Use "egression" in a sentence
egression example sentences
1. regressions, to deal with what’s WRONG
2. In modern times, the proof of reincarnation could be obtained from testimonials of people around the globe, who had undergone past life hypnotic regression
3. A key point to note is that some of these people did not even subscribe to the belief of reincarnation, prior to their regressions
4. This explanation is also supported by the testimonials of people who had undergone inter-life hypnotic regressions and insights of established mediums who had received knowledge from higher beings in the spiritual realm
5. With regard to the existence of Heaven and Hell on the other side, psychics, mediums and people who have had inter-life hypnotic regressions describe them as multi-tiered planes or multi-dimensions
6. The regression therapy works on the premise that our subconscious mind holds the memories of our recent and distant past, including previous lifetimes
7. Certain people who have undergone such a regression were even able to determine the specific year of that moment
8. Interestingly, prior knowledge of reincarnation is not a necessity for a successful regression
9. In most cases, people who undergo past life regression want to understand if their present situation or dilemma in their current lifetime is caused by events that took place in the past i
10. As such, hypnotic regressions may yield very rewarding results to their subjects
11. Suffice to say the information unraveled from those regressions is both comforting and profound
12. This view is supported by the hypnotic regression cases found in Dr
13. People who are keen on knowing their past lives may undergo hypnotic regression or deep meditation but even then only parts of their previous incarnations would be revealed
14. People who have had a successful hypnotic regression usually remember the true reasons for most of the suffering and highly charged dramas they had to witness in their present lifetime
15. The caveman masquerading as a progressive who would have you believe that regression to the time of the absolute rulers is an advance into the glorious future
16. The choices that its citizens make, however, confirms the extent of that society‘s (collective) moral and spiritual evolution or its regression, whatever the case may be
17. Clinton‘s betrayal of public confidence, too enumerable to mention, is a troubling reminder of the Republic‘s moral regression and indifference to standards of decency that its citizens need only look in the mirror to understand why this man has never been brought to task!
18. We can talk about past-life regressions in our next sessions; now I want to focus on your forgiveness
19. I remind him to talk to me about past-life regressions
20. “Past-life regressions are part of this market, and people make a living out of it
21. When I learned clinical hypnosis, about twenty-three years ago, I started playing with regressions, and I did it with several friends
22. “Up to three years ago, I felt that past-life regressions are interesting experiences when they are real but that they didn’t carry any substantial therapeutic value
23. I gratefully realized the value of the tool but was surprised and worried about the regression bit
24. When we arrived at the regression, something totally unexpected happened
25. In each one of these cases and in many others, we wouldn’t succeed in forgiveness without the regression of the Journeys
26. Sanity test is a subset of regression
27. The regression testing is performed to check the functionality of the entire applications
28. Regression Testing: Re-testing after fixing of defects or modifications
29. Normally automated tests are used to reduce the human effort, in such cases, regression test scripts are written
30. Control Charts, histograms and hypothesis tests along with statistical models (regression, logistic regression, dummy variable regression, etc) are highly used in software industry now a day, hence it’s recommended for readers to spend time in this topic in researching and improving knowledge in this area
31. During a past-life regression, a subject only
32. Still, there have been many hypnotic past-life regression sessions that have produced
33. regressions, believes that only about two in every hundred regressions may not be the product of
34. Alexander Cannon, who had used hypnotic past life regression on more than 1,300 clients in his
35. The resulting moral regression was spawned by
36. After Tesar and I had successfully recovered his missing fragments, Nuke agreed to a session intended for healing, not regression
37. Such regression has the purpose of becoming aware of the reactions
38. regression towards the past, towards the anonymity of a passive intrauterine
39. sublimation and regression to intrauterine life – besides the one which is the
40. However, Whitton, who has performed hundreds of between-life regressions says that there is an ‘utter lack of temporal sequence’ in the realm in between lives
41. This switching from a bright temporal state to a dark timeless state during past-life hypnotic regressions opens up the exciting possibility that hypnosis, besides traditional meditative or contemplative methods, can be used to ‘realise a timeless and spaceless void’ in a shorter time
42. compared to a temporary and dialectical regression to the group
43. Regression is something the group members want, and the
44. ourselves that Bacon warned of such regression:
45. Though I’m not generally a fan of past-life regression, if your health is affected, it might be a good idea
46. linear regression, data marts, binary selection of assumptions, reversion to the
47. h) Documenting causes of regression
48. we wish to cause regression,
49. Not in regression, hypnosis, or under psychotherapy, but in ordinary everyday wakefulness, the following approach was taken
50. This book is aimed to help you kick-start with analytics including chapters on data visualization, code examples on web analytics and social media analytics, clustering, regression models, text mining, data mining models and forecasting