Use "dispatch" in a sentence
dispatch example sentences
1. Car three to dispatch
2. “Yes, use him as your excuse if you have to, you work with him at Gel’s tackle, you’re cargo riggers, you’re a clerk in their dispatch office
3. She works as a dispatch clerk in the office, cover name, Bethai
4. earpiece he heard the dispatch for the 9-1-1 call
5. Jameson and the two men at ease beside him listened, smiled broadly and closed their eyes in appreciation for their friend-son-nephew and his honorable dispatch of the incident
6. An engraved dagger would do well to dispatch the careless plunderers standing with their backs turned to the richest of shadows
7. It vastly outsized her and it would take every practiced skill to dispatch it
8. He intended also to dispatch a message to Solitude before morning
9. Without even exchanging glances, they drew their blades in unison to charge the creatures and dispatch them
10. To her amazement the Guild Master produced a second weapon, a large dagger, and used the dual blades to dispatch with the nearest bug’s head, chopping it at the middle of the long neck
11. In consequence of such fictions, it came, in many cases, to depend altogether upon the parties, before what court they would choose to have their cause tried, and each court endeavoured, by superior dispatch and
12. As we progressed through the countryside Dispatch Riders roared up and down thee road and verges carrying their all important orders and messages on their motorcycles
13. the Gulf fleet, directed his ships to proceed with dispatch from Veracruz, on the east coast of Mexico, to Point Isabel, at
14. Captain Shirley to leave with all practical dispatch in search of the Shenandoah
15. dispatch stated that all the objectionable restraints have now
16. Following this dispatch, Secretary Welles sent out
17. dispatch the enemy, would end up taking out one another in the confusion that would inevitably
18. It seemed inconceivable that even skilled assassins could so unequivocally dispatch Sespian’s guard, who would have been doubly alert after a crash
19. In several provinces, there are no regulations requiring radiation detection devices at landfills or transfer stations, where truckloads of waste are stored before dispatch to a landfill or recycler
20. Sure enough, he was trotting along; neither looking to right nor left, but grimly holding onto the brown leather dispatch case
21. It seemed the dispatch rider had brought us orders to ride north over the mountains to quell a revolt in Tulancingo
22. When I finally caught up with him, he was glad to see me and gave me a letter that had come with the dispatch
23. I put the letter aside for later and explained my misgivings about the dispatch
24. Baidar listened intently to me, then asked one of his staff if the dispatch rider was still in the camp
25. Near midday, the man we had sent to shadow the dispatch rider returned and reported that the rider had gone straight to the palace of Mocteuzoma, not that of the Khan
26. Here we ran into a startled dispatch rider who was riding to call us to the capital
27. A day later, we saw a dispatch rider come up to Bisdah
28. The last one of them was cut down and we all sat down amidst the gore to rest while the tumen that was held in reserve moved in to tend our wounded and dispatch any enemy wounded
