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    discriminated example sentences


    1. discriminated against her by telling her she has a head and it is man? The headship of man must be respected both in the home and in the church

    2. The blonds probably were the first to be discriminated against if a genetically mixed tribe suddenly produced a blond blue eyed child the natural tendency would have been to boycott the child and mother

    3. The only place these discriminated against people could go would have been north, as the caps receded

    4. He then discriminated, based on the source, its objectivity and the play of common sense

    5. 23 And when the angels departed from them to Heaven the shepherds spoke to one another and said We will go to Bethlehem and see this word which has been as the Lord made known to us; And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe laid in a manger; And when they saw they reported the word which was spoken to them about the child; And all that heard wondered at the description which the shepherds described to them; But Mary kept these sayings and discriminated them in her heart; And those shepherds returned magnifying and praising God for all that they had seen and heard according as it was described to them

    6. If I feel discriminated

    7. there’s one group that’s discriminated more than black females

    8. -Victims should not be discriminated against based upon

    9. They discriminated against him so he couldn’t get a provider

    10. jobs is because they are being discriminated against

    11. labeled schizophrenic to be discriminated against

    12. Four principles lie at the core of the Convention, namely (a) the right to equal treatment (children must not be discriminated against); (b) the priority of the well-being and best interest of the child (in family and in society); (c) the right to life and development (meaning access to medical treatment, education, protection from exploitation, etc

    13. We stand with those who are discriminated

    14. The wealthy are not discriminated against; it is their money which discriminates

    15. Suddenly all currently corrupt business practices will be exposed, and reported on, and criminally prosecuted… and the whistleblowers will be rewarded as public heroes instead of the public ignoring them as they do now: as indifferent, passive, uncaring bystanders, and letting them be hounded and discriminated against and threatened and attacked for the rest of their lives without protecting the few exceptions who are the only sentinels that tell us of robber baron corruption left in our society

    16. I told her how even to the present day the Moslems discriminated them at all levels of government employment and the army

    17. The more intensely Germany was ostracized from the rest of the world, the more intensely it was discriminated against, the more unfair the discrimination: the more intense the backlash, the more intensely proud they were to be Germans the more patriotic they became

    18. It began as a public housing area for the poor, and by the time of the war, it had become a refuge for Shiites, who were discriminated against by Saddam’s Sunni-dominated government

    19. While Shiites were the majority, during Saddam’s time they were discriminated against and not allowed to hold important offices

    20. It began as a public housing area for the poor, and by the time of the war, it had become a refuge for Shiites, who were discriminated against by Saddam’s Sunni-dominated government

    21. While Shiites were the majority, during Saddam’s time they were discriminated against and not allowed to hold important offices

    22. Bobby sat under the tree, brooding for a long while, not because he suddenly found himself a member of what was then still a much discriminated against minority, but because as he absorbed the news he realized for the first time the terrible pain his father must have carried silently within him for so many years

    23. Because of this emphasis on the growth factor, quite a number of enterprises that are long established, well financed, important in their industries and presumably destined to stay in business and make profits indefinitely in the future, but that have no speculative or growth appeal, tend to be discriminated against by the stock market—especially in years of subnormal profits—and to sell for considerably less than the business would be worth to a private owner

    24. But if it is true that a fairly large segment of the stock market is often discriminated against or entirely neglected in the standard analytical selections, then the intelligent investor may be in a position to profit from the resultant undervaluations

    25. It should also be constantly borne in mind that any linking variety between two forms, which might be found, would be ranked, unless the whole chain could be perfectly restored, as a new and distinct species; for it is not pretended that we have any sure criterion by which species and varieties can be discriminated

    26. But in his mind he absolutely discriminated in favour of the intelligent, religious woman whom seldom he happened to meet in life and who always attracted his attention

    27. Since men are reasonable creatures they have discriminated good from evil, making use of what has been done in this direction before them by others, have struggled with evil, seeking a true and better way, and slowly but unceasingly have advanced in this way

    28. Do you see one gentleman, one solitary gentleman of one party, discriminated generally as a Federal, who does not vote for this measure throughout? Do you see one public body in Philadelphia or New York which has a majority of Federal directors or agents, which has not come before you with memorials drawn up with the ingenuity of lawyers, to impose on your judgments? Have not the same party prepared memorials and got the subscription of every one of their caste, bringing forward nearly the same number of petitioners as they have of Federal voters? Have they not done so in Baltimore? Of that city I would say as little as may be, for being a manufacturing as well as a commercial city, it has stirred up an animosity in some gentlemen against it not easily accounted for

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