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    fables example sentences


    1. their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” ( 2 Timothy 4:1-4)

    2. He reached back into the cradle of equality where democratic histories and fables languished, forgotten and ridiculed

    3. Mister Cameron is blessed with the sort of fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been granted to mere mortals in return for a lien on their soul

    4. fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been

    5. He might have known more about this civilization than she did, he studied all the old myths and fables

    6. To dream of reading fables represent your literary mind and romantic notions

    7. As soon as writing came into fashion, wise men, or those who fancied themselves such, would naturally endeavour to increase the number of those established and respected maxims, and to express their own sense of what was either proper or improper conduct, sometimes in the more artificial form of apologues, like what are called the fables of Aesop; and sometimes in the more simple one of apophthegms or wise sayings, like the proverbs of Solmnon, the verses of Theognis and Phocyllides, and some part of the works of Hesiod

    8. Inveterate liar and maker of fables

    9. Some fables but much truth in his „The Histories

    10. 2Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables

    11. The bible is a collection of stories that may be considered fables or moral stories

    12. merchants of Merrha, and of Theman, and the tellers of fables, and searchers of prudence and understanding, but the way of wisdom

    13. Some of the parables and fables are common to other cultures, such as Greece or Persia

    14. The children of Hagar also that search after the wisdom that is of the Earth the merchants of Merrha and of Theman and the tellers of fables and searchers of prudence and understanding but the way of wisdom they have not known neither have they remembered her paths

    15. I state is sound and without mixtures of fables or

    16. Fables & two-bit stories are told around the purple fire

    17. Many a thief sought to gain the treasure which fables said lay heaped about the moldering bones inside the dome

    18. You instructed us that, when using illustrations for our preaching, we should employ true stories, not fables, and that we should select a story best suited to the illustration of the one central and vital truth which we wished to teach the people, and that, having so used the story, we should not attempt to make a spiritual application of all the minor details involved in the telling of the story

    19. But myths and fables of eld, Asia's, Africa's fables,

    20. O you fables spurning the known, eluding the hold of the known, mounting to heaven!

    21. (A) The Bible is a collection of stories that may be considered fables or moral stories

    22. it came from much farther off, unearthed by the rain’s pitchfork from the days when in Melquíades’ room he would read the prodigious fables about flying carpets and whales that fed on entire ships and their crews

    23. behind the stories and fables of the Bible

    24. That doctrine may have had the age old stories, fables, myths and histories and

    25. stories, fables, rituals and feasts; all the traditions of the history of the doctrine but without

    26. course also refers to doctrine of myths, fables and rituals and superstition of the church

    27. On the surface there is the literal meaning, the stories and fables, but

    28. just as foretold in their fables of old,

    29. “We are not to be pleasers of men, nor followers of the fables given to many from the sect of our forefathers that has placed a yoke upon as many as would follow their regulations

    30. They were devout in their opinions, and he decided that this matter was to be handled subtly, but could and would be broken quickly if need be, for a Truth had been given, and could in no way return back to the fables of the blind

    31. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies

    32. I had to remind myself, as the fables suggested, the

    33. I need not tell many who read these pages that unbelievers and sceptics abound in these days, who make a dead set at the miracles of the Bible, and are incessantly trying to throw them overboard as useless lumber, or to prove by ingenious explanations that they are fables and no miracles at all: Let us never be afraid to resist such teaching steadily, and to take our stand by the side of St

    34. Ailia had heard stories about the Great Sentinor when she was a child, but as she grew older, she dismissed them as nothing more than mere fables

    35. inhabitants, have indulged in fables utterly without foundation

    36. Fables, slavery, crimes, fatal promises are the realities of souls

    37. All the wordily religions are but fables that will lead to hell because religions are not about to fit your purpose, it is about whether you are eligible to meet heaven’s perfection; with the practical outcome required

    38. They were all silly stories, fables about animals who could speak, that sort of thing, and I wasn’t really listening but it was nice to have his voice there

    39. television and Hollywood would lead you to believe that the Bible is a fairytale book of fables

    40. Aesop in one of his fables tells the story of the man, the boy, and the donkey

    41. He has become the object of fables and fairy tales

    42. This will definitely change the views and divert the mind to only live and believe in the truth of our existence, turning away from the myths, fables, fairytales, illogical and whimsical ideologies called religions

    43. Fables are myths and tales, which means, fabricated, distorted and exaggerated stories made up to impress and dominate people

    44. In the same way fables help people to cling on to the untrue larger than life images of people and other living beings and of events that never was or exaggerated and blown out of proportion for people to worship such super humans or beings

    45. All these were fables and people of those times believed in it and its legends

    46. With time, those fables became obsolete and newer and better fables replaced it

    47. For instance, the fables in religions, practiced now, would one day lose its popularity with better and superior minds, with the passing of time

    48. Fables being based upon fallacy and untrue stories cannot withstand the test of time

    49. The karma in such divided opinions over already concocted fables, are always bad and unhealthy

    50. He just sat patiently for hours in front of the door, reading to her children's fairy tales and fables

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