29. He must have sent you the note right away with a dispatch rider for you to receive it so soon
30. But how could he get the use of a dispatch rider?”
31. I knew where father was and sent him a message by dispatch rider
32. After only about a week, a dispatch rider arrived and presented me a letter with the Khakhan’s seal
33. Of course, a dispatch rider could have made it in a week or less
34. “I want you to dispatch a team to
35. so clearly, showing determination and dispatch as He lead His rather reluctant
36. He added that there was no point in passing on Luis’ dispatch since I probably already knew what was going on in Europa
37. Early in the spring, Fernando summoned me again to give me a dispatch from the Khakhan
38. I mentioned that dispatch riders would cover the distance in about fourteen days
39. I looked over my dispatch from the Khakhan
40. Quickly reading through the letter, I found nothing, so I told him that the Khakhan was still considering it, and would likely have an answer by the next dispatch
41. I told him that I had completed the dispatch to the Khakhan and need only have it delivered to the Espanyan ambassador
42. and to dispatch the journey, the judgment of God now following him
43. Niquette of the Columbus Dispatch told ABC’s ‘Nightline;’ “ if you talk to the election officials here in Franklin County ;they’ll tell you, the main problem was there just weren’t enough machines overall,
44. At 12:08, dispatch refuses to allow water from the Chewuch
45. Moscow indicated this goal in a dispatch in April, 1942: “We are interested in the [U
46. Therefore commanded he his chariotman to drive without ceasing and to dispatch the journey the judgment of God now following him
47. The foot people had not quite dared to dispatch him
48. "You will dispatch nightly summaries to our office, DOCB, with info copies to the 37th TFW at Phu Cat who has the action for Commando Sabre
49. He made one additional stop before allowing depression to dispatch him toward home
50. As Inge’s emigration to Canada lay immediately ahead, our engagement was arranged with uncanny vigour and dispatch
1. He dispatched a probe to sit in a small tree near the spot where that raft had pulled ashore and initiated a program to follow that raft from the geosynchronous scope
2. He dispatched another probe into the river downstream, into the water that would have been present under the raft as the shuttle approached it
3. He dispatched a probe to recover Alan's phone when there was a long enough break in the river traffic
4. After making sure that there were no surprises left in the air, Jake dispatched Rah to hunt down a scout that he knew would be there to observe and report back
5. She then descended and dispatched many more
6. She quickly dispatched a messenger to the treetops in search of Sonia
7. An important Brazilian had died, hundreds were infected and the university had dispatched a floater to fly the corpse up here for analysis
8. Harold has been courting me every Tuesday and Friday during his trips to Stratford once his company's business was dispatched
9. They dispatched a close orbital to watch him
10. As soon as news arrived of a breach then a century would be dispatched at forced march speed to engage
11. A female messenger was dispatched to Helez’s suite to notify her that she had a visitor waiting for her
12. Still, he clutched his amulet and thought to himself what he would do and feel if the Thalmor ever decided that his patron deity or any other of the rest of the pantheon needed to be dispatched DRAFT
13. more personally connected than most dispatched here to deal with reining the mad dogs in
14. The Lorien and Lúthien were dispatched as the observation ships and The Elf gave the command to 'Cloak'!
15. There’s no way a proper rescue ship will be dispatched, it would take way too long to get here
16. After this cruise, he was ordered to serve on the steamer Colonel Hasmy that had been dispatched for the Brazos River in Texas to support General Zachary Taylor’s campaign against the
17. James Waddell was assigned duty on the store ship Release, and the ship was dispatched to Colon, Panama, in support of the U
18. It would be dispatched back to New
19. she had casually dispatched tens of thousands of lives
20. matter torpedoes that had been dispatched to destroy it
21. ship like the Niagara could be so easily dispatched, then what hope had they?
22. So we dispatched the children to the far points of Thimble Down to find her—as we’ve done before—but by dark, she still hadn’t come home
23. Governor Maxwell reminded the King of his direct refusal to the ultimatums dispatched to him; further, that he sent Envoys to England, in direct opposition to orders; for they were told that all negotiations must be made to the Governor on the coast
24. Several fair-sized pythons also came to light, and were dispatched by the niggers, who so battered the carcases that skinning was out of the question
25. American relief efforts have resulted in the ignominious death of eighteen United States servicemen dispatched to oversee the distribution of food
26. “That’s why the soldiers were dispatched so easily
