Use "expand" in a sentence
expand example sentences
1. · Capital: Money raised from promoters and shareholders to start and expand the company's operational capabilities (Authorised-As per registration and increased with the approval of the share holders from time to time
2. driving force that the Universe uses to expand and create! All
3. It will help to extend the reach of the content you are creating, extend the number of times the content is going to be shared and will expand upon the potential audience
4. They allowed their minds to expand on a variety of subjects, especially ESP and telepathy
5. In this exercise the chest is allowed to expand fully during deep breathing, and it also removes stiffness of the neck and shoulders and so is a useful exercise with which to follow the Shoulderstand described in chapter four
6. Even an artificial life form will expand in numbers to fill its niche
7. We have to expand the pool
8. What I want to do here is expand both senses and
9. expand on the content of the book and is also is focussed on your
10. “It will be beneficial, at this point, to expand upon this vision by explaining to you the inner expression of an octave
11. She wasn't ready to expand on that thought, but he was
12. We need to expand our
13. Expand your expectations about how God is about to communicate with you
14. Though none but the elves could attest to such a claim, for only in their lifespan would its radius noticeably expand
15. In time we can expand, bring more people under rule
16. Then, in satisfaction of their envy to expand, they attract more and more particles
17. They expand on their own power
18. Man has not created bad and good; justice and injustice; the desire for changes; heroes and villains; love and hate; the need to eat; the feeling of satiety; the possibilities for particles to agglutinate, reshape, transform, expand and grow into something larger or more refined
19. Humans cannot measure it because it has the capacity to expand and retract according to one’s unique situation
20. Once I made the money, then I could expand my team, but I still needed a team
21. and that if you plan to expand and need them for more hours in the
22. Bullet point the key aspects and expand on the benefits to the customer
23. To dream that you are on a campus indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally
24. So about a year ago we decided to expand into other ventures
25. As we evolve and expand our awareness towards a state of Oneness we come up
26. Then you can expand your focus to include your entire body
27. Danny felt himself expand and contract
28. have more opportunities to expand your lists and the
29. - Channeled information has revealed that the present 7 chakras will expand to 12 and this will correspond to our new 12 auric layers and 12 layers/strands of DNAs, allowing the human being to reflect more of a multi-dimensional being than just a dense physical body
30. It is effected by Gaia (the living energy called Mother Earth) to expand its capacity for higher levels of energy
31. imaginations, we each need to expand our ability to
32. Jean had been looking for an assistant to help her expand her little business in natural cosmetics in Dublin, and Audrey had jumped at the opportunity to get back home
33. exploded and started to expand and grow so fast it is now billions
34. Latin, as I can attest, will expand your vocabulary exponentially
35. The only difference here was the amount of material and energy required to expand beyond its core system, beyond the limited space inside this underground hanger
36. How can the same mistakes be avoided if we don't know what they are because we have recorded them wrongly? That's why my books get boring sometimes and expand on things that in truth belong to the historian, and not so much to me
37. roof of their low house seemed to expand and rise, until it reached to
38. It seemed to expand in size with every passing second
39. As yet it was small, only reaching to the periphery of Brockenhurst Forest, but soon he would expand his influence to encompass all of Boddaert's Realm
40. In the left-hand pane, expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers by clicking on the + sign 3
41. In the Device Manager, expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers section
42. For they love their revenue and seek always to expand their businesses
43. In the left-hand pane, expand Internet Explorer and click on Connections
44. Firefox is great for those who want to expand their browser with add-ons and want it to do more than just open pages
45. As President, Tyler pushed for the annexation of Texas as a slave state, though the war to expand slavery would be provoked by Polk
46. Polk fought a war with Mexico to expand slavery
47. Polk began the war to expand slavery
48. Polk's war, begun to take territory to expand slavery, almost guaranteed its end
49. Ford and Carter were the only US presidents until Obama to not expand or use bio-chemical weapons
50. What: By his principled opposition to slavery (though he felt bound by the Constitution's recognition of it) Van Buren delayed both a war of aggression with Mexico to expand slavery and the genocide of California Indians that followed
51. Libertarian economists like Milton Friedman claimed the opposite, that the government caused the Depression by failing to expand the money supply
52. As it turned out, his assignment to the division came at a most opportune time: Costa Rica had recently succumbed to US pressure insisting that it expand its efforts against cocaine
