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    Use "energetically" in a sentence

    energetically example sentences


    1. I stand on the pavement outside my house and watch them drive off up the road, Barney’s little hand waving energetically

    2. work, provided they are still connected energetically

    3. I can‘t help wondering whether free enterprise isn‘t better suited for the demands of energetically robust societies rather than thoroughly exhausted ones content on living off their remaining capital; expending what little energy is left on meeting the custodial requirements of its aging populations rather than the urgent requirements of its younger citizens

    4. I realized after this exercise that I was so energetically connected to Sharon that I was physically and

    5. energetically, and Michelle suggested that with the aid of her spirit helpers that Sharon disconnect herself and in that way it would

    6. I energetically shook his hand and said, “What took you guys so long?”

    7. I knew that Talia had been scattered a lot more energetically by the bolt than by the fireball, and so I was worried that the curse’s Restoration could fail

    8. You are open mentally as well as energetically

    9. On the dancing spot, I observed Beatrice who was dancing energetically turning round and round like in a circus carousel

    10. The firm, uniform, rhythmic flight, from the obtuse hillsides mending the bluish summits, thinly at first, then extending, energetically, the fabulous ailerons allowing him to glide on the tiny greenish heads of the trees and the transparent threads of the rivers, similar to the hair of a woman lifted to the wind

    11. He was massaging me so energetically now that it was starting to hurt

    12. “He is awake!” she said energetically

    13. ” He gestured energetically to the panties and bras

    14. Flivi bounced and chirped energetically on Heliri’s shoulder

    15. As these acts bore the vibratory signature of their originators and participants, they energetically sought out their source, thereby completing the underlying nature of this cycle of events

    16. Energetically this is carried out automatically through your own past intentional prayers, promises and vows

    17. To the delight and amusement of the men in their group, she then took off her bra, exposing her breasts for a few seconds before rolling back down her sweater and starting to scoop out water energetically with her bra cups

    18. The Russians energetically exploited their success; launching further attacks with devastating effect

    19. The Inner Child connected energetically with a man who had no control

    20. energetic relationship link with the parents that energetically feeds the child, that assists the child to feel more connected and

    21. Leaping on his back as energetically as her arthritic knees would allow, she tugged on his bridle, steering him towards the castle gates

    22. balanced energetically during the private sessions (as he was not offered to the clients for a period of time) that Joshua offered for the public

    23. Then he started to calculate something energetically again

    24. In a squeaky voice, the small fairy Ios said energetically, “I’ve got the perfect plan! You didn’t think I’d try this without knowing what to do, did you? I’ve studied them for many years and I have analyzed their movements, their reactions

    25. The sun was warm and high above them as Flower pulled energetically at Candy’s arm, pointing with indiscreet discretion at the famous couple beside them that waited for the limousine behind theirs

    26. As the long, black car departed, the men inside it waved good-bye to Kathy and her family, while her relatives energetically waved back

    27. Ulysses instead reacts energetically and grabs his drugged companions and gets back on the ship to continue his voyage

    28. "It is you, my little sun among sheep," said Herr Dremmel, standing still to kiss her as energetically as though he had been beneath the pear-tree in the Bishop's garden, "it is all you

    29. "_Ce n'est pas mon mari_," she said, energetically repudiating

    30. "Indeed you may," she replied energetically

    31. " The startled and admonished men quickly and energetically bent to the work that they had so recently ignored

    32. By the same token, you can increase the circle by getting closer to the front of the horse , by using the yield signal or by moving more energetically

    33. Elsewhere Ishtar tussled energetically with Varuna, Lord of Water

    34. He was surprised at the change in the boy who only yesterday had tottered on the cliff toward death and yet now was energetically engaging life with new found vigour

    35. I was simply not prepared for such a fast reaction, or that it could move so energetically

    36. energetically much closer to what prayer should be

    37. Warm like the peoples it nurtures on its shores, vivid blue in colour with the characteristic large, foamy-white Alexandrian waves lapping energetically the sand, sending us a humid, cool breeze that made me go into the room for a jumper

    38. After the hot shower, feeling considerably better went to the bed and uncovered Lizzie, kissed her, caressed her, and massaged her energetically and then pulled her to the bathroom

    39. I could tell from Rafael’s vocal sounds and the way his seat moved energetically that every moment was his next best moment in life

    40. I moved into the packed crowd that parted energetically before me

    41. When we have a lot of energy: we ate a lot, energetically

    42. Energetically it indicates the mov-

    43. ence, related to this situation, energetically comes back to it

    44. Sex of a man with several women is energetically interesting

    45. Couldn't she, wouldn't she, and let him come home and be happy? While waiting for an answer he did nothing, but he did it energetically, for he was in a fever of impatience

    46. Heavens! my dear Glaucon, I said, how energetically you polish them up for the decision, first one and then the other, as if they were two statues

    47. There he tore off the sleeve of Earnshaw's coat, and bound up the wound with brutal roughness; spitting and cursing during the operation as energetically as he had kicked before

    48. When the emperor returned, he wrote, implored, threatened, and so energetically, that on the second restoration he was persecuted as a Bonapartist

    49. The first words that Albert uttered to his friend, on the following morning, contained a request that Franz would accompany him on a visit to the count; true, the young man had warmly and energetically thanked the count on the previous evening; but services such as he had rendered could never be too often acknowledged

    50. The baby had by this time discovered the use of the bone ring at the end of the handle of the toy and was biting it energetically

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    Synonyms for "energetically"

    energetically hard violently

    "energetically" definitions

    in an energetic manner