27. a replacement will be dispatched at once
28. She'd dispatched two Snaggles with near perfect shots
29. The Fairy had been dispatched to retrieve the potent flower
30. Bulk cargoes didn’t go at high speed, but were dispatched regularly, to keep the factories humming with their precious cargoes of raw materials
31. The Whispering Trees had been instructed and the Fairies had been dispatched to the far edges of the forest
32. That the one who could have betrayed her had himself been dispatched seemed of little consolation
33. dispatched to the bench, Scram would have to work his way back
34. Those advisors to the kings, whose warnings were too many times rewarded with being terminally dispatched, as their history spiraled down through the debacles of 732 and 586 BC
35. He dispatched the second cannon
36. The rest of the tumen swarmed over the rock barrier and dispatched any of their wounded
37. He met with the Khakhan and was eventually dispatched to build a port and dry dock north of Dsidsila’letc, the very town to which I returned from exile
38. of those things of which you did talk in the way, and let this business be dispatched
39. Napoleon Bonaparte was dispatched to close it down, and the general himself is said to have padlock the doors
40. and dispatched to Commissioner Charles Rossotti’s office
41. The new, elderly residents called the Montville PD which dispatched a car
42. Once the pack has scented the wolf, it will neither rest nor turn aside to other quarry until the chosen prey is dispatched
43. Moreover they entertained them cheerfully; and after that they had killed a ram of the flock they set store of meat on the table; Then said Tobias to Raphael Brother Azarias speak of those things of which you did talk in the way and let this business be dispatched
44. Moshe, now seeing that they were having some success, dispatched several of the men who had been the first to stand with him, to speed up the process
45. I have dispatched a team to intercept it beyond our enemies’ vision
46. 18 But as for Timotheus they found him not in the places for before he had dispatched any thing he departed from then having left a very strong garrison in a certain hold
47. Moshe, now seeing that they were having some success, dispatched several of
48. dispatched a messenger to alert Youssaf of the change in plan, Moshe spurred his mount and
49. wrapping around them, removing riders from horses where they were rapidly dispatched with
50. Finally, after what had been more than a week of frantic negotiations between the South African Government and the British Embassy, most of the time not very friendly, the wheels started turning in the right direction and military and police helicopters were dispatched from Upington, where the regional police headquarters were
1. dispatches” in the formal reports sent to the Boards of Control in both
2. He was on his way back from taking dispatches to my cousin, Khan Henry
3. “Perhaps, but he stays in Cuzco and merely dispatches the tumen into the jungle
4. I was truly grateful when Bedagi finally showed up in late fall and took over the children long enough for me to catch up on my dispatches
5. Also among the dispatches was the latest letter from Luis
6. He also told me I had some dispatches waiting for me in the capital
7. Finally I added that Watomika would know the outcome of my campaign, since dispatches from the front were sent to the capitals of the Khanates and from there on to the governors
8. A fuchuan would return twice a year to bring his instructions and take back any dispatches
9. In the fall I received dispatches from the Khakhan
10. Meanwhile the dispatches arrived from the Khakhan
11. With my dispatches finished and sent off, I left the court, which was currently in the city of Madrid, in the middle of the country, and hurried to catch up with Gonzalo who was in Cartagena, a large port on the southeast coast
12. A few weeks later, dispatches arrived from Fernando
13. Moreover, in order to accord legitimacy to the receivables and the dispatches, he obtained, again from Palit’s office, a marine cover for those fictitious transactions
14. He had a desk piled with dispatches and orders, forms to requisition monies, material and men
15. He scarcely read the telegraphic dispatches that reported routine operations
16. On occasion, I have sent messages to her, and twice, I’ve received back dispatches from her stating the happenings of her doings, and each was a refreshment to hear
17. Thanks to the unique transceiver in my car, I’ve been eavesdropping on dispatches between Precinct 13 and its patrol cars
18. “John,” Donald said, “I have some more dispatches about the rain in Northern Africa and in the Mideast
19. The old man knows him, and I�ve been using him to carry dispatches when necessary
20. �Remember, send a messenger to the north gate with any dispatches that you need to get to the old man
21. dispatches the villain quickly with his knife, then fi ghts off a score of
22. In charge of dispatches
23. Mostly she sends us the dispatches with air hostesses and stewards and of course she bears full responsibility
