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    Use "doctoral dissertation" in a sentence

    doctoral dissertation example sentences

    doctoral dissertation

    1. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

    2. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,

    3. During this flurry of activity, Roger also had to prepare himself to defend his doctoral dissertation “Mystical-Realist Odyssey in Pedro Antonio de Alarcón’s Didactic Novels”

    4. Was that coming up here? If so, he would have a lot of material for his doctoral dissertation

    5. Frank had time to think how he would incorporate this engagement into his doctoral dissertation

    6. Frank was encouraging him a little, hoping to put something about genetic degradation in his doctoral dissertation

    7. Frank did his doctoral dissertation on the history of marital semantics

    8. They are told that his doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations were on studies of micro-organisms found in remnants of meteorites

    9. "Francis," Chantal asked, "wasn't your doctoral dissertation in that area?"

    10. The monk’s doctoral dissertation research in psychology was on prejudice and religious values

    11. and doctoral dissertations on the topic of the Catalog Of Human Population

    12. corresponds to not even a master's, but at least a doctoral dissertation

    13. master’s thesis and a doctoral dissertation on the topic of the Catalog Of Human

    14. clear, it is not necessary to create a doctoral dissertation in order to write a piece that is informative, interesting and has plenty of key word enrichment

    15. “Yeah, her doctoral dissertation is on in-home care giving

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