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    Use "drizzled" in a sentence

    drizzled example sentences


    1. Much like her mood, it drizzled all evening

    2. Owing to the heat, it was a light repast—salad greens, grilled vegetables drizzled with sea salt and olive oil, fresh bread, and poached trout with a creamy dill sauce

    3. Sweet, delicate ripe mangos are laid on of top of sticky rice and drizzled with sweetened coconut milk

    4. Suzy had conjured up a lovely lunch of salad, olives and tuna steak drizzled with lemon, a nice start to the afternoon

    5. Clouds drizzled, but nothing short of a gale would further delay Trask from putting this impressive tool into service

    6. I drizzled oil over chest, groin and thighs, and casually rubbed it in, paying equal attention to my heavy but still flaccid manhood

    7. • Thin out the batter to the consistency where it can be drizzled onto the pan

    8. My heart started sudden jerking; it was the wild wind of ecstasy in my life and drizzled to face

    9. individual plates with sauce drizzled on top

    10. “You want me to confess?” Freeman shouted and tears drizzled down his face

    11. An axe knocked somewhere below, the torches guttered, and it drizzled steadily

    12. Dar took another piece of bread and drizzled some Gardinian beegud honey on it

    13. On his way back home, it drizzled

    14. The moment Keller walked out on the front porch and gazed up into the darkening sky, the storm’s first big raindrop splattered on the top of his shiny head and drizzled down past his cheek

    15. “Umm…chocolate cheesecake drizzled with caramel

    16. They were drizzled with chocolate sauce after the slices had been cut and were to-die-for delicious

    17. It drizzled a little, shone a little, blew a little, and didn't make up its mind till it was too late for anyone else to make up theirs

    18. People in Australia really seemed to like kangaroo meat, but the only time I ever had it and didn’t hate it was when it was served sliced very thin and drizzled in something alcoholic

    19. There was pease porridge besides; buttered turnips; carrots drizzled with honey; and a ripe white cheese that smelled as strong as Bennis of the Brown Shield

    20. One of my summertime pleasures is eating fresh corn on the cob drizzled with melted butter and a touch of salt

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