Use "equalizer" in a sentence
equalizer example sentences
1. Dress, because of its ―uniformity‖ (Ha Ha) was once considered society‘s equalizer; that is to say, Dress transcended Class
2. Water is the great equalizer, the great balancer of the scales
3. Pure water is the great equalizer and helps regulate the entire body, not just your eyes
4. The Equalizer movie was totally awesome but I was convinced the long
5. Good thing I had an equalizer with me
6. dynamics are the great equalizer
7. A tea stall where a potential prime minister sits with his fellow citizens drinking chai—what could be a greater equalizer? There was always, of course, the subtext of Modi having grown up in poverty that would also play out
8. He had a fearsome reputation in the Village and was known as a bodyguard, bouncer and equalizer
9. “The equality and equalizer of the bloodless is the perfect eMotion, one is motivated only by the End Game and never affected by the realities of the Others
10. He believed money was the great equalizer; that nazis saw themselves above the rule of gold and niggers were kept below it
11. It is the great equalizer
12. If death is the great equalizer, ought not the resting places of each person be treated with the same dignity?
13. Even then, it still took the equalizer of poverty and the hatred of an outside oppressor and outside enemy: the Roman Empire, before the communities of Galilee were forced into a level of equality high enough to be receptive to the teachings of Jesus
14. He is the equalizer of his age and land,
15. You’d think all the cool kids getting infested with flesh-eating parasites would be a great equalizer, but most of them wore it as an outward sign of having attended an exclusive event where the party favors happened to be real-life cooties