53. She was hoping to capitalize on that relationship to expand her contacts in equestrian circles, but the arrest changed her schedule, putting Boston first, Kentucky second – business before pleasure
54. The US fought five wars to expand slavery, and conquered territory from the Mississippi River to the Pacific and beyond, to Hawaii and the Philippines
55. A sense of Someone benevolent, fertile, wise, seemed to expand within her chest, filling her body with light
56. As the memory of the pothole surfaced after so many centuries, a whole world of memory downloaded instantly, and her brain surface seemed to expand exponentially
57. This made sufficient room for matter and energy to expand outwards
58. “Empires may expand and contract over time, but on my planet, there are very few places with no people
59. Woe to those who houses and fields expand
60. Ignoring the conflicting thoughts and messages which tumbled in his mind he let the emotion of fear expand, experiencing it fully, but not becoming part of it
61. “Would you expand on what you mean by that
62. But, a project with dollar costs greater than benefits would never be passed after election under my scheme, if it would cause spending to expand beyond the S that the party ran on
63. Temptation toward the corruption of the Word with all the imaginative additions meant to explain and expand it, or justify avoidance of its strict observance
64. other penalties if the banks would not comply and refuse to grant them the authority to expand their
65. These testimonies are meant to expand
66. His visions, however, continued to expand, although they remained firmly fixed in the future
67. “Let’s define Karma again and expand on this concept
68. She created and brought to my attention opportunities to perform and expand my experience
69. Diversity—A nice-sounding term used to expand upon the “melting pot” metaphor often
70. Billy had taken it upon himself to expand the party considerably beyond the cast
71. As they started to expand their knowledge they began to create
72. In order to fulfill its destiny it must continue to expand from the original foundation it was created from
73. Whatever one studies will only help to expand one's mind to encompass a wider understanding of the world
74. Prime Minister, I recommend that we expand the evacuation zone to at least
75. We have always had a Khan and they have always wanted to expand their Khanate
76. Instead John would have to expand his market
77. lenses in to view it, it was becoming increasingly hard to focus as the creature had already begun to expand itself for its lucky
78. meaning to this verse that needs to be expand on by
79. EDC has helped expand and remain in the
80. Texas A&M University to expand their
81. Their aim is to expand the Court’s search for precedent beyond American shores to include the opinions of foreign judges, dignitaries, or political celebrities
82. and expand the presence of Frank’s Repair
83. franchise with plans to expand throughout the
84. , has continued to expand
85. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the volume of hell has to expand as souls are added
86. expand on the subject after I say, “Thank you,” but I always say “Thank
87. Once I saw clearly how this society is, after walking from town to town-and not traveling using wheels (where I would pass everything by and eliminate any help from angels), I made a choice to expand my search for truth by writing spiritual eBooks based on truth
88. I try to expand and see new things, and that is my overall theme
89. The manager asked me to expand my ability to solve his problems for other states as well
90. would soon expand to having 8 sewing machines
91. Expand your comfort zone Hypnotherapy audio session uses Hypnotherapy (an 'altered state of mind') to
92. introduction to expand your thinking about emotional intelligence, and then experience a relaxing
93. typically begins to expand, and become more porous
94. He traveled to Morelia, Mexico, in 1986 to expand the District’s "Semester in Mexico" and again in 1993 to evaluate the program
95. I fight with my bones as they ache to expand
96. opened up in the ground and began slowly to expand
97. had told everyone how they could have money to expand their
98. Filburn Case to expand the
99. Did you recognize the first listed name? Denny gave millions to expand its capacity, so it was named after him
1. His was a world of new technology, where television screens became ever bigger and where bandwidth expanded exponentially with the phases of the moon
2. How I had expanded the business to offer
3. and more is possible through two expanded forms of
4. where bandwidth expanded exponentially with the phases of the
5. The barrier of azure flames flickered and dimmed as the shiny black substance inside flexed and expanded, as if testing the limits of its prison
6. Initially, his power limited its growth, but little by little it expanded within him
7. With every beat of her heart the veins expanded, branching out further along the surface of her skin
8. I guided Izzy to sing her energy into a spun web, which expanded into delicate strands she could pluck and project towards the objects in front of her
9. “You, O king – because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has increased, reaching to the heavens, and your kingdom has expanded to the extremity of the earth – you yourself are the tree
10. Her own face began to recede as the murky star field of the Waghtnin gradually replaced the dimness around the spotlight that expanded to include her fully robed form, flanked on either side by two very large, very fearsome looking temple guardians whose tails flicked back and forth hungrily
