human being is difficult of description and more difficult of demonstration because it is not discoverable by the methods of either material investigation or spiritual proving

    6. Yet no single indication of it is discoverable in the writings of Moses

    7. What isn't quite so obvious, but nonetheless discoverable, is that the national leaders

    8. It was a most tedious business, not more than half a dozen shoots of garlic being discoverable in the whole field; yet such was the herb's pungency that probably one bite of it by one cow had been sufficient to season the whole dairy's produce for the day

    9. was absurd: no motive was discoverable, the young couple being understood to dote on each other; and it was not unprecedented that an accidental slip of the foot should have brought these grave consequences

    10. Seasoned securities of the high-grade type tended to cling rather tenaciously to their established price levels and frequently failed to reflect a progressive deterioration of their intrinsic position until some time after this impairment was discoverable by analysis

    11. This makes the devices discoverable by one another

    12. The discoverable devices near you should appear

    13. In the Message out of which the report before you has sprung, not the slightest doubt is discoverable of the efficiency of our institutions to sustain us under every exigency that may overtake us

    14. It diffuses its benign influence, discoverable in the splendid and delightful improvements, which rejoice the eye of the traveller, throughout the country

    15. There is a fitness which cannot be defined in anticipation, but which is easily discoverable when the occasion occurs, which determines when a war is necessary

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    Synonyms for "discoverable"

    ascertainable discoverable

    "discoverable" definitions

    capable of being ascertained or found out