Use "dragoon" in a sentence
dragoon example sentences
1. For if the State were failing to manipulate workers into toiling and producing goods and services, then what would be the solution? One solution would be for the State to use force to dragoon the people into working and doing what it desires
2. I had a Dragoon revolver, a musket and a stud horse that wasn’t afraid to fight
3. (The Shell Oil productions were particularly good on the making of desert landscapes; especially the one about locusts which completely besplattered the angular windscreen of the Dragoon Rapide spraying and filming the swarm
4. Reinforcing the South of France landings, Operation Dragoon in mid-August would have been the most appealing option, perhaps this was the only way to get the Allied forces into France
5. Moreover, with his channel flank secure for the moment, Hitler would risk little in sending reinforcements south which was not the case when Operation Dragoon actually took place
6. 52 revolving carbines and two Colt DRAGOON caliber
7. You are to understand that it all took place round the Christmas tree in the best parlor, Frau von Lindeberg in her black silk and lace high-festival dress, Herr von Lindeberg also in black with his orders, Vicki in white with blue ribbons, the son, come down for the occasion, in the glories of his dragoon uniform with clinking spurs and sword, and the servant starched and soaped in a big embroidered apron
8. In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement, and out upon the mire-deep roads
9. However, as he was a favorite with Cucumetto, as he had for three years faithfully served him, and as he had saved his life by shooting a dragoon who was about to cut him down, he hoped the chief would have pity on him
10. "Sir," said the valet de chambre, entering the room, "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior
11. The French dragoon was a young Alsatian who spoke French with a German accent
12. Rostov smilingly reassured the dragoon and gave him money
13. The French dragoon officer was hopping with one foot on the ground, the other being caught in the stirrup
14. ‘Draw sabers!’ cried the dragoon officer, drawing his own
15. The dragoon was about to repeat his blow
16. ’ He saw the frightened and then infuriated face of the dragoon who dealt the blow, the look of silent, timid reproach that boy
17. " Besides this, Wellington had, behind a rise in the ground, Somerset's Dragoon Guards, fourteen hundred horse strong
18. In an instant the fourteen hundred dragoon guards numbered only eight hundred
19. "The piece was hissed," the comedian who says: "I've made a hit," the philosopher who says: "Phenomenal triplicity," the huntsman who says: "Voileci allais, Voileci fuyant," the phrenologist who says: "Amativeness, combativeness, secretiveness," the infantry soldier who says: "My shootingiron," the cavalry-man who says: "My turkey-cock," the fencingmaster who says: "Tierce, quarte, break," the printer who says: "My shooting-stick and galley,"—all, printer, fencing-master, cavalry dragoon, infantry-man, phrenologist, huntsman, philosopher, comedian, playwright, sheriff, gambler, stockbroker, and merchant, speak slang
20. Some declare that a blast of trumpets sounding the charge was heard in the direction of the Arsenal others that a blow from a dagger was given by a child to a dragoon
21. ” As no hand was raised to execute justice on this so-called traitor—a pale, delicate young man—the Governor-General ordered a dragoon to cut him down
22. They gathered in all the streets in little groups, spoke among themselves in low voices, and dispersed directly they caught sight of a dragoon or any other Russian soldier
23. “There! They are bringing another!” cried one of the officers, indicating a captive French dragoon who was being brought in on foot by two Cossacks
24. “Draw sabers!” cried the dragoon officer, drawing his own