11. In the first few moments of creation, as the universe expanded rapidly, this super odour split into the seventeen distinct units of smell as predicted by Chuff's Table
12. Pain pulsed throughout him, throbbing as bones expanded
13. His skin hardened into scales, this time covering his entire expanded body
14. On the other side of the veil, there is instead eternal bliss and an expanded sense of our existence
15. is strength of expanded clay gravel; ρb
16. Generally, ascended beings will also have an expanded sense of awareness and a greater level of intuition
17. I have expanded that question over the years to include
18. The beam expanded and turned into a brown mist
19. He put his finger on a city- block entrance and it suddenly expanded within the metre frame, then pushed inside to see the bare-bones structure: support struts and buckycarbon nanotube side frame
20. Subject to the full force of the expanded singularity he shot towards the mid point
21. He touched the screen again and the box expanded to show the message “Message received – will reply soon
22. Yet the slow-down penumbra had expanded to encompass as far as the orbit of Mars
23. Roidon’s mind-state had now expanded to almost five terabytes, the original memory added to by the immense knowledge of the device – its observation and theoretical reasoning
24. expanded so much that it will have swallowed up the Earth
25. Think about the high ranking executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack who earned (or embezzled) millions while, thanks to Chris Dodd in the senate and Barney Frank in the House, the two government-backed corporations were taking a nosedive due to the strict (Democrat) implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the egregious Jimmy Carter, and expanded and implemented under the equally egregious Bill Clinton
26. The rib cage is usually expanded
27. In time, the business grew and expanded in both business and in
28. He’d become familiar with every one of them over the years; the ticking of the hot water pipes as they expanded and contracted, the hum of the fridge in the kitchen, the drip of the bath tap, each one now loud in his ears
29. The disc hovered in the air for a moment, then tilted sharply, presenting its circular face to her, its mid-section flashing and shimmering as it expanded outwards towards its circumference
30. His successor John Tyler not only expanded slavery, he committed treason
31. I went through the lists and dozens of notes and tried to find the notes that I had left, but the board had expanded and got so full that my notes had simply disappeared
32. , Clinton, and GW Bush all continued and expanded Plan Colombia, even though during the 1990s and 2000s, Colombia had the worst human rights record anywhere in the Americas
33. After Sharon had done this, her aura expanded to double in size and in brightness as she released all of the suffering
34. As Costa Rica gave way to the political arm-twisting, so did other countries lying in cocaine’s northbound path as the field of players on both sides of the law expanded enormously
35. The division expanded again and again, giving seniority to those already in
36. And as our form and function change in response, we see our journey toward the ultimate love affair with new eyes, expanded vision, more comprehensive desires
37. It was his opinion that as a result the ring flourished and even expanded its markets into the nightclubs of San José
38. Juan was an aggressive businessman and expanded his operation steadily over the years
39. advantages, money economies have greatly expanded and the selection of goods
40. ” Brendan expanded with confidence in his conclusions
41. In the last ten years, I have expanded an interest from my earlier days and am both a qualified hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner
42. ? The words now part of the scroll was expanded over time
43. Eventually it appears, God’s spiritual guide, the Ten Commandments, given toward the beginning of their journey, appears to have been Deuteronomically expanded into the three hundred laws that Jesus seemed to have complained about
44. As they drew close, the Barrel flattened and expanded, and its ruffled surface resembled colourful layers of pleated cloth
45. And the churches that all the apostles and so many, many more had given up their lives for, had grown and expanded in all the imperfection of their devotion
46. President Wilson issued over 1800 executive orders which expanded the
47. Chad have been stopped and the Bank"s Department of Institutional Integrity has been expanded to help
48. The scant “clues” that we have inherited don’t allow us the pleasure of positive confirmation, but all of history succeeding that time seems to positively affirm that the “traditionalists” went on to eventual extinction, or at least their ideas did, as Man’s next best guess expanded toward the more powerful forces seen within climatic disturbances
49. As success expanded these communities’ boundaries, they came into immediate or eventual competitive contact with one another
50. Slowly the fund of knowledge expanded as one system of belief built upon and then eclipsed its elder
51. The sudden change was wild; all her insecurities and fears vanished like magic, her mind expanded as has it had never done before, and the focus of her attention moved from herself to the rest of the world
52. With its discovery, Marsh and Butler, at Berkeley, California went back over their decade-long collection of search data, and when they expanded their ideas about orbits, size, and composition, they found several planets they overlooked hidden in their trove
