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    Use "early retirement" in a sentence

    early retirement example sentences

    early retirement

    1. This means that the children are still studying and dependent, when the person retires (especially if it is an early retirement)

    2. Mr Blake will be taking early retirement from the practice as a result of his injuries but he emphasised that he would be continuing to act for the charities which are so close to his heart - including the Danvers House Foundation and various schools in the area

    3. Fred told me that the owner of the shop was a former cop named Dave Kidd who had run into a few personal and professional problems and had taken early retirement from the police force

    4. From what Cooper intimated, I would have guessed that Kidd"s leaving the Tampa Police Department for early retirement had not been entirely his own idea

    5. Carole was given the offer of early retirement from the University in 2011 and took it

    6. the perfectly functioning coal-fired fleet will be forced into early retirement

    7. He was hoping to take early retirement from the navy

    8. Sadly, she had to take early retirement due to a serious bout with cancer, but at least she married a doctor here and lives on Mason’s Island

    9. within two years of my early retirement date (55th birthday), I could

    10. of Labor but was told that because I had been an “independent contractor” in the 28 months that I worked for EB on a PO after being forced to take “early retirement,” I was not eligible for unemployment compensation

    11. Ironically, I took an early retirement from Lockheed so we could finally travel the world together

    12. He was medically assessed and was glad to take the early retirement that was offered by the airline

    13. Bridget’s brother Jim a bachelor had also taken early retirement from his job as a bus driver in London and decided to move in her direction namely Slough, where with her advice and steering got a council flat there

    14. In his mid-fifties, and high on the British Home Office’s list for an early retirement, the offer from Canada was comparable to a major lottery win if not life-restoring oxygen

    15. Theo effectively took early retirement that week

    16. His boss took early retirement, and Harry filled in until Head Office

    17. His friend and comrade at arms, who had joined the Civil Service with Henry, was taking an early retirement for family reasons, and I was going to replace him as the Director of the On-site Plants Branch

    18. With fifteen years until retirement age I was an odds on favourite to reach the top, but now what I wanted most was a undemanding little sinecure where I could drift through the next few years and take early retirement at the first possible opportunity

    19. We agreed to discuss this again closer to 1995, when I would become eligible for early retirement

    20. Then a general Reduction in Force RIF of government employees is implemented starting in the first 6 months, with maintenance and trickle down of salaries of those laid off , and the start of early retirement or separation bonus under a new plan for those career people who have a lot of years of service

    21. Max introduced himself as a small private investor with an interest in the future of energy production; a recent interest to ease the boredom of relaxation and indulgence, due to his early retirement

    22. Does early retirement look good? Didn’t we try it and think we would die from trying to fill the interminable hours we had, with nothing to do"

    23. skull, should have caused the early retirement of all those present

    24. sending the teacher to an early retirement with plenty of broken

    25. That is early retirement: not punishment

    26. might have contributed to his early retirement

    27. The system also allows those with 30 years of service to file for an early retirement

    28. Unusual cases where early retirement is possible are discussed below

    29. In fact, surveys show that almost 58% of those who are at an early retirement stage and are engaged in retirement jobs had contended that the reason why they still want to work is that they still want to serve their community

    30. With the packages that are offered and the interest rates that are available, it can enable someone to double the money in 10 to 15 years which makes early retirement also possible

    31. Some companies offer early retirement to its employees

    32. Her father had taken early retirement from his job in the public service last year, and since then, he and Jane’s mother had been staying up late doing their puzzles until three or four in the morning

    33. As it happens, teachers are far more likely to take early retirement than other public employees in Germany, with the chief culprit being poor mental health

    34. Slowing down so she could peek back up some random driveway that dissipated like a jet trail among the conifers, he’d understood that the imaginary life she was sketching for them—you could have a workshop, we could rent out the basement—was really a way of talking about early retirement

    35. He thought of Doonie, forced into early retirement

    36. This crowd’s theme was that buying shares in mutual funds and holding them was the sure way to amass wealth and achieve early retirement

    37. Once those two priorities have been met, you’re ready to begin investing in earnest for early retirement

    38. If you are aggressively saving for early retirement, then the results of the 70-80 method tend to be particularly skewed

    39. Perhaps the thought has occurred to you, What exactly constitutes my nest egg? Is the equity in my home a part of it? And what about the money in my 401(k) and IRA that I don’t plan on touching until after I’m 59½? Does that count towards my nest egg when I’m trying to determine how much is safe to withdraw in the initial years of my early retirement?

    40. These are fair questions and ones we pondered ourselves as we were nearing early retirement

    41. When we were originally planning for early retirement, it seemed to us the 4% rule was overly conservative

    42. Be sure to let your spouse know how important the idea of early retirement is to you, but also try to be flexible about specific retirement dates and yearly investment amounts

    43. If you are invested 70% or more in stocks, then you stand a good chance of reaching your early retirement goals

    44. Early retirement was a part of their plan from the very beginning

    45. Slow and steady wins the race for most of us and offers what may be the safest path to early retirement

    46. This strategy has worked well for us overall, and we would recommend it to others as a viable approach to ultra-early retirement

    47. We had initially planned on continuing to fund our Roth IRAs during our early retirement years using proceeds from our taxable account, but we eventually came to realize this was not an option

    48. The last thing you want is to be house poor if you’re trying to save for early retirement

    49. You'll save a lot on interest, and the 15 years matches up nicely with an early retirement goal

    50. In the end that extra space turned out to be a financial help to us as we saved for early retirement

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