Use "egocentrism" in a sentence
egocentrism example sentences
1. Its antonyms are selfishness, egocentrism and egotism
2. He didn't blame himself—he'd meant well and done his best, simply underestimating the greed and egocentrism of this scion of wealth
3. Humans still suffer from egocentrism to some degree
4. Christ was crucified because of somebody’s blown-up megalomania and our gregarious egocentrism
5. He also reproached them with words of the Teacher, that it is necessary to respect another person’s aspiration for knowledge instead of immediately attacking him with bayonets of your own egocentrism
6. The Unconditional Love will be interconnected with its souls to occupy spaces where ignorance, violence and egocentrism were beforehand
7. This egocentrism is not a selfish, narcissistic absorption with one’s own pleasure, regardless of its affects upon others
8. ” The visitor, now tourist, translated the bromide's formula for the reason for the lack of universal invitation into a Randian egocentrism that walls the soul from the table
9. These systems represent a realizational mechanism only for the VVU-Configurations of specific low-qualitative Spheres of the joint Creativity of the Formo-Creators of the SYNTHETIC and RESOSCONTIONAL Branches of the development of Collective Cosmic Intelligences, which I would define as aggressive egocentrism, primitive egoism and primeval altruism