Use "disown" in a sentence
disown example sentences
1. He is no longer welcome in this house, I disown him
2. Why did you disown him?’
3. He knew how human beings are swayed by the preacher's eloquence, and how the conscience responds to emotional appeal as the mind does to logic and reason, but he also knew how far more difficult it is to persuade men to disown the past
4. disown us immediately, which in my case is another plus
5. “The family will disown her,” Trolos said
6. What if she chose to seduce Anand to score over me and still keep it in the family; but soon as if to relieve me of my worry, like I distanced myself from Raju before, she came to cold-shoulder Anand, but for a different reason; while I avoided Raju imagining that I had outgrown him, I suspect that she began to shun Anand to disown her humble past
7. As for their part, they oppose and disown the palpable fact
8. This is why we have to detach ourselves from R-selves, disown iOur beliefs, because they are not always ours, or even us
9. Thus, we own and disown our social and cultural I's: the I we are and are not, since we are not the ego, but only marginally associated as a member of it
10. “If you believe you can love me regardless of any job or responsibility you have, regardless of how much of your time is tied up in doing other things, regardless of where in the world your life takes you and how far away from me you might be at the time—regardless of how many attractive young men throw themselves at your feet and beg for you to disown me, regardless of how miserable I get when I am so old I can no longer walk, regardless of whether I lose my boat and fishing license and get my pants sued off for…”
11. “He said he would overthrow Ambrosius’ rule, said if Ambrosius dared to disown him, he would have no choice but to raze the city and destroy the old man’s few remaining supporters
12. All of the slave-clerks disown themselves of their own job functions They leave that responsibility for the supreme authority of the head office
13. We cannot disown the advantages which we benefit from
14. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another
15. No created being can cut himself off from relationship to the Eternal Love, and that Love will not disown the relation of sonship, which has once existed
16. caught with your pants down you can always disown them – as is done invariably –
17. and that what seems to be abuse in the expression is high praise? Disown sons and daughters, senor, who don't do what deserves that compliments of this sort should be paid to their parents
18. Hereafter she is only my sister in name: not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me
19. Outside the pale of that holy thing, justice, by what right does one form of man despise another? By what right should the sword of Washington disown the pike of Camille Desmoulins? Leonidas against the stranger, Timoleon against the tyrant, which is the greater? the one is the defender, the other the liberator
20. It turns from me; it will not suffer further scrutiny; it seems to deny, by a mocking glance, the truth of the discoveries I have already made,—to disown the charge both of sensibility and chagrin: its pride and reserve only confirm me in my opinion
21. The fellows themselves were the first to disown him as unlike anyone
22. "The Slavophils of to-day disown it
23. Usually this is said in the endeavour to establish a link, which in other cases they disown, to connect the activity of the former learned men and artists with the modern ones, trying to forget that new principle of the division of labour by reason of which art and science now occupy a privileged position
24. In this expectation I have been wofully disappointed; doubts, difficulties, and delays have taken place; commitment has succeeded commitment, and so many amendments, or rather alterations, have been made to the original resolution, that I can scarcely call it my own; it has received the fostering care of so many stepfathers that I am almost constrained to disown it as illegitimate; but as it is natural to protect that which we call "our own," although all the features do not please us, so I shall vote for that bill although all its provisions do not please me
1. At least he arranged for his benefits to cover her, in spite of the fact that she disowned him
2. He and Xonia would undoubtedly be disowned by their family
3. Their own leaders disowned them publicly, and that would be the pattern for the next two decades
4. When my family disowned me and believed in that snake
5. Gelahn’s mind is different from all Gathandrians, the people he has disowned and who have disowned him in return
6. Meanwhile God responds with such an overwhelming display of unconditional love that seeks the highest good to the disobedient prodigal son who disowned his father, and squandered his inheritance on foolish living
7. Where the fuck had I been living? Surely I knew that homos could be brought before the courts, imprisoned for up to twenty years and be raped, have their crimes published in the papers, be fired from their jobs, kicked out of rented accommodation [which is why he wanted to own his own house], disowned by families, incarcerated in funny farms, given electric shock treatment and…” He dropped his head onto strong arms and let years of anger and anxiety erupt in sobs of impotent misery
8. Sebastian congratulated him on his maturity and mentioned he’d had a similar experience with his mother, whom he’d disowned without regret
9. He had become attached to John the Baptist, and his Sadducee parents had disowned him
10. Judas' parents were Sadducees, and when their son joined John's disciples, they disowned him
11. I knew it was not from the heart that you disowned me; therefore I forgave you even before you asked; but now must you cease to think about yourself and the troubles of the hour while you prepare to carry the good news of the gospel to those who sit in darkness
12. had disowned her for what they thought was her betrayal to
