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    em example sentences




    1. •Out of Sight Mole Trap is a scissors jaw and spring type of trap that has been in use for a long time and kills em fast

    2. ‘I miss you too, Em

    3. The one in front of, or all of em, I’m not positive, started to

    4. "Damn you Em!" He cursed, feeling the fight slip from his control

    5. “What is it Em?" He asked in a rather hushed voice

    6. Again, she fumbled with the keys for a minute before Rob snatched them from her and headed for the back door saying, "I'll take care of it Em

    7. "My god Em, I didn't mean to scare you

    8. "Oh Em" he pulled his hand back in disgust "I never

    9. "That's not all of it Em

    10. He sprung to his feet and swirled around with arms extended “This Em

    11. "It's not important Em

    12. Em" Alex repeated his word of earlier

    13. "Em, what did he say?" Beth beckoned her with a cup of coffee, to sit and tell all

    14. Damn it Em

    15. "Really Em, She didn't say anything else

    16. "Em," he dropped to his knees at her side, wrapping her into his arms

    17. “Found em," she said, standing up, a pair of worn scabbards in her hands

    18. "Em I late for the lessin?" he said, shaking off the last droplets

    19. what ya call em? Freaks? Well, I was ready to embrace death

    20. frequencies were as normal; Torbin never really expected any EM interference

    21. There were no fluctuations in the control room’s EM level, however

    22. He tried the remote interface port – a simple gold node; his suit emitted an EM signal in an attempt to communicate with the ship’s control systems and pump in enough power to activate the lock mechanism

    23. Shelagh was trying to influence his Em De side

    24. Still, for the next level he’d switch his device to emit a strong EM pulse to disable the monitors

    25. The neural silicon-organic webbing was now almost fully formed; the processor core would close up with a protective EM casing, possibly within a few hours, and the device would be aware of any anomalies

    26. She descended the steps to a short tunnel, following the source of the EM disturbance to a door at the end, which must have been the correct entrance: the emitted field now becoming disorientating

    27. At only two hundred metres above the English Channel the scanner detected the EM activity associated with high speed optitronic pulses

    28. She had the greatest faith in her sister; Em could talk a cat into befriending a mouse if she chose to

    29. “Uther,” stated Em with warm compassion, “You have done me a great honor by coming to court me and spend time with me

    30. “Are you insane?” cried out Em

    31. “Thank goodness someone was thinking with his head,” huffed Em, “although why you let her do it in the first place is beyond me!”

    32. Galeron and Jack had both come and gone from the upper floor, offering conversation to Em and solicitous concern for Kay’s health

    33. “There is something to be said in trusting in God,” pointed out Em complacently

    34. “You are very right,” agreed Em

    35. A timorous knock sounded on the door, and Kay nestled herself into the covers more thoroughly as Em called Alistair into the room

    36. “We would not want to waste your talents in the tedious work of a daily life,” insisted Em, warming, “when you could be much more instrumental to the entire region’s salvation as our intercessor

    37. It was as if Em had taken a torch and set Alistair alight with an inner glow

    38. “The letter to your master is there on the table,” offered Em quietly

    39. Em chimed in from her curtained nook

    40. But Em was upstairs, and the last thing her sister needed right now was more high stakes drama

    41. “It is certainly shocking that he roughed up an innocent child,” agreed Em

    42. She would tell her the full details once the child was safely born and Em was back in the loving care of her husband

    43. “But surely,” responded Em, reforming her voice into a more even tone with effort Kay could clearly hear, “one role of a master is to take proper care of those he is responsible for

    44. Em was complacent and firm

    45. “I think you should do what you feel is right,” insisted Em

    46. The curtains parted behind her, and Em came up to give her a hug from behind

    47. Em patted Kay on the back reassuringly

    48. Em shook her head

    49. Em patted her abdomen in satisfaction

    50. Em smiled fondly at her sister

    1. very easy to eliminate or emaciate the competition

    1. John looks inside, sees an emaciated body lying in the bed, then slowly turns his attention to the face

    2. Next to him is "Comatose John," emaciated John from the nursing home, fishing pole in his hand

    3. He brings his emaciated hand up to shield his eyes

    4. scratch his emaciated back

    5. All he had to do was to wait for the ripples to reach the shoreline of my emaciated imagination

    6. The midwife, Ruth Morgan, says to trust in God, but both tell me that I'm far too emaciated to deliver and that I'll die in childbirth

