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    endear example sentences





    1. ' Jean realised it was an opportunity to endear

    2. He shrugged and said he could understand that, so far as the Tenocha were concerned, since they did not exactly endear one, but surely the Tlatelolca were not despised

    3. The Overlord had his own scribes of course, but he trusted only Simon with this task, a fact that did not endear him to his fellow scribes

    4. And I hope by what I’m about to do, I can endear them to us

    5. Our attitude did not endear us to the townspeople, many of whom had given sons, husbands and lovers to the struggle, and, despite the fact that I was obviously well past the age of enlistment, we were treated, on our rare excursions outside, with, at best contempt and occasionally, outright enmity, such as was sometimes shown to Max Henschelle, who kept a pastry shop in town and who, apart from being a naturalised British citizen, had come here in Nineteen-thirty seven as a Jewish refugee from Nazism, but reason has little to do with such primitive emotional reactions

    6. It was certainly not an affair that would endear either man to the other or his cause though it was hardly grounds to wish the man dead

    7. Deciding against using his own name for the time being, Doug quickly selected a pseudonym that he felt appropriate in the circumstances and which may endear him to this die-hard redneck

    8. Though Graisco felt that Moe’s passion for the subject bordered on zealotry, he was willing to play along in this role in order to endear himself to this potentially valuable informant

    9. “What happened to you, my sweet girl?” Lucia crept closer to the child in an effort to endear the child to her

    10. ‘Didn’t you try to endear yourself to her,’ she said indignantly

    11. This attitude did nothing to endear him to the man in charge of the official murderers, so Byron took a step forward, the guards took a step back

    12. He never tried to endear himself to anyone that stirred the want in others to have him even more

    13. Be honest, and be yourself � after all, being natural is what will endear you to a particular mate

    14. "There certainly are circumstances," said Willoughby, "which might greatly endear it to me; but this place will always have one claim of my affection, which no other can possibly share

    15. “I must have done something to endear myself to her,” Gwenda said, extemporising

    16. His reflex arrogance didn’t exactly endear him to those about him, either

    17. His blunt assessment didn’t endear him to me, but days later, there was a standoff in front of the madman’s house

    1. One was about Harry's height and build, but for those puppyish hands and feet, which so endeared him to Jameson, back home, the other lad was shorter and thicker, and walked with an air of superiority which nearly preceded him into the room

    2. laugh that endeared him to Jean straight away

    3. The Prince had a handsome and gallant bearing, and had endeared himself to every member of the expeditionary force with whom he had come in contact

    4. As a result, I found myself endeared to Karl which has prompted me to also reply in a gracious manner

    5. Before that, he was chief counsel to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and it was his advice in that post which endeared him to Roosevelt

    6. actually really endeared them to their girls all the more

    7. Bishop Higbold's new-found piety has apparently not endeared him to King Aethelred or the nobility

    8. He endeared himself to them as their best friend in the whole world

    9. These acts of selfless service endeared him to common people and made him a unique leader

    10. He never arbitrarily disciplined his brothers and sisters, and such uniform fairness and personal consideration greatly endeared Jesus to all his family

    11. the arousal of the body of whomever I endeared

    12. It was their personal association with Jesus during these months of testing that so endeared him to them that they all (save Judas Iscariot) remained loyal and true to him even in the dark hours of the trial and crucifixion

    13. But the substantive part of his life fascinated her in the beginning and endeared him to her in the end

    14. endeared to my characters and journey with me as I take them further

    15. We visited hundreds of dwellings and small villages as well as the main centres of Tulancingo, Santaros, Vincoso and everywhere there were signs of a people who were slowly being ground down by taxes and overwork, after three weeks we finally neared Xocanti, the followers now numbered in the thousands, but Wedon the high priest and all the villagers, man, woman and child, came out to escort us into the village, carrying food and drink for as many as wanted it, I began to worry that this selflessness would seriously leave Xocanti short of food but Wedon assured me that was not the case, it was a joyous reunion for me and Coatl, when Jodas and his troop of warriors marched up and as one knelt in front of us, I told them to rise and we all hugged and punched and rolled about in the dirt, even Coatl joined in the fun, not a very dignified entrance for the Most High chief of all the Tolteca, but knowing these people like we did no-one took exception to their chief wrestling on the ground and having a bit of fun, mother hearing about it later congratulated me and called it a stroke of political statesmanship unequalled ever, it was only later that I realised how right she was, that one bit of fooling around had endeared me to all who witnessed it, it had achieved more maybe than all the pomp and ceremony of our long march, I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was impromptu, trust mother to immediately sort the maize from the chaff

