Use "enthusiast" in a sentence
enthusiast example sentences
1. “Wow! That was neat! You guys are great!” A dragon enthusiast had replaced the scared little boy of a few minutes ago; his face was all smiles now
2. They are listened to, esteemed, and respected by their superiors; but before their inferiors they are frequently incapable of defending, effectually, and to the conviction of such hearers, their own sober and moderate doctrines, against the most ignorant enthusiast who chooses to attack them
3. Apparently he was an enthusiast
4. Fred was a battery enthusiast!
5. It was only a flesh wound but he wasn’t a DIY enthusiast and had
6. ” Gabe said, she didn't sound totally enthusiast though but that had to do
7. a year later and turned out to be the real enthusiast
8. several dogs and a cat, and are an enthusiast for natural healthcare because it's worked
9. You have probably heard some sports enthusiast say,
10. For one, I'm a Social Media enthusiast with a
11. Larger projects for holiday gift ideas would be creating a headboard for a child's bed, a jewelry box for the wife, or even a spice rack for the cooking enthusiast
12. None but a fool or enthusiast would think of building a house without ladders and scaffolding, and just so no wise man will despise means
13. His martial arts instructor was a Zen enthusiast
14. coupon enthusiast, they may look upon the pile and think, "That is so
15. 'It will be something to tell your children of, in the days to come when he is a splendid memory,' said the enthusiast
16. By waiting a year, indeed, the same enthusiast, supposing him there, could hear everything again, for Herr Dremmel's sermons numbered twenty-six and were planned to begin on January 1st with the Circumcision, and leaping along through the fortnights of the year ended handsomely and irregularly with an extra one at Christmas
17. An enthusiast can without fail convince his
18. An avid sports enthusiast, Chris has represented his state in football,
19. into one of this fiery enthusiast for the law and the meek
20. I doubt if there's any gun enthusiast in the country who would not have at least one of these pistols
21. rejoiced & enthusiast! Oh what a joy it will be when I come for MY
22. Nevertheless we speak the simple truth when we say that if a man in the biological section of the British Association were to declare his opinion that some of the most lamentable conditions of human life were traceable to the action of evil spirits, he would be regarded, by nearly the whole company of learned persons assembled, as an enthusiast past redemption by argument
23. If you live in Texas, then, you can consider yourself indeed a very lucky bass fishing enthusiast!
24. The Fantasy sport began as a way for the more intellectual sports enthusiast to manage his or her own Fantasy team
25. Other models failing her for a time, she undertook to cast her own pretty foot, and the family were one day alarmed by an unearthly bumping and screaming and running to the rescue, found the young enthusiast hopping wildly about the shed with her foot held fast in a pan full of plaster, which had hardened with unexpected rapidity
26. However, Thomas, once a baseball enthusiast, had no
27. Leonard was a fishing enthusiast
28. not a work enthusiast
29. Of course the girl or woman, or whatever she was, was an enthusiast but there was a time for all things
30. When he had fixed his piercing look on this modern Babylon, which equally engages the contemplation of the religious enthusiast, the materialist, and the
31. An enthusiast site, by the feel of it
32. The enthusiast site was called Mother’s Rest, the same as the decoy
33. The introduction of a pure form of Christianity into this continent is a dream for a youthful enthusiast, and I have been trying to explain to you why Holroyd at fiftyeight is like a man on the threshold of life, and better, too
34. You can imagine that I, as an enthusiast, was in sympathy with such a request, and that I felt no surprise at the constancy of his visits
35. Four years after, you find me a Christian enthusiast; you then work upon me, perhaps to my complete perdition! But Tess, my coz, as I used to call you, this is only my way of talking, and you must not look so horribly concerned
36. One of his earliest triumphs was what the writer and fireworks enthusiast George Plimpton has called “one of the great, rare blues
37. It has names for each type of customer, such as “Barry,” an affluent tech enthusiast, and “Buzz,” a young gadget fiend
38. Rather, he was a sports enthusiast and enjoyed the outdoors
39. Buffett, who is known for his preference for older technologies like trains, upstaged any train enthusiast with his purchase of Burlington Northern in March 2009 when Berkshire Hathaway agreed to buy Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp
40. Woloda and Dubkoff seemed to be afraid of anything like serious consideration or emotion, whereas Nechludoff was beyond all things an enthusiast, and would often, despite their sarcastic remarks, plunge into dissertations on philosophical matters or matters of feeling
41. ] "Devout common sense must gradually come to look upon Christ as a philanthropic teacher who, like every enthusiast who ever taught, went to an Utopian extreme of His own philosophy
42. "Devout common sense must gradually come to look upon Christ as a philanthropic teacher, who, like every enthusiast who ever taught, went to an Utopian extreme in his own philosophy
43. Being a football enthusiast he at once raised his arm in appeal, and, with the spirit that wins wars, shouted, "Penalty, ref!"