53. He prized and supported them and during his decade-long tenure, the college grew to five hundred students, as the scope of course offerings expanded
54. subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum expanded the use of the site and in 1947 acquired the land
55. Since meteorologists and thermometers weren’t around to measure this expanded time
56. Tiger Carter and Darrin, wings expanded, were next to them
57. “Have you expanded your wings today?” Ash asked, as he grabbed his things and stuffed them in a bag
58. Moving in after returning from visiting my parents, our spirits expanded
59. It was easier since they were already expanded
60. “This part of the airport was completely redone and expanded when they first moved in here,” Nita says
61. As the war progressed, the bombing expanded to most of the cities, with huge civilian losses on both sides
62. As the range of conflict and conquest expanded through
63. One only has to start ascending to a higher vibrational level to begin tuning into this expanded awareness of consciousness
64. A class is an expanded concept of a data structure: instead of holding only data, it can hold both data and
65. An inline function is a function that is expanded in
66. Henry had first expanded the eastern flank and conquered the Chacha, the Moyopampa, the Chillao, and the Casca-yunga, all in the highlands east of the Q’asa-marka and Huamachucu
67. industrial revolution, expanded into what had gradually become
68. The Anishinabe had expanded into most of their old homelands
69. They, too, had expanded north and west
70. The vast boundary of the Plate expanded out in front of them like
71. “That’s too small an area; it should be expanded to
72. He told me that the Ayrate had expanded far eastward and southward in the wake of the imploding populations of the Iyehyeh and Southeastern Cities many years ago
73. It wasn’t very old but had expanded quite a bit and was rather spread out along the south side of the river
74. should have been expanded to at least eighty kilometers, as the IAEA suggested
75. They had also expanded eastward into the vacuum
76. 7 living creature; But God appointed this bird thereto; And he expanded his wings, and I saw on his right wing very large letters, as
77. A historical figure who greatly expanded the Inka Empire
78. It greatly expanded and consolidated China, but only lasted until the death of the first emperor in 210 BC, after which civil wars broke out again
79. Zhou—a Chinese-speaking northwestern Chinese tribe and dynasty (Chou) that overthrew the Shang Dynasty in 1122 BC and greatly expanded their territory over all of North China and even into the Yangtze River Valley in the south
80. specialty high school that offers expanded
81. the expanded cancer treatment center to be
82. has expanded beyond the traditional hospital
83. and expanded into Amarillo with the pur-
84. the Tri-State area and have expanded to being
85. They have expanded their online services
86. offers today have expanded considerably
87. company expanded, it was relocated to its
88. It has also expanded into to the Dallas
89. expanded the company into fab-
90. It seems that since the issuance of Word 97 the hi-tech gurus at Microsoft had expanded their interest beyond chips, gigabytes, and teraflops to massage the vocabulary of those who use Microsoft Word
91. It was some 85 or 90 years ago that the notion of ready-made “sculpture” was expanded to include the display of a common urinal
92. Under fascism evil is expanded to implicate the whole of society, and the number of those caught in its net as willing perpetrators is vastly increased
93. expanded the pages of my simulated book, I caught a glimpse of seven different shapes
94. The implication could be further expanded such that
95. Expanded awareness of our interconnection with others
96. As the one State expanded everywhere: matter, time, space
97. “Two days later the list of targets expanded to five, including more
98. · Image will be cropped to a 4:3 aspect ratio and resized to 120px by 90px when expanded and 120px by 120px when embedded
99. “The point scientists say the universe expanded from,” Gabriel said
1. Most of these you can grow yourself! We are constantly expanding this list with every printing
2. The creation process as enunciated in our religious scriptures matches to a great extent with the evolving scientific hypothesis of Big Bang and expanding and contracting universe
3. He also professes hopes of expanding his club internationally noting that
4. With the internet expanding on a daily basis, the available means of communication given
5. Not for her any serious preparations or special tactical considerations, she'd be receiving special attention from her massage therapist, expanding her mind on something exotic, receiving visitors and doing deals, safe on her boat with mindless mercenaries at her beck and call
6. They may also help small groups with other challenges, such as training volunteers and staff or expanding the reach of the services they provide
7. Low moans could be heard up stairs, from the wood expanding and contracting to the differing temperatures outside
8. in Delhi, I have been thinking of expanding my operations for
9. It’s sort of like the cockroaches in my kitchen, right? They keep expanding and expanding and expanding and with that, my cooking duties without a doubt become much more complex since it appears that I am constantly sharing my edibles with an ever greater number of non-rent-paying tenants in my abode
10. I know that you opened an outpost in Hawksen, Flintwood, about 4 years ago, after expanding from the United States, where you have a lot of outposts