24. Brooke sent a bulletin every day, and as the head of the family, Meg insisted on reading the dispatches, which grew more cheerful as the week passed
25. When Kat clandestinely dispatches her to get a job at Chester’s so they can spy on the Nine, Jo allows herself to be coerced into taking a waitressing job at the nightclub by the immortal owner, Ryodan, and when he gives her his famous nod, inviting her to his bed, she’s unable to resist even though she knows it’s destined for an epic fail
26. From twelve to two o'clock Danglars had remained in his study, unsealing his dispatches, and becoming more and more sad every minute, heaping figure upon figure, and receiving, among other visits, one from Major Cavalcanti, who, as stiff and exact as ever, presented himself precisely at the hour named the night before, to terminate his business with the banker
27. Mr Stephen, a little moved but very handsomely told him no such matter and that he had dispatches from the emperor's chief tailtickler thanking him for the hospitality, that was sending over Doctor Rinderpest, the bestquoted cowcatcher in all Muscovy, with a bolus or two of physic to take the bull by the horns
28. All his dispatches detailing the starvation and demoralization of the heretic Eastshare’s understrength army had clearly come from someone else, and Ahlverez felt his teeth grinding once more as he visualized the grinning heretic duke dictating those lying messages
29. The thinly veiled contempt for Rychtyr’s judgment which had permeated the late Duke of Harless’ dispatches had infuriated Metzlyr
30. Metzlyr’s face tightened, for he had, indeed, read the dispatches
31. Maigwair’s dispatches had overtaken him less than a five-day from Mahzgyr, and the Captain General’s sense of urgency had come through clearly
32. “Dahglys has complete copies of the latest dispatches for you,” he said
33. They awaited the arrival of Henrai Maidyn and Daryus Parkair, the Republic’s Chancellor of the Exchequer and Seneschal, who were en route to the embassy to discuss the latest dispatches from General Stohnar and Duke Eastshare
34. He didn’t much care for what Sir Fraizher Kahlyns’ latest dispatches from home had to say about certain wellborn gentlemen in southwestern Chisholm
35. On the other hand, those dispatches had taken the best part of three five-days to reach him, even with the Raven’s Land semaphore chain back up and running
36. “Well, Admiral Rohsail’s dispatches did say he was bringing the whole Western Squadron with him,” Hahlynd pointed out
37. “And in our latest dispatches from Zion, his estimate’s been reduced somewhat
38. You had it, too, that they were mentioned in dispatches for bravery?”
39. instance… He loved me but he was afraid to marry me because—for fear I’d upset his He couldn’t be when he’s been mentioned in dispatches and when Colonel Sloan wrote that letter to Melly all about his gallant conduct in leading the charge
40. The first days of July came and with them the rumor, later confirmed by dispatches, that Lee was marching into Pennsylvania
41. The message to Shanghai was a reply to diplomatic dispatches, and therefore long; there were Chinese customs scams to address, and a strange cult in the east, and the problem of British botanists sneaking into forbidden regions in order to collect tea samples
42. After the Shanghai message, the dispatches from Tokyo ticked through, only half intelligible because the minister there spoke in a mad English-Japanese pidgin full of gozaimases and shimases that Thaniel had half-heard at the show village the day before, but whose meaning he couldn’t tell
43. ’ He had done it last week, when he was sending through a reply to diplomatic dispatches
44. ‘Tokyo and Peking dispatches
45. All he required was the relevant parts of the dispatches, but since the raw transcripts were peppered with overhead and snatches of shorthand code between operators, he couldn’t read it himself
46. Despite his apparently delicate build Prince Andrew could endure physical fatigue far better than many very muscular men, and on the night of the battle, having arrived at Krems excited but not weary, with dispatches from Dokhturov to
47. Beginning with the battle of Borodino, from which time his disagreement with those about him began, he alone said that the battle of Borodino was a victory, and repeated this both verbally and in his dispatches and reports up to the time of his death
48. Dispatches they could sell to the highest bidder, or important persons they could hold to ransom
49. Manhattan book editor Richard Sherman, thirty-eight, dispatches his wife and son to the Maine coast for the summer to escape the sweltering city heat
50. cmdloop() implements an algorithm that reads input commands continuously and dispatches them to action methods
1. They drove him from the Godhood he had set up in the Lumpral basin in the 31st century, dispatching a dactyl that nearly took his life in the process
2. I know General Tullius has had thoughts of dispatching a contingent to deal with them, but we’ve all had our eyes elsewhere as of late
3. “Yes, but you are the one who went into the burning house, after dispatching a hardened criminal and rescued the two men trapped inside, is that not so?”
