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    Use "either two" in a sentence

    either two example sentences

    either two

    1. For example, you could do either two or three surveys at the same time in a day, which only takes about 15-30 min

    2. Put neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purses; nor scriptures for your journey neither two coats neither shoes not even sticks because the workman is worthy of his food; and into whatever city or town you all shall enter enquire who is worthy in it and stay there until you leave from there; and when you come into a house salute it; and if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it is not worthy let your peace return to you; and whoever shall not accept you nor hear your words when you depart from that house or city shake off the dust of your feet; Truly I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that city

    3. fridges are absorption types, either two-way (LPG, 240 volt) or three-way (with 12 volt also)

    4. true prelude to either two-step

    5. were either two founders of the one new sect, or else two

    6. For example, there can be either two municipalities and a joint municipal council to coordinate the affairs of the city; or any similar arrangements

    7. Likelihood was either two or three

    8. no sign and heard no sound of any other living thing all that day: neither two-footed, except birds; nor four-footed, except one fox and a few squirrels

    9. The year can be either two or four digits

    10. A straight line that connects at least two price pivot points, either two pivot lows in an uptrend, or two pivot highs in a downtrend

    11. This is done through combining either two put options or two call options

    12. In the diagram I have assumed that a second species (I) has produced, by analogous steps, after ten thousand generations, either two well-marked varieties (w10 and z10) or two species, according to the amount of change supposed to be represented between the horizontal lines

    13. , that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals

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