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    estimated example sentences


    1. I estimated the measurements at approximately three metres in depth by two metres wide

    2. ‘Very well, we’ve covered more ground than I estimated we would - we can take it a little easier this afternoon and give those legs of yours a break

    3. He looked about the room at the small amount of people gathered there, he estimated between 30 and 40

    4. I passed out sheets that estimated the school's monthly needs based on eight

    5. I had estimated the godown's rent as half of

    6. I estimated we had five more minutes before the door gave away

    7. United States alone, it is estimated that between 13

    8. In 2009, it was estimated that there were

    9. The ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) field was blank

    10. "I've studied it carefully and estimated that it's possible

    11. “They never arrived and the arrivals board gives no estimated time of arrival

    12. At an estimated

    13. ˜ In 1350, and for some time before, the average price of the quarter of wheat in England seems not to have been estimated lower than four ounces of silver, Tower weight, equal to about twenty shillings of our present money

    14. From this price it seems to have fallen gradually to two ounces of silver, equal to about ten shillings of our present money, the price at which we find it estimated in the beginning of the sixteenth century, and at which it seems to have continued to be estimated till about 1570

    15. It therefore ordains, that all servants and labourers should, for the future, be contented with the same wages and liveries (liveries in those times signified not only clothes, but provisions) which they had been accustomed to receive in the 20th year of the king, and the four preceding years; that, upon this account, their livery-wheat should nowhere be estimated higher than tenpence a-bushel, and that it should always be in the option of the master to deliver them either the wheat or the money

    16. It continued to be estimated at this price till about 1570

    17. In 1688, Mr Gregory King, a man famous for his knowledge in matters of this kind, estimated the average price of wheat, in years of moderate plenty, to be to the grower 3s

    18. It was to take place, therefore, till wheat was so high as fortyeight shillings the quarter; that is, twenty shillings, or 5-7ths dearer than Mr King had, in that very year, estimated the grower's price to be in times of moderate plenty

    19. The lack of food, drugs and heating had taken a massive toll on the survivors of the initial pulse and now, a mere three months on, Nathaniel estimated that a full fifty percent of the population were dead

    20. Mr Hume observes, that in the Saxon times, the fleece was estimated at two-fifths of the value of the whole sheep and that this was much above the proportion of its present estimation

    21. He estimated that he’d travelled only about one third of

    22. It is estimated that foods have about 4,000 different compounds that have antioxidant qualities

    23. The whole value of the gold and silver, therefore, which circulated in Scotland before the Union, cannot be estimated at less than a million sterling

    24. In the present times, the whole circulation of Scotland cannot be estimated at less than two millions, of which that part which consists in gold and silver, most probably, does not amount to half a million

    25. to know that an estimated 70% of all physical books are ghost written

    26. It has been estimated that the number of adult women who carry out this sort of “molest” operation is increasing rapidly in our urban areas, even in the smaller cities

    27. It was estimated in Near-Death research studies carried out years ago, that millions of people had encountered NDE all around the world

    28. worth of $1 million or more donated an estimated total of

    29. In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation

    30. He told Captain Lee about what had happened, separating the ship and how long he estimated their supplies would actually last

    31. Then positioned himself to face where he estimated the figure would be

    32. ‘At the current estimated velocity: 7

    33. But during the two years in which their agreement with government was to take place, they were restrained from any further increase of dividend by two successive acts of parliament, of which the object was to enable them to make a speedier progress in the payment of their debts, which were at this time estimated at upwards of six or seven millions sterling

    34. Ethan directed them all toward the center of the storm, and when he estimated they were about a mile out, each of the groups broke off, navigating their way to the center of the storm

    35. wasn't strictly necessary since the computer was already programmed to lower its now rejuvenated shield for the sixteen picoseconds required – or rather estimated – to expose Scott to the temporal eradication wave

    36. These manuscripts, comprising around 900 Biblical and extra-Biblical documents, were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and are estimated to have originated around the period of 150 BC to 70 AD

    37. By a very exact account it appears, that, in 1755, the whole revenue of the clergy of the church of Scotland, including their glebe or church lands, and the rent of their manses or dwelling-houses, estimated according to a reasonable valuation, amounted only to £68,514:1:5 1/12d

    38. The rent of the lands alone, exclusive of that of houses and of the interest of stock, has by many people been estimated at twenty millions; an estimation made in a great measure at random, and which, I apprehend, is as likely to be above as below the truth

    39. This tenth part, however, is estimated so very moderately, that, in many provinces, it is said not to exceed a thirtieth part of the ordinary produce

    40. org/wiki/Big_Bang - cite_note-41), and is estimated to make up about 23% of the matter/energy of the Universe, while baryonic matter makes up about 4

    41. In an "extended model" which includes hot dark matter in the form of neutrinos, if the "physical baryon density" Omega-bh2 is estimated at about 0

    42. 11, the corresponding neutrino density Omega-vh2 is estimated to be less than 0

    43. Their wages are computed according to the common rate of the district in which they reside ; and, that they may be as little liable as possible to any overcharge, their yearly gains are estimated at no more than two hundred working days in the year

    44. Taking the whole kingdom at an average, therefore, the whole amount of the duties upon malt, beer, and ale, cannot be estimated at less than twenty-four or twenty-five shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt

    45. According to a memoir presented by the parliament of Bourdeaux to the king, in 1764, the whole public debt ot France is estimated at twenty-four hundred millions of livres; of which the capital, for which annuities for lives had been granted, is supposed to amount to three hundred millions, the eighth part of the whole public debt

    46. The annuities for lives, too, which had been granted as premiums to the subscribers to the new loans in 1757, estimated at fourteen years purchase, were valued at £472,500 ; and the annuities for long terms of years, granted as premiums likewise, in 1761 and 1762, estimated at twenty-seven and a-half years purchase, were valued at £6,826,875

    47. ” This refers to how fast the courses are running and that speed can actually be estimated with a stimp meter

    48. If all moduses and all impropriations were taken away, the complete church tythe of Great Britain and Ireland could not well be estimated at less than six or seven millions

    49. Arrows of coloured flame and balls of fire began to fly to the east also; he estimated there were at least five hundred Guardians there by now

    50. His army had suffered great losses already, though he estimated it was only two or three thousand wounded or dead on the front lines

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