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    Synonyms and Definitions

    Use "excitedly" in a sentence

    excitedly example sentences


    1. “Do you have a basketball hoop?” Toby asked excitedly

    2. ’ A man said excitedly

    3. ’ I hissed excitedly

    4. Trying to look gracious, I accept the offering and smile my thanks to the child who rushes back to her family jabbering excitedly

    5. Excitedly, she turned and grinned at Tarak with such innocent joy that he was momentarily taken aback

    6. Rayne continued excitedly, “this way it explains to the young ones where you came from and also eludes to Divine Intervention

    7. It’s not long before she excitedly drags me upstairs to show me the dress she’s bought for the wedding

    8. what had changed and she excitedly said, “Everything!”

    9. “You have a book on Earth?” He asked excitedly

    10. ’ I explained excitedly

    11. It was early in the day still, he hadn’t taken lunch, when someone he thought he was done with showed up excitedly at his office

    12. Spelman asked after Harry's journey and prospects, to which Kaitlyn listened and interjected comments excitedly

    13. Sitting there at looms were dozens of fairy ladies, who turned to stare at him, then whispered to each other excitedly

    14. Chloe pointed excitedly out towards the sea, “Ooh, look!” There through the late mists rising from the bay, rose what appeared to be the turrets and spires of a fairy tale castle

    15. “Look here! He's included a real stage at one end of the building! Oh Harry!” They pointed to the features and showed the others excitedly

    16. So when requests arrived from his family and friends back home for his own design talents to be applied toward their various projects, he slept little and excitedly drew up the packages

    17. Li-Li excitedly opened the package of coloured pencils and colouring book and started to colour

    18. his mind Jean was excitedly reminding himself that he’d

    19. discussion,” he said rubbing his hands excitedly, as is his habit

    20. joy it is, indeed, to tear open the envelop excitedly but carefully…

    21. “So what is the problem, Tejas, he said excitedly

    22. “He is the same man,” I excitedly remarked, remembering an old

    23. excitedly and then answered

    24. All the other students excitedly shouting off the

    25. Beside him the tawny-headed recruit, a man even younger still, excitedly turned to him

    26. “Yes, please; and then we can have lunch together,” Crissy added excitedly

    27. “Look inside the furnace, Your Highness,” Ashpenaz said excitedly as he pointed to the centre of the flames

    28. Song whispered to the Captain, whose eyes widened and nodded most excitedly

    29. They talked excitedly among themselves, pointing to the various areas of interest that caught their attention

    30. And with her eyes darting excitedly about the heavens, Penelope walked on back to the waking camp

    31. excitedly as she cart wheeled many meters

    32. You know it was a jail for a long time?” he said excitedly

    33. “Did you hear that sound as we passed near the centre?” Chris asked excitedly, staring back at the dust storm

    34. Could someone lend me a torch?” asked Kate excitedly

    35. “You have them too!?” she said excitedly, reaching out and gently grabbing Chris’ hand

    36. “Including where the other races live?” asked Chris, excitedly

    37. "Eric!" said Frank, excitedly

    38. “You have saved us, Adem Highlander!” Del said excitedly

    39. She stepped back and watched as he excitedly hauled the little mud cat to the shore and released it

    40. In front of the podium, rows of chairs had been set out, and journalists were beginning to filter in, chattering excitedly to each other

    41. “It was fun,” he said excitedly, then lowered his voice

    42. Mother bustled to it and I heard her give a gasp, then talk excitedly to our visitor

    43. The X-ray images appeared on the big computer screen and she lent forward excitedly, tapping on the keyboard to print out a hard copy of the image

    44. "O Lord!" she exclaimed excitedly, "here's ten-dollar bills! One, two, three, and a twenty-that makes five--and five are

    45. "Hurrah, the mail and express are in!" The girls ran excitedly to their rooms

    46. Soffen grabbed his paw excitedly

    47. My heart fluttered excitedly, it was right that I should accept him, he was a good, kind man and he loved me

    48. One or two badgers began whispering excitedly but quickly settled down when a guard approached them

    49. Before setting the phone down on one of my many phone calls to Rosalie she excitedly told me to watch the mailbox for a wedding invitation

    50. The driver was sitting next to an officer and listening to one of the Polish residents who was talking very excitedly

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    "excitedly" definitions

    with excitement; in an excited manner