Use "even-handed" in a sentence
even-handed example sentences
1. We call this method “Fair Play To You And Your Teeth” because both you and your teeth get what you want! It is fair and even-handed
2. There is no even-handedness here, and to keep up with what is currently politically correct is reminiscent of the same problem writers for the Soviet Union’s state organs, Pravda and Isvestia, had to negotiate
3. Always careful to be even-handed in apportioning roles, he offered Terry the part of Apollo
4. Over the years, I have found that these people are fairly even-handed and reasonable with their requests
5. Even David Gregory, always known for his even-handedness, seemed testier than usual with his questions
6. That was at least even-handed, Caris thought
7. Therefore, I saw that here was a sort of interregnum in Providence; for its even-handed equity never could have so gross an injustice
8. It is this course, sir, this departure from even-handed neutrality between Great Britain and France, that has lost you the support of your own citizens to a great and alarming extent, and at this moment sustains the British Ministry in the hearts of Englishmen