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    Use "fairly good" in a sentence

    fairly good example sentences

    fairly good

    1. Hugh was in a fairly good mood

    2. I wasn’t exactly sure where it was, but I had a fairly good idea and felt I could ask along the way

    3. Theodore and I rode at a fairly good clip and were near Xochimilco when it grew dark

    4. My heart was beating out of my chest, I knew I was a fairly good dancer but I’d never done anything like this before

    5. stuffed into the cracks in the walls made for fairly good insulation

    6. The animals were still in fairly good health, but they

    7. And I gather he’s paid fairly good prices

    8. Thus his long-term needs were reasonably well covered—if he never invested another cent, through reinvested dividends and growth in the stock market he would be in fairly good shape come age sixty-five

    9. We had come through and, considering those few seconds of stress, were in fairly good shape

    10. work there and have a fairly good knowledge of the layout

    11. He was dressed as one of the royal guards which was a fairly good disguise

    12. over tomorrow! Today was a fairly good day, but nothing to be compared with

    13. Although he was a fairly good administrator, he was a moral coward

    14. If you ran into this system code, you could just search your program for the division operation since it was rare in programs and you would have a fairly good idea of your problem

    15. fairly good, in Google and they have both 40500 average search volume

    16. That means yeah, there is a fairly good chance it's connected

    17. � She appeared in fairly good shape already, as she sustained Nancy�s pace with no problems while chatting with her

    18. “Really?” he said with some surprise, knowing that she was a fairly good judge of character

    19. Now having a fairly good protection against the steel shrapnel that was about to fly around, Jennifer set her weapons on the floor near her, ready to be grabbed quickly, and crouched behind her improvised protection

    20. The girl was actually a fairly good dancer and she was certainly pretty and sexy, she conceded to herself

    21. This meant that there was actually a way of getting away from planet Earth, and even better, a fairly good chance of earning a considerable fortune by helping Grobut recover the Eryx

    22. ?' Stazl asked, although he had a fairly good idea what the answer would be

    23. In so doing, you will have a fairly good idea what to expect down the road as to relative shade and whether or not the tree will continue to fit in the space provided

    24. Stick had a fairly good idea where they were headed,

    25. The program selected at random from a list Garcia had provided it; the odds of it being played were fairly good

    26. She had hinted at a relationship before, so even if he lost on purpose, it was a fairly good bet that she would attempt to hook up with him regardless, especially factoring in the limits of recreation and the amount of time they were to be couped up in a confined space

    27. those who follow the rules of enlightened self interest and are fairly good chaps but cannot understand why

    28. ‘’Our geological team on the spot has by now composed a fairly good radar picture of the object embedded 200 meters under the surface ice of Eris

    29. Correctly identifying the various expressions flickering across her face, Joel had a fairly good notion of what she was thinking

    30. room where they turned into a fairly good sized office complete with a

    31. I thought I was in fairly good shape but I struggled to keep up with her

    32. Ben had tucked himself away in the nearby nurse’s station while completing a few charts before going home and he said he had a fairly good view of what transpired

    33. because they are fairly good eaters

    34. She used to give Gothel shoulder rubs, and with years of corrections she has gotten fairly good at them

    35. A fairly good example of this was the Hippie Movement

    36. She raised her own chickens and was fairly good at cooking

    37. She had made a fairly good

    38. In those days trade was fairly good and although there was not much demand for the more artistic kinds of work, still the fact that he was capable of doing them, if required, made it comparatively easy for him to obtain employment

    39. The greater number of them fairly good workmen and - unlike the boozers in Crass's coach - not yet quite heartbroken, but still continuing the hopeless struggle against poverty

    40. Honestly, I consider myself to be fairly good at finances if you don’t compare me to normal people

    41. He now handed her a packet containing a fairly good sum of money, which he had obtained from his bankers for the purpose

    42. That is a fairly good indication of how successfully it has been managed

    43. ” A fairly good idea of the accomplishments of this top group can be obtained by examining the published results of the funds they manage

    44. The paper trail is also fairly good in giving clues about insider overreaching

    45. By now you should have a fairly good idea of what your basic allocation should look like

    46. Not much is known about it, but she must have been fairly good because Lyon arranged for her to have a film test

    47. “From my understanding, it was a fairly good conversation

    48. You always want to use your capital as efficiently as possible and I think we're fairly good at sizing positions based on the revaluation opportunities present

    49. However, it seemed to me that I had done a fairly good morning's work, and I walked back in high spirits to Farnham

    50. He could not well negotiate the trees with his awkward burden, but he kept to the trails, and so made fairly good time

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