4. “We thank you for your aid in dispatching the Dire Queen
5. he said with deadly calm before dispatching himself out the front
6. Having reached these conclusions, he lost no time in dispatching a messenger to his mother, urging her to come at once to Jerusalem and to bring Mary the mother of Jesus and every member of his family
7. He would have been taken down sooner but for the delay in dispatching the two brigands
8. Rachel, I was especially impressed with your skill in dispatching the Swordsman picket mother ship
9. shipyard to the transport ships and dispatching the ships to their final destination
10. She succeeded this time in capturing a pea and dispatching it
11. They were, in short, ‘legendary’ – and, very effective in combating ‘terrorism’ and, dispatching
12. The mind boggles at their claim that they did not know anything of the unspeakable crimes, and in any case, they were merely following orders; thereby, dispatching the guilt entirely on their political masters
13. In particular, he retired En-Lil and replaced him with his son Marduk, the favored king of Babylon, tearing down a temple to En-Lil and dispatching his priests in the process
14. In Hurd's office he made his move by dispatching the Galaef's personal bodyguards and stunning the Galaef
15. Then he thought about dispatching a messenger to the Military Zone for help, though it would be hours before they could arrive, and he wondered if they would commend his alertness or reprimand his presumption
16. Impressed by its weight, he crossed over to the two Amazons, dispatching both of
17. A survey of factory control algorithms that can be implemented in a multi-agent heterarchy: Dispatching, scheduling, and pull
18. Putchic went along dispatching any pirates he found alive
19. On seeing two of us, he wasted no time in dispatching Tosin
20. and humbly and professionally accepts the honor of dispatching
21. It would be the first time that Scalodi had ever killed a man but he viewed it more as dispatching a rabid animal, a necessary evil
22. Besides, he would need her to translate for him, in order to get the relic, before dispatching them to their respective gods
23. dispatching the front guards and heading into the cold marble home of
24. Meanwhile, Gareth got one of the other vampires off of Damien and tore out its throat, dispatching him as quickly as the other
25. When they returned and entered the throne room she was busy dispatching the staff in every direction
26. murmurs, sighs heart-fetched, and at length a dispatching thrust, as if he
27. That was important, because it meant he’d been able to come himself, instead of dispatching one of Owl’s remotes
28. After dispatching Susannah, and whilst waiting for my Pains to become strong and regular, I remember that, quite unaccountably, I sat down at my Writing Bureau and then and there began a Romance in the Manner of Mrs
29. What, then, kept the Men from avenging Llewelyn’s Torture—or indeed from dispatching him more speedily into the Drink? The Knowledge of how severe the Captain would surely be with ’em
30. Detectives at the department were pretty sure that while Bergman was running his aboveboard agency with one hand, he was also dispatching exotic dancers, overnight escorts, masseuses, and porn “talent” with the other
31. When dispatching Balashev, the Emperor repeated to him the words that he would not make peace so long as a single armed enemy remained on Russian soil and told him to transmit those words to Napoleon
32. But when dispatching him he recalled Petya’s mad action at the battle of Vyazma, where instead of riding by the road to the place to which he had been sent, he had galloped to the advanced line under the fire of the French and had there twice fired his pistol
33. All does not end well, as Loomis (Cotten) discovers the plot against him and turns the tables on Rose (Monroe) and her lover, dispatching him into the crashing waters
34. Vespe's implementation uses dynamic dispatching in a Pythonic style to handle requests [j
35. To explain the position beforehand : after sending that letter to Katerina Nikolaevna the day before and actually dispatching a copy of it to Baron Biiring (God only knows why), naturally he was bound to expect certain "consequences " of his action in the course of to-day, and so had taken measures of a sort
36. Till midday on the nineteenth, the activity—the eager talk, running to and fro, and dispatching of adjutants—was confined to the Emperor’s headquarters
37. When dispatching Balashëv, the Emperor repeated to him the words that he would not make peace so long as a single armed enemy remained on Russian soil and told him to transmit those words to Napoleon
38. “Clear that away!” said the officer, pointing to the beams and the corpses, and the French soldiers, after dispatching the wounded, threw the corpses over the parapet
39. But when dispatching him he recalled Pétya’s mad action at the battle of Vyázma, where instead of riding by the road to the place to which he had been sent, he had galloped to the advanced line under the fire of the French and had there twice fired his pistol