11. The mind will find it difficult to focus on more than one sense at a time; however, if you just allow yourself to be aware of each new sense, without letting go of the other, you may find yourself expanding your mindful awareness to include each new sense as it arises
12. There are some who believe that smells will go on expanding, gradually dissipating so that they lose all their energy, in much the same way that taste has done in a number of multi-national fast food outlets
13. The expanding (swelling) of concrete volume occurs during continuous storage of the specimens in the water
14. The universe is expanding
15. The pie is actually constantly expanding because wealth
16. value and expanding possibilities for others; but they
17. The bubble was holding, and it was also expanding exponentially
18. He had no way to measure the extent of the wave, although even the worse- case simulation models showed it being distorted and held back from spreading unencumbered, not being able to form its own expanding sphere
19. On the screen they could see the profile of the vessel slowly change, expanding and morphing gradually
20. hope was that within the expanding primary bubble they could get some decent acceleration
21. 4 If we wanted to perform an experiment that would prove that galaxies and other celestial objects in space are in general moving away from us, how would we go about doing this? The initial thought that led people to believe that objects are moving away from Earth (and that the Universe, as a result of this, is thought to be expanding), originated when they encountered the red-shift phenomenon when viewing the majority of stars and/or galaxies
22. In the most common models, the Universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with an incredibly high energy density, huge temperatures and pressures, and was very rapidly expanding and cooling
23. elders and thus can have the effect of expanding or
24. Arawn transferred knowledge to his mind through words and images shared by the kigare during his meditation and Adem felt, that over time, his scope of perception was also expanding
25. And yet Congress keeps on expanding into more and more fields
26. “The poor have been used as human shields behind which the expanding welfare state can advance
27. By then he was in charge of sales for a rapidly expanding insurance company in Florida
28. He watched the spiral patterns as it churned out, expanding then folding in on itself
29. As our (collective) body of shared values continue to diminish under the dynamic influence of multiculturalism and where the evolution of self-contained communities, especially in our inner cities, continues mapping their (own) chartered course, such events must inevitably give rise to expanding pockets of diverse groups who, as a rule, feel more at ease in their (own) ethnic environments perceived to be culturally and socially sympathetic to their needs contrasted by ‖homogenous‖ groups who, increasingly threatened by ―foreign‖ values that provide little, if any meaning, seek refuge of their own
30. To him, it was inconceivable that Brockenhurst Sett could erupt into an expanding fireball, devouring all before it– that badgers would die horrible deaths, beating at flames as they sprang into life on their fur
31. Meanwhile, future (employment) opportunities continue to look grim for the American Worker as companies are presently finding themselves in the enviable position of being able to secure their labor requirements from an expanding (global) pool of labor including such (potential) resources who are routinely flaunting our nation‘s borders
32. It was one of SAP COIN favourite ways of expanding a more practical fatherly talk to wayward constables who carried cast-off ones around for punishment
33. America should seriously reassess the decrepit condition of its rapidly decaying interstate highways, many of which have grown exhausted, if not (functionally) depleted from wear and tear; dysfunctional anachronisms that are seemingly unable to meet the commuter requirements of rapidly expanding populations
34. To the Geek Girls, with their unflagging support for my expanding list of projects and enterprises
35. Since their union, he had poured most of the family’s money and resources into expanding his properties
36. Then a single large tear rolled from her eye and down to the end of her snout before dropping off and hitting the now calm surface of the pool with a soft plop, rippling its surface outwards in an ever expanding circle
37. At his touch the likeness disintegrated, expanding outwards into ever widening ripples
38. expanding in proportion to (spiritual) phenomena that becomes (increasingly) receptive to (intuitive) logic and reason, a refined (spiritual) awareness that neither compromises nor inhibits the One constant at once approachable however ―inaccessible‖ to the mind, a (seemingly) moving target within (the) reach of a receptive imagination however evading the limited scope of rational thought, whose mysteries eventually become apparent through a strengthening of Faith and Divine Trust, alone…
39. A great emptiness expanding, to the further hardening of his heart
40. This is the inevitable outcome of expanding global economies and the pursuit of cheaper labor abroad that has raised domestic competition to a fevered pitch
41. How else does one explain his abysmal record on Immigration, lack of Social Security and Energy reform, reckless spending, expanding deficits (despite enjoying majorities in both Houses of Congress) while engaging the nation in a politically correct war that has clearly lost its momentum?
