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    Use "drowning man" in a sentence

    drowning man example sentences

    drowning man

    1. It felt like drowning many times, The Maiden’s Odyssey

    2. His left hand fell on the shoulder of Gitara and clutched in agony like the grasp of a drowning man

    3. His left hand gripped the sorcerer's girdle as a drowning man grips a floating log, and the long knife was a sheen of light in his right

    4. He held me in the kind of grip that a drowning man might use

    5. I was in real trouble and you know how a drowning man reacts

    6. bartender once told him that you cannot save a drowning man if you yourself can't swim

    7. I covered us up with a blanket and in the faint light of the cabin, in the roar of the whirling propellers, in the privacy of the slumber of our neighbors, I kissed my angel and like a drowning man saw my love for Lizzie unroll backwards in my brain, vivid within my closed eyelids, kiss by kiss, to that first one in the windswept bungalow of Maine

    8. A drowning man will desperately grab at anything to try to keep his head above water

    9. drowning man or woman seizing the proverbial straw

    10. Those who teach Hell are like a drowning man reaching for a straw; they reach for anything to save their theology

    11. Those who teach Hell are like a drowning man reaching for a straw

    12. OF ELEMENTS OF THIS EARTH? This is like a drowning man reaching for a straw

    13. He rose again to the surface, struggled with the last desperate effort of a drowning man, uttered a third cry, and felt himself sinking, as if the fatal cannon shot were again tied to his feet

    14. A drowning man

    15. “Here tonight, there’s a drowning man, a drowning woman, a drowning man, a drowning boy, a drowning girl that is out lost in the sea of life

    16. The thought of the harm caused to her husband aroused in her a feeling like repulsion, and akin to what a drowning man might feel who has shaken off another man clinging to him

    17. The majority caught at it as a drowning man catches at a straw

    18. For Hope is as a floating Spar to a drowning Man; it buoys him up yet a little longer, and puts him above the Waves when he might well be under ’em!)

    19. This is what makes it evident that a drowning man is less free and more subject to necessity than one standing on dry ground, and that makes the actions of a man closely connected with others in a thickly populated district, or of one bound by family, official, or business duties, seem certainly less free and more subject to necessity than those of a man living in solitude and seclusion

    20. Extreme as was the crisis, inevitable as was the catastrophe, there was nothing here of the agony of the drowning man, who opens his horror-filled eyes under the water

    21. "A drowning man clutches at anything," I said, "and ethics may drown with him if that's what he grabs instead of a life belt

    22. He glanced at his wife in consternation, with the eyes of a drowning man looking for support, but her eyes were ice

    23. If I have unjustly wrested a plank from a drowning man, I must restore it to him though I drown myself

    24. The gentleman in raccoon could not stand still as he talked; he kept looking about him uneasily, fidgeted with his feet, and like a drowning man clutched at the young man's hand

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