13. Siri and Unica married, in spite of her misgivings, and her family immediately disowned her
14. If that wasn’t bad enough, her very own uncle turned her own family against her by maligning her character, they disowned her without listening to her version of events
15. that my sergeant in Europe hung himself, that I saw body part after mangled body part over there, that I nearly loved a girl and had to carry her lifeless body from the rubble, or that my father has disowned me because he now sees me as the enemy of the German army? Is that what you want to know? Or how about that I killed my little brother, how about that?” Henry ranted till his eyes were blazing with red tears and his lips were quivering
16. There is reportedly another surviving son, Oyvay, but he had been disowned by the family
17. The same destruction had occurred during the war in Wutai, and in some ways he held himself responsible, but Wutai had disowned him far before he had left
18. He pretty much disowned me at that point and said he wouldn’t help us in any way
19. Robert's the same way--his family disowned him for being gay
20. However, as the Quran had disowned the Jews and the Christians as if to bestow upon the Musalmans their Islamic identity, the discord of the faithful over Muhammad’s successor could have been the godsend for the Islamic separateness of the Iranians
21. Her father has disowned her and sent her to the convent
22. "My parents disowned me and never talked to me ever again
23. She cleaned me of my blood, gently, but I screamed and cried and had no mind beyond my own body, a body I could have disowned and thrown away to rid myself of the pain
24. Once the rotten secularly corrupt church that had became a festering venal pile of fattened corruption was rightly disowned and ejected by northern Europeans who wanted to live a more pure more chaste more moral and ethical life
25. It was as if God had been whispering in his ear at that moment, when he raised his chin to look up at the window of his father’s office to meet the eyes of the man who had technically disowned him socially
26. But when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of God, he disowned him
27. Hereafter she is only my sister in name: not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me
28. And all this was so wittingly done that Sergey Ivanovitch would not have disowned such wit himself
29. She would never have disowned any one on the ground of poverty: a De Bracy reduced to take his dinner in a basin would have seemed to her an example of pathos worth exaggerating, and I fear his aristocratic vices would not have horrified her
30. The quick vision that his life was after all a failure, that he was a dishonored man, and must quail before the glance of those towards whom he had habitually assumed the attitude of a reprover—that God had disowned him before men and left him unscreened to the triumphant scorn of those who were glad to have their hatred justified—the sense of utter futility in that equivocation with his conscience in dealing with the life of his accomplice, an equivocation which now turned venomously upon him with the full-grown fang of a discovered lie:—all this rushed through him like the agony of terror which fails to kill, and leaves the ears still open to the returning wave of execration
31. " It had been expressly agreed that Pontmercy should never attempt to see his son nor to speak to him, under penalty of having the latter handed over to him disowned and disinherited
32. When the situation was not ripe, when the insurrection was not decidedly admitted, when the masses disowned the movement, all was over with the combatants, the city was changed into a desert around the revolt, souls grew chilled, refuges were nailed up, and the street turned into a defile to help the army to take the barricade
33. As mentioned earlier, Erskine Johnson’s May 1952 story assumed that Gladys had just been released from Agnews State Hospital (whereas she had been released seven years prior); and because Marilyn never set anyone straight on this detail, the public has formed a lasting impression of Marilyn Monroe as a heartless person who had disowned her mother from the time Gladys had been committed to the mental hospital, right up through 1952
34. “No: Adèle is not answerable for either her mother’s faults or yours: I have a regard for her; and now that I know she is, in a sense, parentless—forsaken by her mother and disowned by you, sir—I shall cling closer to her than before
35. Somehow, now that I had once crossed the threshold of this house, and once was brought face to face with its owners, I felt no longer outcast, vagrant, and disowned by the wide world
36. “Twenty years ago, a poor curate—never mind his name at this moment—fell in love with a rich man’s daughter; she fell in love with him, and married him, against the advice of all her friends, who consequently disowned her immediately after the wedding
37. worse than anything that had happened in my life : Prince Sergay disowned me
1. Finally, she had the courage to face her fears of her family disowning her
2. Wanting to do the right thing: his family disowning him because he spurns the temptations of the riches they are all addicted to
3. His mother disowning him and disliking him
4. for an instant did I dream of disowning her as my child
5. “I had a dislike to her mother always; for she was my husband’s only sister, and a great favourite with him: he opposed the family’s disowning her when she made her low marriage; and when news came of her death, he wept like a simpleton
1. ’ The popular argument, therefore, against the destruction of unregenerate men, derived from the fatherhood of God, is drawn from a relationship which, in the case of the rebellious, Christ distinctly disowns
2. Was the fact so? You took a promise for the fact; you proclaimed the fact, while France herself, the author of the deed and party to be benefited, denies and disowns it as done at the time