    16. “If you are so endeared by the upper class in Europe,” he said

    17. In fact, he had once worked on a case involving the slaying of one of the more talented female employees; having secured a confession from the killer who was caught within a matter of days, he had endeared himself to the owners, management, and other employees of the club, all of whom perceived him as a “special” friend of the family

    18. While I found myself in the heart of these natural beauties; my heartfelt its aromatic and its rich wealth; I was endeared with this natural sceneries

    19. It has endeared you to me somewhat

    20. ’ While the alluring praise endeared the pearl to her receptive mind, her innate vanity was catered to by the accomplishments of the man who presented it thus

    21. By the time Sathyam came back with the Ramus, the mates, as though to make up for the lost time, endeared themselves to each other

    22. “Maybe in my youth, my visage had that dual character, which, as I told you, endeared me to many a woman, and that was why without the fear of rejection, I could make a pass at every woman I had ever fancied; well, my weakness had always been the lightly darkish women with a tinge of sadness on their faces, and I was all too brotherly to those who failed to connect with my roving eye

    23. What with the referrals from those philanderers helped her to develop a fetching clientele, her earnings far exceeded her man’s expectations, but as he worked harder than ever to augment their fund, she moved ever emotionally closer to him, and ironically, as if to lighten his burden, she endeared herself more than ever to other men

    24. endeared me to her from that moment on

    25. distinguishing qualities that endeared her to all those who knew her

    26. Alice had endeared herself to Harald’s parents through her contacts with the duke

    27. " It was a pretty good object lesson on the power of the system which the organization had built up, how Murtha, and even the more distant Dorgan himself, had endeared himself to his followers and henchmen

    28. Very precious to Jo was the friendship of the lads, their penitent sniffs and whispers after wrongdoing, their droll or touching little confidences, their pleasant enthusiasms, hopes, and plans, even their misfortunes, for they only endeared them to her all the more

    29. We confess her charms; but if she cannot show that she is useful as well as delightful, like rational lovers, we must renounce our love, though endeared to us by early associations

    30. But Charles, to whom I was now infinitely endeared by

    31. regret, as it was infinitely endeared to me by the first possession of my

    32. endeared him the more to me, and I could have joyfully suffered any

    33. once countenanced and endeared her fall to her

    34. endeared me, looked on me now as a girl after her own heart, afraid of

    35. A posse of Dublin Metropolitan police superintended by the Chief Commissioner in person maintained order in the vast throng for whom the York street brass and reed band whiled away the intervening time by admirably rendering on their blackdraped instruments the matchless melody endeared to us from the cradle by Speranza's plaintive muse

    36. They had identified me as an outsider, which should have endeared me to them since all swans start out as ugly ducklings, but no

    37. The misfortune I had now brought upon him, endeared him the more to me, and I could have joyfully suffered any punishment he had not shared in

    38. Her lover, for such he was, sat her down at the foot of the couch, and passing his arm round her neck, preluded with a kiss fervently applied to her lips, that visibly gave her life and spirit to go through with the scene; and as he kissed, he gently inclined her head, till it fell back on a pillow disposed to receive it, and leaning himself down all the way with her, at once countenanced and endeared her fall to her

    39. The same personality that so endeared him to us as he raced against time on the tracks of the world is not dead but very much alive and with us yet

    40. more endeared me, looked on me now as a girl after her own heart, afraid of nothing, and, on a good account, hardly enough to fight all the weapons of pleasure through

    41. As for Rhett, he had enjoyed the town’s hatred since his speculations during the war and he had not further endeared himself to his fellow citizens by his alliances with the Republicans since then

    42. Something that would enrage some white people, no matter how much it endeared me to the Negroes

    43. In this world the penalty is less equal than could be wished; but without presuming to look forward to a juster appointment hereafter, we may fairly consider a man of sense, like Henry Crawford, to be providing for himself no small portion of vexation and regret: vexation that must rise sometimes to self-reproach, and regret to wretchedness, in having so requited hospitality, so injured family peace, so forfeited his best, most estimable, and endeared acquaintance, and so lost the woman whom he had rationally as well as passionately loved

    44. To the Russians his person, his conversation, his dress, and, last but not least, his superstitions and even his age, recalled Suvoroff and the Russia of the days of Catharine the Great—a fact that endeared him to his fellow-countrymen

    45. Jarvis (modestly)—That is what has always endeared me so to my friends

    1. the speared and bloody heel his endearing humanity,

    2. That was the other endearing trait Mrs

    3. endearing as their church, however

    4. Dosanti had graceful, nearly symmetrical features (other than the strangely endearing black dot slightly above her lip), and a head of smoky dark curls that danced with her every step

    5. As she watched him throw some meat on the fire and fetch some bread, she began to realize what it was that she found so particularly endearing DRAFT

    6. She found this both disturbing and endearing

    7. A gentleman named Lassiter (a precursor to Jack Shaffer"s Shane?) is the most endearing of his heroes, in his most enduring book