42. greater importance in the foreseeable future as population growth and expanding suburbs will further strain commuter travel as well as our environment in the coming years
43. The Confederacy went to war because they did not agree with the results of a fair election, and started the war because there was an outside chance the lawful winner, Lincoln, might somewhat restrict slavery in the future from expanding
44. exponential demands of a growing workforce? What would the ―social/welfare costs‖ associated with an expanding under-class (we will always have the poor among us) entail? Where would the money come from? At what point would euthanasia (my friend is a faithful liberal) be considered an appropriate remedy for the unproductive /aging/sickly elements of our population? (even demi-gods aren‘t immortal)
45. ) A Democratic state legislature majority even succeeded in 1860 in expanding Indian slavery from “orphans” and “vagrants” to virtually any Indian by forcing ten year apprenticeships on them, de facto slavery
46. “I know it doesn’t look like it, but this place used to be very successful before the owner died and squabbles among his sons caused it to be shut,” Brian explained, expanding his arms to the emptiness of his casino
47. The law does provide for expanding the death penalty for terrorists, but so far that has not been used
48. We had to go about half a mile through the expanding puffs of black Archie smoke, over the enemy trenches
49. Simon took a long expanding curve around the almost diamond-cross-sectioned hill which the road wrapped around and decided this was the moment to strike
50. How is this possible? Easy: infinity has been expanding outwards at infinitely variable velocities since the dawn of Creation
51. Only on the other side of that expanding wave front is any objective reality possible
52. “But we had half a dozen species expanding outwards from their home systems
53. It was just an expanding cloud, with no particular destination in mind
54. Legends do seem to have a way of expanding from an original point of reality, but connections can be evinced from them
55. ‘Arrrgh! shouted Trevor, expanding his chest so abruptly he almost split his spacesuit
56. The third caliph, Othman was the first to have success against the remaining lands of the Roman-Christian Eastern (Byzantine) Empire of Constantine, expanding farther into the Persian (Iranian) heartland, and finally beginning the move west of their homeland into North Africa (AD 645–690)
57. Could it be that they didn’t have to contend with as rapid or numerous environmental changes as Man, who radiated out into many differing climatic zones and exponentially expanding dangers?
58. From there, expanding into chains of these molecules, some, joining like to like and some matching up with others that had some kind of affinity or attractive power
59. While the soldiers were expanding theirs, Selena had already stabbed one through the heart and was halfway through stabbing the other
60. At the library, housed in a historic building in the middle of the city, I worked “back-stage” doing the subject cataloguing for all incoming books, editing the computer records, expanding the thesaurus used by this section, and writing articles as requested
61. The expanding of my own awareness entered a new phase one day while the ibis were away
62. The black girders chase one another up to the roof, crossing, tightening, and expanding
63. There was the gradual tick of expanding metal, heating up
64. Then he turned east and spent the next five years expanding his conquest
65. Rome was known for her law, an outgrowth of the administrative and technical problems posed by its expanding domain
66. With the Indians in flight westward, might the settlers of the expanding new country have pursued the most enlightened policies ever conceived by a “conquering culture”? As
67. Fearing she would not be able to react in time, I quickly reached out to her, pulled her close to my body and envisioned my thought shield expanding to surround both of us
68. We are constantly working on expanding our collection, so with a bit of luck you will never run out of books to study
69. It was what the remnant of the Iyehyeh have done and they are flourishing and expanding
70. The Coosa had been expanding back into their old territory which somehow the Ani’ Yun’-wiya had missed
71. expanding his wings receives its fiery 6 rays
72. The reason, he said, was that in authorizing the Court to issue the writ Congress was expanding upon the original jurisdiction of the Court as provided in the Constitution
73. ness, expanding into the Dallas/Fort Worth
74. updating and expanding their certifications
75. …” He sees the “unless” exceptions as relating first to abortion, and then expanding to the terminally ill, to those suffering intense pain, to those whose lives are judged “useless,” and so on
76. If hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose
77. Of course, if hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of 89
78. The nanomole is expanding and preparing the neurons, axons and chemical messages in the brain to completely take over the human host
79. petuating and expanding consciousness
80. Expanding upon these
81. Expanding that thought, he wondered what could be positive in darkness
