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    Use "drunkenly" in a sentence

    drunkenly example sentences


    1. Ahmed and Ricci giggle drunkenly as Mohammed walks over, starts pouring

    2. She struck it drunkenly, had to grab the handle to keep her arm still

    3. Ozzie dashed drunkenly over to where Chas was lying and tried to revive him

    4. as he fumbled drunkenly with its tether

    5. Tragus staggered to his feet, cursing drunkenly

    6. “I hope not” he said, slurring drunkenly

    7. drunkenly as he moved, intoxicated by his inability to compute

    8. “Yer!” he yelled drunkenly

    9. Dana drunkenly denied that she called

    10. He was not really capable of anything resembling love, all his thoughts and reactions were relatively shallow and focussed on the pleasure of the moment so he did not form any normal heterosexual relationships but rather lurched drunkenly from one party to the next certain to find a partner in the liberated group on the campus

    11. On the far side of the clearing a rusting corrugated iron shed leaned against a drunkenly askew verandah

    12. The entire roof had lifted about half a metre into the air before plonking back drunkenly askew on the walls

    13. The conversation that had become drunkenly sentimental was consciously absent

    14. Some were already snoring drunkenly on the grass, while others had staggered into the ruins

    15. Here and there buckling towers reeled drunkenly against the morning sky, and broken pillars jutted up among the decaying walls

    16. 'In the full dawn Taramis reeled drunkenly from the temple, her eyes blazing with demoniac triumph

    17. 'Guard! Guard!' screamed the governor, struggling up and running drunkenly to the door

    18. He reeled drunkenly, and then, with a splintering of bones, a rending of flesh and muscle and a snapping of mail-links, his breast burst outward with a shower of blood, and through the ghastly aperture something red and dripping shot through the air into the Master's outstretched hand, as a bit of steel leaps to the magnet

    19. The buccaneers weaved drunkenly, they swore incoherently; they were addled and bewildered, but they grasped their swords and advanced with a ferocity not dimmed in the slightest by the fact that they did not understand what it was all about

    20. Dead, broken and withered rose bushes leaned drunkenly in beds where even weeds refused to grow

    21. The other walls were buckling from the mines beneath them, the towers leaning drunkenly

    22. The wizard's head shot from his shoulders on an arching fount of blood, and the robed figure staggered and crumpled drunkenly

    23. He staggered as the walls of the tent swayed drunkenly

    24. He swung his legs painfully off the dais, and staggered upright, reeling drunkenly

    25. Reeling on wide-braced legs Conan drunkenly tore the door-flap open and staggered out under the canopy

    26. He ran drunkenly down the steps, hearing a clang of steel in the courtyard below, shouts, then the frantic drum of hoofs

    27. That was the day after you were drunkenly making out with him and before you started claiming to not want him

    28. drunkenly stumbling out of the flaming restaurant, making for the booby

    29. Not enough to kill, but enough to help their opponent stumble drunkenly

    30. And when it was all over Ryan and Jacques sat drunkenly with their barefeet in the pool and watched as the blistering Umhlanga sun rose to torment sleepless crimson eyes

    31. ’ Apparently there were more than 17 witnesses who claimed I brazenly and drunkenly dumped out the contents of the cooler

    32. It had long since been assumed that Broog would perish from drunkenly walking into a tar pit in the middle of the night, yet I heard he was killed by the government or overdosed or something

    33. We found the old goblin drunkenly passed out beside a half-eaten plate of Crabbits

    34. “Meheret” she said drunkenly, but there was no response

    35. Once the conversation had gone from concerning the good of the nation to drunkenly catching up on the gossip of the last fifty years, she had excused herself to see to other affairs

    36. When he saw it was just a security guard, he drunkenly started slapping David’s cheek with a big, chubby hand

    37. now, plodding drunkenly towards the outskirts of

    38. He smiled drunkenly

    39. He mounted her quickly, awkwardly, sprawling drunkenly on top of her

    40. at the best of times, lean drunkenly on its four posts and settle,

    41. Yet there really didn’t seem to be anything remarkable about it, flanked as it was by two other buildings just like it: sagging old brick structures leaning drunkenly together, unadorned windows, and falling, burnt-out signs, epitomizing the town’s long, slow decline from 1950 to the new millennium

    42. This is because the Earth's axis is not steady but is subject to a slow wobble, just as a spinning top while spinning will also begin to sway drunkenly as it moves around the floor

    43. When I lose the ability to play the game of intrigue you have my permission to bury me,” he slurred out drunkenly

    44. He got to his feet and reeled about drunkenly for a moment

    45. The Russians go into the closet, and they hear the handles of mops being kicked drunkenly and a crate of dictionaries go thudding down the stairs, and then someone rattles the knob

    46. And we would leave the golden candlelight of the dining-room for the starlight outside and sit on the edge of the fountain, cooling our hands in the water and listening drunkenly to its splash and gurgle over the rocks

    47. Of course, he might be snoring drunkenly in some room above a saloon, but Often he did not come home at all or even send word that he would be away

    48. On screen, the camera panned drunkenly across bleachers full of cheering people, zoomed in on an overweight woman who was jumping up and down

    49. The thing’s hindquarters gave out for a second, then it bucked up, started to trot drunkenly

    50. The cuckoo is also having a tough time adjusting to its new space: The little bird lurches out drunkenly at ten minutes after the hour; seventeen minutes before; forty-one past

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    "drunkenly" definitions

    showing effects of much strong drink