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    Use "drinking binge" in a sentence

    drinking binge example sentences

    drinking binge

    1. He died as a result of continuous drinking binges without any let-up

    2. He then threw away the half-choked officer and left the room to go start a monumental drinking binge at the canteen

    3. Mayne was refused leave to attend the funeral resulting in him embarking on a drinking binge and rampage in central Cairo

    4. Philipopoulos promised himself that he would then proceed with the biggest drinking binge of his sailor’s career, that is if he was not going to die before with his throat cut open

    5. After a massive three day drinking binge, Nick awoke with the worst hangover he could ever remember

    6. He had once wrestled a huge black bear during a drinking binge in the One Forest, and had won by two falls and a furry submission

    7. late one night whilst out on a drinking binge

    8. I’d say a drinking binge on the twenty-first birthday is pretty common

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