    7. Anyone meeting Mr Pinscher for the first time might forgive him this discourtesy, since the fellow looked as thin and emaciated as the chicken bone he waved so enthusiastically in the air

    8. Dying cattle lay emaciated upon the ground

    9. He passed one cell and glanced in to see an emaciated woman, maybe in her late twenties, although it was difficult to tell

    10. Thoughtful Americans felt a thrill of pity when they saw the unkempt and emaciated insurgents, who had steadfastly endured three years' campaigning

    11. The emaciated survivors of the reconcentrados, whose pudicity had departed through force of circumstances, thought little of the lack of privacy; but the delicate Cuban ladies from the city felt their position keenly until they also sank into the apathy of starvation

    12. Late in the afternoon a long line of emaciated non-combatants commenced to stream back to the city

    13. Over the next few moons the sufferer lost weight, becoming weak and emaciated, unable to care for themselves any longer

    14. They looked weak and emaciated, their eyes dull and sunken

    15. Turning, the Sycler eased her way out of the soil that had been her resting place for three years, body - although thin and emaciated - stretching to its full two metres

    16. Wendigoes were gaunt, emaciated creatures, with their pallid skin tightly-stretched over their bones, sunken eyes and an ashen complexion

    17. It was the third figure, standing a little off to one side, pale, dirty and emaciated, with grey, ashen features, haggard

    18. I suppose they didn’t want pictures of people on the wall that were bald, gaunt, and emaciated either

    19. Lilly was found to be severely emaciated, and as with all the attempts of the Anders Clinic to engage Adam and Susan in scheduling and maintaining appointments to address the children‘s various medical ailments, their parents failed them

    20. The physician expressed concerns with Cindy‘s emaciated appearance and Lilly‘s heart murmur

    21. There he was, large, emaciated, alternating miaowing and coughing as I looked at him

    22. Truly: gratefully taking it's light, either it is a morning slide across the smooth surface of heaven curtains, or proud and unhurried, his barely perceptible steps beyond the horizon on a sky emaciated by clouds, a man, expressing the desire and will to let that light in, can turn itself into this light for a while, and shine itself in mornings and evenings, to be itself in a mood of joy and immediate smile

    23. He was emaciated in size with brown hair, and 5’9 in height

    24. They ranged in age from young to old and in build from emaciated to portly

    25. How withered and pathetic, like emaciated corpses, those who hate America seem by contrast

    26. Doc Zab had been shocked by her emaciated appearance

    27. chained animals, emaciated, exposed to the sun and the rain - close to some barrel here

    28. Nursing her infant and hard labor had emaciated Ainura to the point

    29. Painfully thin with huge, staring eyes and emaciated limbs and body

    30. pictures of emaciated corpses piled so high they needed giant

    31. that was scattered around and its scraggly, emaciated body, it

    32. He was rather emaciated, The last graduate

    33. rooftops, one of which was robbed by a smal emaciated old

    34. His legs ceased their swinging and the shrivelled, emaciated husk that had once been Lewem, dropped to the floor

    35. A few seconds later it returned, thin and emaciated but alive

    36. The shrubs, emaciated and evaporated by the fury of the roaring fire, were supplanted by an enormous black, ashen and sterile spot that was distilling the gray steams of destruction

    37. His face was emaciated and deathly pale

    38. An emaciated vampire lay on the floor, his left leg curled unnaturally under his body as he hissed his defiance at me

    39. She was thin, emaciated and

    40. is emaciated, utterly exhausted and humiliated in the wrong sense, but as one who, n the sacrifices and the toils of the intense day and night struggle of anticipation, has indeed found the “pristine beauty” without the

    41. “Will you eat?” She asked and felt the shudder that racked the emaciated frame of the beast

    42. These wolves could tear poor, emaciated Flaca and her sweet little Gordo and Bonita to bits

    43. He realised that his emaciated body had

    44. days but an emaciated shell

    45. A total of nine emaciated and starving dogs were

    46. In either of the cases dogs appear emaciated, too thin

    47. Then he washed his hands, threw the oilcloth over himself, and before midnight he returned with a few strings of dried meat, several bags of rice, corn with weevils, and some emaciated bunches of bananas

    48. She would have been more than pretty if not for her emaciated face

    49. Some of the animals were emaciated, and had open sores

    50. I took a very long look at the emaciated animals in our

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    em pica pica em em quad mutton quad

    "em" definitions

    a quad with a square body

    a linear unit (1/6 inch) used in printing