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    Use "encroach on" in a sentence

    encroach on example sentences

    encroach on

    1. The arctic ice begins to encroach on Canada, Europe and Northern Asia

    2. You must provide access to a beach and you must not encroach on it without a permit

    3. Realising that the trip would encroach on Cruzel’s mid-afternoon appointment, forcing him to leave them earlier than he may have liked, and the senior thought this was an excellent idea and ordered transportation for the three of them

    4. They only kill those who try to encroach on their territories

    5. Green forests encroach on cultivated land that is full of crops in all stages of maturity

    6. Let another group of people encroach on somebody else's land and the owners of that land became threatened

    7. She had a nose that seemed to encroach on her upper lip and slightly deformed her mouth

    8. black started to encroach on her vision

    9. Miss Crawford had a claim; and when it was no longer to encroach on, to interfere with the stronger claims, the truer kindness of another, she could do her justice even with pleasure to herself

    10. After the foregoing discussion, which has been much compressed, we may assume that the modified descendants of any one species will succeed so much the better as they become more diversified in structure, and are thus enabled to encroach on places occupied by other beings

    11. Whatsoever Thou revealest anew will encroach on men's freedom of faith; for it will be manifest as a miracle, and the freedom of their faith was dearer to Thee than anything in those days fifteen hundred years ago

    12. If the President of the United States has gone beyond the letter of the law, which itself tends to encroach on the rights of the citizen, I would be the last person to justify him in thus trespassing on the dearest rights of a freeman

    13. Seybert, after stating his indisposition to encroach on the rights of the citizen, which, however, must yield to the superior rights of the nation, which required them to act in this case, suggested the propriety of recommitting this person to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms until further order should be taken by the House, and preventing him in the mean time from communicating with those from whose conversation he might have derived his information

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