    8. Both are delightful, full of all the antics and curiosity that are endearing about cats, and as celebrated as their namesakes

    9. This made her smile and give out a laugh that nearly became a girlish giggle; it was so endearing to him, something he hadn't heard for such a long while

    10. It was rather endearing to us to see a general officer saluting that way, but we kept quiet knowing that the RSM may take note of who laughed first

    11. In my estimation, that is certainly the most appropriate place to submerge at the same time into a humiliating and endearing past, and a vibrant and remunerating present

    12. Some readers of Bierzo 7 probably still remember Anthony Quinn’s flattering and endearing commentaries towards our privileged territory, but perhaps are unaware of several television reports that Fred made about El Bierzo for the American public

    13. The old woman certainly had been strongly opinionated in the past, having called me a ‘beelze-bob’ and a ‘a peck of a cock’ among other less colourful and not as endearing terms

    14. To him, a woman’s voice could be her most endearing, certainly her most enduring, quality

    15. “Karl, one of your most endearing traits is your inability to lie convincingly

    16. Lucky seemed oblivious to the attention we had, she was singing the lyrics of the song to me; it was endearing

    17. Roger to write a poem to the Virgin of the Evergreen Oak of Ponferrada, locally known by the endearing term “La Morenica” (The Little Brown One)

    18. It was endearing but they cannot look to us for what a perfect relationship is supposed to be like; we are not perfect

    19. In it you relate that sweet, profound, endearing and indelible love towards your mother

    20. Dave had an endearing habit of loudly slapping the back of his neck and calling out “redneck, redneck” when I entered all classrooms or other public assemblies

    21. “And it was an endearing nervousness

    22. Meanwhile, they noticed that other families nearby were doing the same with their children, and everyone was hugging and crying in the same endearing way, for the Love in the village was very intense and everyone, truly everyone, loved one another as they loved themselves

    23. certainly endearing himself to the Neve Vapors faithful!” Burns

    24. My mother’s love was a sanctuary; powerful and endearing, but it couldn’t shield me forever

    25. “It was endearing, in an annoying sort of

    26. The fluffy sky-blue woollen cardigan and bottle green tights he always wore around the house suddenly seemed queer, not endearing, and his stance was definitely not butch

    27. One of the endearing things about mathematicians

    28. anything other than endearing

    29. He found it endearing that an English girl liked him for being what he was

    30. “Cadley Hall” he exclaimed, “You’re a good few miles from there” he added in a West Country accent that Matthew found endearing

    31. He had also journeyed around most of Ireland and held a great affinity with the country and it’s people that both Margaret and all of them found endearing

    32. He found it endearing that she was such a tender soul

    33. It was a character trait that Matthew found very endearing

    34. He had an endearing quality of turning his good side towards the speaker

    35. Marie had, ever since she had taken over the running of the Collett Corporation, been the main sponsor of the ”Benefit Society for Orphaned Chinese Children” in Searsville, San Mateo County, California USA – much endearing herself and her Family to China

    36. Switching on his most endearing smile he headed straight for

    37. He was too endearing to tell him to leave, so I let him in

    38. His eyes seemed to bounce between their endearing cleavage and their toned, long legs

    39. Nodding to herself, into the silence she said, “You used to be warm and artfully endearing to gain acceptance, sweet when you wanted something, neglectful when you didn’t, and deceitful so that no one could see the fear in you

    40. The smile on her face was sly but coy, one of her more endearing qualities, and indicated her satisfaction with the situation

    41. “Not the most endearing term,” Tom answered

    42. We’ll transplant the most endearing and provocative pieces in order to see how the game develops under different circumstance

    43. You are a collector’s item, very endearing and provocative

    44. endearing than Klingon faces, as if they were Vulcan

    45. Not one of her most endearing habits, he had to

    46. This affinity is endearing and captivating

    47. Seeing he was fulfilled as well, she felt gratified for being the source of his fulfillment and as her own enjoyment, occasioned by him, made him even more endearing to her loving heart

    48. Then I repeated endearing words internally, nursing my small seed

    49. And given her sex appeal, won’t she be maddening in bed, at any time in her life? The long and short of Roopa is that she’s an excellent short-term prospect and an enduring long-term asset, the endearing one, is she not?’

    50. It was an endearing feature for such a delicate elfin figure that Emily drank tequila like a champion, but tonight she had driven them there and Byron had made the uninformed decision to aspire to her quantity crown

    1. But what endears Sarah to hunters is not her glasses, but her policies and ideas on hunting

    2. That all the more endears,

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    Synonyms for "endear"

    endear captivate charm enamour engage attach

    "endear" definitions

    make attractive or lovable