82. The political leaders, with the ‘consistent / influencial’ assistance of the ‘media’ --- during years of influence by special interest groups and expanding technology --- giving them the ability to reach small and large audiences and to slowly but surely and, with virtually no counter movement by the “vocal opposition”--- have convinced many voters to accept their ‘point of view’
83. Supreme Court case expanding the scope and media of permissible lawyer advertising
84. Keep the credit lines with your bank open and expanding if necessary by maintaining a
85. company that was expanding very rapidly in the following markets:
86. The battle of Armageddon is coming and Satan is busy expanding his army
87. row inmates and then, moments later, to vote in favor of expanding them
88. He was “on the road again” desperately trying to replace those lost future revenues by expanding the balloon and telemetry businesses where PSL had no peers
89. I am on the edge of an expanding x-y plane pushing
90. In expanding economies, yesterday’s luxury becomes today’s necessity
91. And expanding mind
92. My awareness has grown outward from this stone in an expanding sphere, and I’ve now Read at least the last year of everyone within fifteen kilometers of here
93. Throughout his career, expanding educational opportunities for others was his highest nonbusiness priority
94. No matter how good a paper is, if you don’t have a good and expanding market you aren’t going to grow that much
95. 75 million were reinvested in buying and expanding a building housing a bank in Ithaca
96. Even though the company had enough money to make the acquisition, he told my mother that Erie was a bad place to do business, was infiltrated by organized crime and that expanding into that area would be dangerous
1. If asked to explain, scientists would probably say: “Time expands or contracts according to a number of physical factors in a define situation
2. It expands and uplifts
3. “So, water expands when it freezes, it could burst the tubs, we’d lose some and I don’t think we can afford to do that
4. The inconsistent translation of I Timothy 5:17 expands
5. Michael McCullough, expands on this by explaining that when
6. He expands on this by explaining that the emotions of sex,
7. up strife, and the furious man expands in transgression; man's pride shall bring him low, but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit
8. Karma increases and expands
9. The upper body expands outwards
10. Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) variant
11. But this much I do know: this project, the Occidental State's project, expands on your little discovery
12. water expands when it gets colder
13. spending, one, time legislation that expands federal spending in
14. A square of space expands from the void
15. The man expands there
16. one, darkness and light, a void that sucks in but expands, an
17. As the name implies, this virtual needle of Force is able to penetrate most shielding both magic and mundane, and upon reaching the soft interior of the body of the foe, it expands to sufficient diameter to inflict fatal damage
18. Interestingly enough, as the dark expanse in our classical universe expands (as scientists now predict), it would also mean that higher energy universes (which are dark or invisible from our perspective, currently) are also expanding
19. Cognition expands dramatically
20. than the astral body It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is
21. As the star expands, its outer layers become cooler, so the star
22. And because the star's surface area expands greatly,
23. As the triple-alpha process continues, the core expands, but its
24. If one of the stars expands so much that its
25. His support of Israel expands his funding
26. expands so use nurturing statements to
27. expands all his levels of consciousness so he/she can reach
28. embraces the neophyte as described above, and expands Himself to include
29. the aura of the pupil, it is really the central heart of fire which so expands and includes him, for all through the ceremony of acceptance he is already far
30. you will realize that the consciousness expands more and more, without
31. Sometimes the individual buys a second home or renovates and expands the present one
32. expands in the air,
33. coach expands the client’s awareness of how to experience
34. expands our system so that we have negative as well as positive numbers
35. The resulting deep, unresolved past hurts keep many white and black Christian leaders divided in America while a much more powerful, reconciled witness expands in some other nations
36. Water expands when cold, and
37. should be pointed out that as the universe expands these dimensions also
38. expands, the slower time will be throughout the universe
39. expands, the slower time will be throughout the universe because space
40. As space expands, Relativity suggests that time slows down and it does
41. It should also be mentioned that as space expands the
42. expands by whatever amount, then the diameter of the circle expands by
43. We know that time is slowing down as the universe expands
44. that he thought it would be, and he very often expands the job to fit his budget
45. Take in a deep breath that expands your midsection
46. gravity in a big bang that expands and redistributes matter through the universe?
47. Furthermore, it expands and gives you more of what you don’t want
48. Now your vocabulary expands and you should use it correctly
49. 'Then the Universe expands until gravitational forces stop the expansion and cause the Universe to contract
50. Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes
51. The crumbling sound of rock as it expands from the intense
52. Kubrick expands on his view of the man's futile hope of salvation
53. expands the wonder at the beautiful complexity of brain and
54. encapsulates and expands all of these systems, it is complete
55. The radial seal expands
56. Officer Remmit expands the image again
57. I tap each icon he points to until a schematic of the Ember expands and rotates on the display
58. In emergency situations such as this, our intellect expands to something like the level of Einstein’s when he came up with that wonderful theory everyone knows but no one understands or really gives a toss about
59. People are always happy to exchange money for something which they perceive will be of value to them; therefore as your knowledge/skill set expands and evolves so does your income
60. Finally, the more you take care of it and glorify this love, the more you feel that this flower expands and tightly surrounds your 166
61. The solution is to have the heater operating until the cylinder expands (elongates) to a specified size and then have an electrical switch to switch off heater power supply
62. The services provided by a Credit Bureau expands from the basic credit report to extended financial information, historical factors, and in many cases, can assist in tracing the debtor in the case of default (debt collection)
63. The company expands and create more job opportunities
64. So Isaiah expands the abilities of the name
65. mortal frame of the medium expands visibly
66. Themselves (and retitling the note as it morphs and expands and grows)
67. Breathing is not a problem and you start to see more and more of the world around you as your vantage point expands
68. Science takes charge of health, wellbeing and expands consciousness for life sustainability
69. However, as the crystal expands, it continuously sheds its outer layer
70. Control expands thoughts as we talk without having mythical dreams
71. In these iWorlds, toxicity of information in any system is a cancer that expands beyond itself virally reproducing a cascading info-nami across other zones and habitations, extending beyond the virtual into the real
72. Reinvestment Act of 2009 expands the list to include expenses
73. Integrating intelligences shared, we see farther down the road than we know how to travel, our eyes seeing no path and feet feeling no ground, as the now expands faster and farther than we perceive; yet, we receive it – receptors in the GlobalMind
74. The fabric of space is the energy of persistent current as perpetual motion – this is the vibration of space and how it expands
75. The first existential lie is established here, and from this point on it expands and pollutes every relationship between individuals and entire populaces
76. The vagina expands while the clitoris, like men’s penis, expands too
77. As the Net expands, a compelling VPP will be essential
78. His chest slowly expands to its intimidating size as he attempts to suck in the entire morning aroma coming from the bakeries on shore
79. Every sailor quietly sucks in their bellies and expands their elated chest to accept his announcement
80. As our universe expands out into the void, will the matter that
81. There is so much information in there that expands
82. when ever some thing is heated it expands, as we have put in 3 different heats
83. This very letter BaM expands and spreads to the ends
84. It expands to about 3 times its size as it dries
85. that expands to embrace
86. In a profound experience of truth, the sense of me softens and expands to such a degree that there’s only a slight sense of me as a separate self remaining, perhaps just as the observer of the vastness of truth
87. When you encounter truth, the sense of your self opens, expands, softens, fills in, and lets go
88. Your true teacher is this sensitive and accurate Heart, which expands and contracts as it senses the endless folding and unfolding of life
89. As always, your own Heart is the truest guide to these larger dimensions and possibilities, but the reason the sense of your self expands when your view of the truth is more complete is because you are the truth
90. In a profound experience of truth, the sense of me softens and expands to such a degree that there is only a slight sense of me as a separate self remaining, perhaps just as the observer of the vastness of truth
91. When consciousness expands and opens into a new expression, we call that an awakening
92. "When water in the ground freezes into ice it expands, and this expansion pushes upon everything in the ground including all the rocks and boulders
93. It expands endlessly and without any need
94. It teaches us a lot in life and expands our thinking capacity
95. It still expands, and doesn't break up, even at close range
96. The SST is a good all-round cartridge because it expands immediately on contact - I have seen this many times myself - but also has the capacity for deep penetration
97. It expands well when hitting entrails, which is very important in North America